Star Wars was an inside job


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Anatomy of a conspiracy theory: The Death Star truthers - The Week

See video at link

Does anyone actually believe an untrained pilot like Luke Skywalker could take down a Death Star?

Why is it that Darth Vader (his father) was the ONLY one to survive the attack on the Death Star? Why did Lord Vader decide to fly a fighter when his job was to command the Death Star? It is obvious that Vader KNEW the attack was coming and left the Death Star. He also ALLOWED Luke to fire the fatal shot

How long will this coverup be allowed to continue
Same with Battlestar Gallactica.

It had to be a set up because who would believe a Cylon with one eye that goes back and forth could even shoot straight?

Had to be help on the inside.

I'm having my doubts about Rocky too, and three and four.
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Cute parody.

Too bad it's not analogous to any real world truth movement. I mean, it's not like the rebels blew up 3 Death Stars with only 2 X-wings and then claimed that the third was completely incinerated due to office fires.
Humor like this reminds me of Dubya's WMD stand-up bit. It's only funny to those who haven't suffered from the joke.
Cute parody.

Too bad it's not analogous to any real world truth movement. I mean, it's not like the rebels blew up 3 Death Stars with only 2 X-wings and then claimed that the third was completely incinerated due to office fires.

Interesting theory

Are you implying that George Bush is Mohammad Attas father?
Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)
Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)

This is real...not like that bullshit you post

Luke had inside information on how to take out a death star. That information came from his father

Vader sacrificed his Death Star to make Luke look good
Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)

This is real...not like that bullshit you post

Luke had inside information on how to take out a death star. That information came from his father

Vader sacrificed his Death Star to make Luke look good

Was the CIA involved? If so, you have a real Conspiracy on your hands. Your CIA is connected to most of our Wars and awful tragedies. Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega and many others all worked for them. In fact i would even go as far as to say, most of the Evil in this World emanates from the CIA. So is Luke's Father connected to the CIA in any way?
this twit could not even tell the basics of the Nist collapse theory he claims to support

Aw, he'll support anything his beloved Big Brother tells him to. He lives life in Goose Stepper Bliss. He's a lost cause for sure.
They had to CD the Death Star to hide the fact that the NWO used it on 9/11


Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)

This is real...not like that bullshit you post

Luke had inside information on how to take out a death star. That information came from his father

Vader sacrificed his Death Star to make Luke look good

Was the CIA involved? If so, you have a real Conspiracy on your hands. Your CIA is connected to most of our Wars and awful tragedies. Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega and many others all worked for them. In fact i would even go as far as to say, most of the Evil in this World emanates from the CIA. So is Luke's Father connected to the CIA in any way?


CIA knows better than to fuck with Darth Vader. Maybe Chewbacca, but not Darth Vader
I can't wait to see the GIST report (that's the Galactic Institute of Standards and Technology). Something tells me it'll be a cover-up from start to finish.
This is real...not like that bullshit you post

Luke had inside information on how to take out a death star. That information came from his father

Vader sacrificed his Death Star to make Luke look good

Was the CIA involved? If so, you have a real Conspiracy on your hands. Your CIA is connected to most of our Wars and awful tragedies. Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega and many others all worked for them. In fact i would even go as far as to say, most of the Evil in this World emanates from the CIA. So is Luke's Father connected to the CIA in any way?


CIA knows better than to fuck with Darth Vader. Maybe Chewbacca, but not Darth Vader

Nah, if there's evil around, you can bet the CIA is involved. Most of our awful Wars and terrible tragedies all have the same connection. And that's the CIA. Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega and many others were involved with the CIA at some point. But hey, don't take my word for it. Go and do your own research.
Anatomy of a conspiracy theory: The Death Star truthers - The Week

See video at link

Does anyone actually believe an untrained pilot like Luke Skywalker could take down a Death Star?

Why is it that Darth Vader (his father) was the ONLY one to survive the attack on the Death Star? Why did Lord Vader decide to fly a fighter when his job was to command the Death Star? It is obvious that Vader KNEW the attack was coming and left the Death Star. He also ALLOWED Luke to fire the fatal shot

How long will this coverup be allowed to continue

Oh...oh....oh.... can I play?

Vader wasn't in command of the Death Star, Grand Moff Tarkin was.


Who oddly looked just like Doctor Frankenstein from the Hammer Horror movies... but I digress.

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