Starr says Mueller needs to interview Benedict Donald

At the core, its probably money laundering.
Perhaps Trump has a history of loans from Russia, with Felix Sater involvement.

Thank you for proving that after a YEAR. Democrats / snowflakes can not even prove a crime was committed warranting Mueller's investigation.

Without a crime, they want partisan license to dig through every detail of the President's life in an attempt to find anything on him which they can use to Impeach him simply because they are pissed he beat Hillary in 2016 and refuse to accept the outcome of the election.

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'Nuff said.
Bannon's statements point to laundering.
"perhaps" and "probably" dont prove everything.
Mueller knows alot more than the public knows.

Bannon said, "This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through [former Trump campaign manager] Paul Manafort, Don Jr. and Jared Kushner. It’s as plain as a hair on your face."
Imo "money laundering" is thrown about a bit loosely. Obviously, Mueller is looking into where Trump Inc money came from, and properly so because if the money came from Russia, he has a motive to shut down Comey. So, expertise like Weissmann is said to have would be useful.

However, even if some oligarch money is "earned" in Russia through nefarious means, that doesn't mean a US law was broken. Russia ain't complaining. Any Russian who complained is getting Putin plutonium dessert. So long as Trump legally listed the investment on tax and biz disclosures he has to file, that's not per se a crime.
Imo "money laundering" is thrown about a bit loosely. Obviously, Mueller is looking into where Trump Inc money came from, and properly so because if the money came from Russia, he has a motive to shut down Comey. So, expertise like Weissmann is said to have would be useful.

We will always have this.......

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
However, even if some oligarch money is "earned" in Russia through nefarious means, that doesn't mean a US law was broken. Russia ain't complaining. Any Russian who complained is getting Putin plutonium dessert. So long as Trump legally listed the investment on tax and biz disclosures he has to file, that's not per se a crime.

What are the chances that Mueller DOES have trump's tax returns?
However, even if some oligarch money is "earned" in Russia through nefarious means, that doesn't mean a US law was broken. Russia ain't complaining. Any Russian who complained is getting Putin plutonium dessert. So long as Trump legally listed the investment on tax and biz disclosures he has to file, that's not per se a crime.

What are the chances that Mueller DOES have trump's tax returns?
I think about 100%.

Edit, but I'll be surprised if there's some smoking gun that he promised explicitly to remove sanctions or something for Russian help. If he did, the gop may have a problem.
Nah, he can do the Hillary defense....5th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 5th, what is your name....5th, 5th, 5th, where were you born 5th, 5th, 5th, 5th

Moron.....Clinton never pled the 5th....her staff may have, but she never did.....

More likely, Trump would apply the Reagan-defense, "I don't recall",,,,,,Let's see if Trump can break Reagan's record of stating," I don't recall" EIGHTY-EIGHT times. LOL

Sessions broke that record weeks ago. Good old Jim Crow Sessions.
Edit, but I'll be surprised if there's some smoking gun that he promised explicitly to remove sanctions or something for Russian help. If he did, the gop may have a problem.

.....and THAT, my friend, is supported by two little factoids:

1. As widely reported, Flynn's recorded conversations with the Russians precisely concerned the lifting sanctions, and

2. The changing of the GOP platform during their 2016 convention "softening" the sanctions imposed on Russia by Obama.
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Obviously, Mueller is looking into where Trump Inc money came from, and properly so because if the money came from Russia,

The only money that has been PROVEN with EVIDENCE to have come from Russia is:

Hillary's $145 million from the KGB Bank
Bill's $500k-per-speech from the KGB Bank
John Podesta's thousands of un-reported Russian Stocks
Fat Tony Podesta's cash from the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency he worked for
All the money taken by politicians the Russians bought in 2009, to include Hillary...

But the snowflakes keep screaming, 'Nothing to see here...'
Hillary's $145 million from the KGB Bank
Bill's $500k-per-speech from the KGB Bank

what about this???......LOL

Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian

...for which there is no evidence.

The House Intel Committee ordered Mueller to provide any evidence that a crime existed...Mueller obstructed justice by refusing to run over documents, for which Nunes just slammed the FBI, the DOJ, and Mueller. Mueller has NOTHING. Democrats have NOTHING....because there was NEVER anything to their accusations except butt-hurt and refusal to accept the outcome of a Presidential election.

Thank you for proving that after a YEAR. Democrats / snowflakes can not even prove a crime was committed warranting Mueller's investigation.
what about this???......LOL
Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’



Trump is an INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE MOGUL BUSINESSMAN. He works with banks WORLD-WIDE! Your continued pathetic attempt to grasp desperately for straws just proved you have no idea how international business works.


Ok, that's it. You are and your self-identifying ignorance just got you on 'IGNORE'.

The House Intel Committee ordered Mueller to provide any evidence that a crime existed...Mueller obstructed justice by refusing to run over documents

NO, constipated moron......

Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Justice Department attorneys have a strict legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of matters occurring before the grand jury.

Second, the attorneys have a broader duty to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations and to prevent congressional pressures from influencing the course of an investigation.
Edit, but I'll be surprised if there's some smoking gun that he promised explicitly to remove sanctions or something for Russian help. If he did, the gop may have a problem.

.....and THAT, my friend, is supported by two little factoids:

1. As widely reported, Flynn's recorded conversations with the Russians precisely about lifting sanctions, and

2. The changing of the GOP platform during their 2016 convention "softening" the sanctions imposed on Russia by Obama.
I think there was collusion. Illegal collusion. I think Trump is narcissistic and inexperienced enough to screw it up. Where even Hillary wouldn't go, although she's just corrupt.

But, I doubt someone's going to be willing to testify "Trump told me to tell Putin we'd do this if he'll do that." And in the end, no minds will be changed about Trump.

It may educated future candidates though
The House Intel Committee ordered Mueller to provide any evidence that a crime existed...Mueller obstructed justice by refusing to run over documents

NO, constipated moron......

Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Justice Department attorneys have a strict legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of matters occurring before the grand jury.

Second, the attorneys have a broader duty to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations and to prevent congressional pressures from influencing the course of an investigation.
Nunes doesn't really want to know. He just wants to say "they won't tell us."

We'll know when he brings charges or just issues a report.
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.

Ah, liberals revenge for Clinton there's a shocker.
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.
They better be careful about placing him under oath. The Russia investigation could be sidelined by a whole slew of perjury charges.

The Russia thing is already dead and bleeding on the sidewalk like a little pink ANTIFA cibling fucker.
I think there was collusion. Illegal collusion. I think Trump is narcissistic and inexperienced enough to screw it up. Where even Hillary wouldn't go, although she's just corrupt.

But, I doubt someone's going to be willing to testify "Trump told me to tell Putin we'd do this if he'll do that." And in the end, no minds will be changed about Trump.

It may educated future candidates though

I have long contended that Trump was NOT directly involved in collusion. I believe that the Russians are to wily to involve Trump who is both rather dumb and has a big mouth.

Rather, the Russians conspired with somewhat smarter folks within the Trump entourage who, for both personal greed and power, DID involve this administration in collusion with a foreign entity in clear violation of the Logan Act.
I think there was collusion. Illegal collusion. I think ...
Do you? Do you REALLY? Maybe that's the problem.

Anti-Trumpers do a lot of 'I think'ing, but they never have any evidence to support anything they are 'thinking'.

'Collusion' is NOT a crime. Even if it was, even if you could 'think' of any 'criminal' collusion there is no evidence of it...after a YEAR.

AFTER A YEAR Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes do not have any evidence that a crime was even perpetrated, warranting this investigation, let alone that Trump was involved.

Wise words from the 2016 DNC Presidential candidate:


There is nothing to this.
There never was.
Trump beat Hillary fair and square.
Donald Trump is your President.
Accept it.
Get over it.
Move on.

Rather, the Russians conspired with somewhat smarter folks within the Trump entourage who, for both personal greed and power

The only thing you got right in this whole rant is 'GREED'.

$145 million! The only Russian money that made it's way into a Presidential Candidate's hands.

(Not counting the $500k-a-speech sum the KGB bank also gave Slick Willy...before he met with Putin after being refused an audience with the Russian Nuclear Commission back in the evidence shows. )
Rather, the Russians conspired with somewhat smarter folks within the Trump entourage who, for both personal greed and power

The only thing you got right in this whole rant is 'GREED'.

$145 million! The only Russian money that made it's way into a Presidential Candidate's hands.

(Not counting the $500k-a-speech sum the KGB bank also gave Slick Willy...before he met with Putin after being refused an audience with the Russian Nuclear Commission back in the evidence shows. )

Calm down, Queasy....You're going to stroke out......

If Trump is CLEAN as a new-born baby, you have nothing to worry about....

BUT, the fact that you (and Trump) are a bot worried, does raise some questions on his squeaky clean history, don't you think???.....................LOL

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