Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

That makes zero sense.

It's like saying if my oven runs 20 degrees low, I have to throw away the oven, instead of correcting what setting I use.

In the real world, people correct for errors.
No, the idea that we can use hundred year old readings to compare them to modern readings is like saying that your great grandma's oven was just as accurate in setting its temperature as a modern day electric oven with electronic controls and internal thermometer.
You're a denier, so it was just a matter of time. You know, before you regressed to crazy conspiracy theories to explain why all the data says you're wrong.

I've seen the faked lists. Would you like to repost one, so your dishonesty can be highlighted? You'll post a list of things that were never predicted, things taken wildly out of context, things that non-climate scientists said, things that had nothing to do with climate, things that only one guy said, and things that were proven to be correct.
In other words, you will explain away the fact that alarmists have been consistently wrong.

Meanwhile, the actual climate predictions have been excellent.

You are entitled to yoru feelings, but don't imagine that they're based on the science. The facts don't care about your feelings.
Nor yours.

When you have actual evidence that human's cause the climate to change, I'll be happy to look at it.
That was just a dumb opinion piece from a paid hack. You're regurgitating crazy right-wing propaganda.

So what's next, telling us about the COVID hoax? Talking about how Trump won the election? If you're going to spout crazy right-wing propaganda, go all out.


On of my ongoing points is that denialism, being purely political kookery, is now only pushed now by right-wing uber-fascist cranks. Denialism is a mandatory belief of that cult.

Thus, I thank the resident uber-fascist cranks here for jumping in to prove my point so conclusively. They're literally not capable of discussing the topic without melting down into various hysterical political conspiracy theories.

If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instanlty vanish along with it, because it's pure politics.

If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change a bit, because it's actual science.
Nietzsche said “truth doesn't mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged.”
Taken into account.

Taken into account, which caused a screaming meltdown in deniers.

That's not how science works. You don't say "You have to prove it's not fairy magic, otherwise we must assume it is fairy magic!". You're the one proposing fairy magic, so you need to show it exists.

You could look this stuff up yourself. Why don't you? Why do you expect us to spoonfeed you?
I visualize you being very pissed off that climate ends up normal and not willing to harm you.
On of my ongoing points is that denialism, being purely political kookery, is now only pushed now by right-wing uber-fascist cranks. Denialism is a mandatory belief of that cult.

Thus, I thank the resident uber-fascist cranks here for jumping in to prove my point so conclusively. They're literally not capable of discussing the topic without melting down into various hysterical political conspiracy theories.

If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instanlty vanish along with it, because it's pure politics.

If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change a bit, because it's actual science.
Your special talent is denying.
I would love to read your answer to this.

Why didn't FDR ever mention this to the nation?
Why didn't Truman ever bring it up?
Why didn't John Kennedy talk about this topic?
Why didn't Johnson manage to discuss this?
Why wasn't this the party platform of Carter?
Why didn't Clinton bring it up?

Were they all denialists too?
Deniers were humiliated over that BigLie a decade ago, and you want to revisit it? Wow.

It's fasciinating, how emotionally invested in the BigLie you are. A brave person just tells the truth. that the librals side is far more honest. You're indepednent song and dance is fundamentally gutless.

Now, what other debunked propaganda do you want to sell us? You're going all-in with the kook-right propaganda now, so don't stop now.
The Big lie came when Gore left office. Even Bill Clinton had not spread the enormous lie.
Records have been broken in my garden this year. Last year 979,437,465 blades of grass grew on my lawn, this year there's 979,437,466. Grr, damn you climate change for smashing my grass record. Next year I might have one more extra, I might not live at this rate of increase.
This witness invited by Democrats is very typical of warming alarmists.

He’s only about as old as Greta T. Both can be forgiven for their youthful foolishness.

The alarmists on here are old enough to know better, but choose to flaunt their ignorance.
This witness invited by Democrats is very typical of warming alarmists.

He’s only about as old as Greta T. Both can be forgiven for their youthful foolishness.

The alarmists on here are old enough to know better, but choose to flaunt their ignorance.

I saw that on You Tube this past week and my testimony is you are correct that happened when the boy was questioned by Sen. Kennedy.
I saw that on You Tube this past week and my testimony is you are correct that happened when the boy was questioned by Sen. Kennedy.
I actually felt bad for the guy, because he's young and being used by people who are making big bucks off the global warming scare.

I was hoping Kennedy would ask one he could answer like "what's the difference between a cross-country ski and a downhill ski?"
Why didn't FDR ever mention this to the nation?
You're asking why FDR didn't talk about climate change?

You're kind of a moron.

You surround yourself with other morons, hence you don't understand that you're a moron.

In the denier cult, it's normal to be a moron. All the deniers here are part of a low-IQ crowd. Just look at their posts.

Sadly, some of them vote, and their vote counts as much as a normal person's vote.
Hey, do you know how much of the Earth's atmosphere is carbon? Ski boy had no idea, what about you?
Dang, you're dumber than Kennedy, and just as butthurt.

An expert witness is supposed to address one topic. It's not a surprise when they don't know the whole topic. Kennedy and you look really stupid for failing at that basic point.

So, can you answer your own question? It will be amusing to find out how little you know on the topic.

I suggest you deflect to something else now. That is what you're good at, after all. Maybe run and see what the latest talking points from Moscow and Beijing are, the ones that your masters want to pass down to you.
Dang, you're dumber than Kennedy, and just as butthurt.

An expert witness is supposed to address one topic. It's not a surprise when they don't know the whole topic. Kennedy and you look really stupid for failing at that basic point.
You think ski boy was an expert?

I guess to you he would be.

He was there to talk about the effects of too much carbon. He didn't know what carbon is nor how much is in the atmosphere. Neither do you, so I guess he seems rilly smart.

So, can you answer your own question? It will be amusing to find out how little you know on the topic.

I suggest you deflect to something else now. That is what you're good at, after all. Mabye Run and see what the latest talking points from Moscow and Beijing are that yoru masters want to pass down to you.
Are you a bot? None of your posts show any originality at all.

Or are you just an idiot who can only repeat what he sees other posters writing?
That's really stupid

Tides are driven by the Moon, not carbon dioxide ... besides, wind waves get higher, not to mention tsunamis ...

You don't know what sea level is? ... go look at a lake, no wind, no tides, perfectly level ...

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