Stay classy obama

Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..
Obama is a mean Spirited piece of shit, that is filled with hate

And you would know this because? I mean sitting in Russia and all, how much time could you have spent with him to know he's filled with hate. Especially considering he's never done anything except save the world from economic collapse, end the war in Iraq, and treat others with respect and dignity, all of which is more than Putin has ever done.
Na, not really
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..
Trump has spent his entire life doing worse than that countless times. Also it's a Faux article, so it can't be trusted.
This isnt about trumps classless ass. Go derail another thread.
Obama did have class. He still has class. Fake news.
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..
Trump has spent his entire life doing worse than that countless times. Also it's a Faux article, so it can't be trusted.
This isnt about trumps classless ass. Go derail another thread.
I thought I'd give you some context for you to understand how absolutely little I and most of the country will care about this.
Because you are too busy bitching about trump.
When the dem messiah is the same way.

There is no dem messiah. Stop repeating shit from the fat ass flunk out.
A very weak and meritless attempt to slam the Obamas.
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..
That’s it?

Are you fucking kidding me?

ODS is still strong in them, even though he is out of office.
Lol I love your lack of self awareness
funny that the cheeto lovers have to bring obama up as much as they can.....deflection from what they elected? talking about a pos what about trump moving funds from military to pay for that damn wall.....apparently he will strip the military of needed funding to build an wall even he has admitted the us doesnt need
Way to deflect
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..
Trump has spent his entire life doing worse than that countless times. Also it's a Faux article, so it can't be trusted.
This isnt about trumps classless ass. Go derail another thread.
Obama did have class. He still has class. Fake news.
You remind me of trump supporters. Obama could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you would still defend his ass.
Only difference is you are more racist.
Remember when the guy in DC was shot 5 cops?
Remember when Obama stood at the podium of their ceremony and blamed white people for the black guys actions?
I do. He got his etiquette from burger kind.
Obama is trash. Difference between him and trump is, Obama doesnt act like a 12 year old girl half the time.
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..

Damn.. you KNOW you fucked up when a LAWYER accuses you of "deplorable behavior".:eek:

After all, lawyers are experts on deplorable behavior and general scumbaggery.

Yep, if you cannot trust the lawyer for the other side to be honest and upfront then who can you trust....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
So glad this ex president uses his influence to intimidate and overrule us peons.
He surely blessed us with his class and brains.
Sad day when he stepped down..
That we absorbed nearly a decade of that clown, with his fawning fake news media and then his deep state operatives misusing their positions to try to overturn an election is a testament to the resilience of our system.

NOW: Obama: ‘Watching TV or reading social media’ not helpful for presidents.

THEN: Presidential television: What are Obama’s favorite shows?

The buzz started last week after the state dinner for the president of France, when President Obama pulled aside the chief executive officer of HBO and asked for a favor.

Some who were there say that Obama tracked him down and asked for copies of “True Detective” and “Game of Thrones,” which is about to start its fourth season and apparently Obama wanted a preview​

He may be the leader of the free world, but when it comes to unwinding, President Obama is a lot like us. The president tunes in to tune out and, when he needs his television, step aside.​

Later in the week the president tweeted about another one of his favorite shows, which depicts a Washington very different from his own.​

That’s different because Lightbringer.
Are you serious, 0vomit was a butt burning dope smoking fag married to a man with more swinging meat than a jewish Deli, and to support him is to support his sickness. Check my footer. HAHAHA

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