Starr says Mueller needs to interview Benedict Donald

Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.
They better be careful about placing him under oath. The Russia investigation could be sidelined by a whole slew of perjury charges.

I thinks he can get in front of Mueller and charm him into believing him. But he doesn't know what Mueller knows. He only needs to make one misleading statement or lie, and it is over. Mueller will not settle for a lawyer's statement, he will not settle for a deposition. He will only settle for s testimony under oath. The firing of Comey and the subsequent lies from Benedict show Mueller the man is dangerously untruthful.

I agree that Mueller will want testimony from Trump that is "legally binding".
Yeah, Mueller is a real "stand-up" guy.......more like a POS when you get right down to it.

FBI Agent: Robert Mueller is No Hero – Extra Newsfeed

Hey, moron......if you read your own fucking article (or have a grown up read it to you,) may understand that the author is pissed at Mueller because Mueller went along with the Cheney-Bush administration over invading Iraq after 9-11.

(BTW, I wrote "the Cheney-Bush administration on purpose for obvious reasons.)
Yeah, Mueller is a real "stand-up" guy.......more like a POS when you get right down to it.

FBI Agent: Robert Mueller is No Hero – Extra Newsfeed

Hey, moron......if you read your own fucking article (or have a grown up read it to you,) may understand that the author is pissed at Mueller because Mueller went along with the Cheney-Bush administration over invading Iraq after 9-11.

(BTW, I wrote "the Cheney-Bush administration on purpose for obvious reasons.)

You think I am a fan of the Bush crime cabal? HOLY shit but are you EVER stupid. He was complicit in covering up the real people behind the false flag 9/11 attack. Read, learn, grow, evolve, "moron".
If DavesDeepState takes down Trump on a silly Legal Technicality, I will volunteer to meet Reasonable & Nat outside the Edward Jones Dome (901 N. Broadway) in STL with AX handles to kick off the up-coming "festivities".

Apologies to Dave. I seem to had cornfused you with Reasonable? Understanable as both are stark raving mad mouth-foaming leftist.
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Better be HUGELEY BIG. If they had anything they would have used it to save DaBeast. The did not, they Don't, you don't. No one has one shred of illegal behavior two years later. Get off me.

Since you're an obviously need some education.....

Mueller has been investigating your orange clown for about SEVEN months only...and this topic IS about Mueller.

Second, 2 guilty please and 2 indictments (which means a trial and NO pleas bargaining) is a HELL of a lot more accomplishment than you idiots had regarding the Benghazi investigation that went on for 17 months.

Third, you have NO fucking idea what Mueller has as far as evidence (probably including Trump's tax returns....)

So,have a happy constipation period.....LOL
Mueller will be lucky to stay out of Gitmo before this is all over

Yes, yes, Frankie.......ALL decent republicans who have served honorably in the Armed Forces, have had a stellar career.....BUT......who have refused to join the Trump cult (as you have)....MUST be sent to Gitmo,,,,,,Correct???

Mueller is seditious and we both know our mutual friend JakeStarkey has a zero sedition tolerance
You think I am a fan of the Bush crime cabal? HOLY shit but are you EVER stupid. He was complicit in covering up the real people behind the false flag 9/11 attack. Read, learn, grow, evolve, "moron"

I really don't give a flying fuck WHO you like or don't like......I'm pointing out to you that your article means SHIT about Mueller's capabilities special counsel and Trump's worst nightmare.....
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.
They better be careful about placing him under oath. The Russia investigation could be sidelined by a whole slew of perjury charges.

I thinks he can get in front of Mueller and charm him into believing him. But he doesn't know what Mueller knows. He only needs to make one misleading statement or lie, and it is over. Mueller will not settle for a lawyer's statement, he will not settle for a deposition. He will only settle for s testimony under oath. The firing of Comey and the subsequent lies from Benedict show Mueller the man is dangerously untruthful.

please run on impeachment......please do

but atleast you are really giving the point of this was a sham to get trump to try and lie under cant win at the ballot box....but hey you get him to lie about something stupid and then impeach it I dare you.
View attachment 170597
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.

How can Mueller look anyone in the eye after he helped cover up the 9/11/01 false flag?
More conspiracy theories by the forum’s idiot.
Im sorry, which one is president?
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.
They better be careful about placing him under oath. The Russia investigation could be sidelined by a whole slew of perjury charges.
Whatever to get rid on this stain that’s affecting our democracy.

You're way behind the times. Obama is out of office and Hillary was rejected in an election. Democracy is getting back on track now.
You think I am a fan of the Bush crime cabal? HOLY shit but are you EVER stupid. He was complicit in covering up the real people behind the false flag 9/11 attack. Read, learn, grow, evolve, "moron"

I really don't give a flying fuck WHO you like or don't like......I'm pointing out to you that your article means SHIT about Mueller's capabilities special counsel and Trump's worst nightmare.....

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Mueller is just another deep state crook that has covered up the crimes of other deep state crooks. Asking Mueller to do anything ethical is like asking a rattlesnake not to bite. There isn't a fucking thing that Mueller could "reveal" that would pass my "sniff detector".

AGAIN I have to point out how butthurt leftards like you are that the criminality and corruption of the DNC was revealed. It's not the fact that the DNC was corrupt but that it was brought into the light....and there in lies the rub.
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton.
There is no evidence of a crime.
There is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.
There is no connection between Mueller's 'Scooter Libby's and Trump proving any crime was committed.

So why in the hell would he agree to appear under oath before Mueller's hand-picked stacked-deck circus when everyone knows almost all charges stem from 'gottcha questions' and not from crimes that are never proven to have happened?

Mueller has been discredited, proven to have committed crimes in 2009 by covering up Russian crimes and helping them buy Uranium One. His entire committee has been proven to be a scam, a huge conflict of interest, and a tool to 'get Trump' at any cost. F* them - make Mueller prove his case...which he can NOT do.

Democrats also argued Hillary never appeared under oath. There is a good reason for that - she lied her ass off:

GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy reads list of Clinton statements to FBI director, who says they were all false

"Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over her private email. Was that true?"

'That statement was false.'

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email, there is no classified material.' That was true?"

"There was classified email"

"Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?"

"She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state"

"Secretary Clinton said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department"

"No, we found thousands that were not returned."

HAD Hillary Clinton ACTUALLY been under oath when she gave those answers to Congress when she went before them she would be in jail RIGHT NOW for Perjury.

Instead, she was allowed to testify WITHOUT BEING under oath because they knew there was no way in hell she could answer honestly and come away Un-scathed ( shackles...perp-walked out...).

LOL...had she touched a bible and swore to tell the truth she probably would have burned her hand or the Bible would have caught on fire. :p
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What does the crazy, angry radical left really think? Do they excuse Hillary's role in Obama's approval of selling uranium sites to Russia? How in the world can they claim the President's son was a traitor when Trump was just a citizen and had no political power? It's obvious that President Trump isn't playing favorites with Russia today and it's also obvious that donations to the Clinton Foundation have all but dried up since Hillary lost and had no more influence to sell. The left is good at smoke and mirrors but not much else.
Better be HUGELEY BIG. If they had anything they would have used it to save DaBeast. The did not, they Don't, you don't. No one has one shred of illegal behavior two years later. Get off me.

Since you're an obviously need some education.....

Mueller has been investigating your orange clown for about SEVEN months only...and this topic IS about Mueller.

Second, 2 guilty please and 2 indictments (which means a trial and NO pleas bargaining) is a HELL of a lot more accomplishment than you idiots had regarding the Benghazi investigation that went on for 17 months.

Third, you have NO fucking idea what Mueller has as far as evidence (probably including Trump's tax returns....)

So,have a happy constipation period.....LOL

Of course, those indictments have nothing to do with the actual investigation at hand, but do go on about the stellar accomplishments. I dare say that any American could easily be charged with "lying to the FBI" if that's what they need to do to put pressure on you. That's a BS indictment used strictly for leverage. "Accomplishment" would be a smoking gun of Trump cutting a hard deal with Putin and Putin gaming the votes. When Mueller actually gets there, let's talk then.......but that is never going to happen. Keep reachin' for the stars!
I agree that Mueller will want testimony from Trump that is "legally binding".

Trump's "crack" legal team will first try to get Mueller to consent to ONLY giving Trump some WRITTEN questions to answer (sort of like what Trump gets from those "brilliant" ass-licking folks at Fox and Friends.).....


Then, lawyers will ask for Trump to testify without taking the oath (perjury is a bitch) or for the transcript to be part of the record.


Third, lawyers for Trump will threaten Mueller's firing as a last ditch effort to prevent Trump from testifying (the equivalent of Trump digging his own rather spacious grave.)

Fourth.......lawyers will SURELY revert to Executive Privilege, which is the power of the President to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government in pursuit of information or issues relating to the executive.

Fifth, HOWEVER, and as Nixon found out after the SCOTUS affirmed his "executive administration is FINISHED of having any legitimacy. and THEN.....FINALLY.......the GOPers in congress will grow some balls and ask Trump to resign and go play golf full-time.

The end may be near......
Trump's "crack" legal team will first try to get Mueller to .....

Trump does not need to do anything, and he does not need to testify...NO EVIDENCE HAS BEEN PRESENTED YET - AFTER A F*ING YEAR - THAT A CRIME HAS EVEN BEEN COMMITTED.

You SERIOUSLY want to put a US President under oath for 'shits and grins' in an attempt to entrap him and / or get him to incriminate himself as part of a partisan investigation in which no evidence has been presented yet that a crime has even been committed?

You seditious snowflakes have lost your damn minds....

Good GOD!

Do you (snowflakes) even realize what you are calling for is like the GOP subpoenaing Barak Obama and declaring he has to testify under oath to find out if he MIGHT have done anything illegal regarding collusion with Iran in the Iran deal...or with Al Qaeda in regards to him helping them in Libya....or with ISIS since he invaded Syria...despite there being no evidence to support any claim that any of that HOPES that he might somehow incriminate himself?
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I agree that Mueller will want testimony from Trump that is "legally binding".

Trump's "crack" legal team will first try to get Mueller to consent to ONLY giving Trump some WRITTEN questions to answer (sort of like what Trump gets from those "brilliant" ass-licking folks at Fox and Friends.).....


Then, lawyers will ask for Trump to testify without taking the oath (perjury is a bitch) or for the transcript to be part of the record.


Third, lawyers for Trump will threaten Mueller's firing as a last ditch effort to prevent Trump from testifying (the equivalent of Trump digging his own rather spacious grave.)

Fourth.......lawyers will SURELY revert to Executive Privilege, which is the power of the President to resist certain subpoenas and other interventions by the legislative and judicial branches of government in pursuit of information or issues relating to the executive.

Fifth, HOWEVER, and as Nixon found out after the SCOTUS affirmed his "executive administration is FINISHED of having any legitimacy. and THEN.....FINALLY.......the GOPers in congress will grow some balls and ask Trump to resign and go play golf full-time.

The end may be near......

From the great armchair legal mind of Natalie.
Starr: Mueller needs to look Trump in the eye - CNN Video

He needs to be subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and placed under oath, just like Clinton. Since it is impossible for Benedict for tell the truth in a five minute conversation, that will be the end of him.

The "interview" or subpoena is coming sooner than I thought. If Benedict is placed under oath, impeachment is next.
Nah, he can do the Hillary defense....5th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 5th, what is your name....5th, 5th, 5th, where were you born 5th, 5th, 5th, 5th

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