States like colorado getting serious about climate change

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Local leaders planning for climate effects
"The first thing the feds should do is stop making things worse," saidBoulder, Colo., Mayor Matthew Appelbaum. Specifically, by subsidizing flood insurance in low-lying areas and paying billions to fight wildfires that destroy property near national forests, the federal government is encouraging development "in all the wrong places," Appelbaum said at a recent forum on the impacts of climate change.

Apparently they need to review the scientific evidence surrounding the topic. Because as it stands, it doesn't look like "getting serious" over psuedo-science is the way to go. not that facts ever stopped LOLberal utopians before.
They also got serious and recalled some of their more Radicals on gun control in their government
keep up the good work, you see your next agenda...

They now want to tell you where you can LIVE
Colorado nutjobs are banning hydraulic fracturing, yet getting their asses sued in the process. :lol:
Boulder is chocked full of progressive fascist radicals as is other parts of Colorado...

They ruined California which is now called, Commiefornia... so they moved into Colorado and are now in the process of ruining it too
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Funny how the peoples republic of Colorado becomes serious about climate change right after it became serious about legalizing marijuana. Is there a connection?

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