Steve Bannon: Hillary Clinton Is Going to Run Again in 2020

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I believe I made this prediction over a month ago....every other DemonRAT CANDIDATE wouldn't get 35% of the vore....but most Dimwits, for some unknown reason would vote for this multiple felon and murderer.....never ceases to amaze me! ^ | October 1, 2019

Former chief executive of the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, believes Hillary Clinton is positioning herself for another run at the White House in 2020.

Bannon, speaking with Fox Business Network’s Trish Regan, said he thinks the Democrats are disillusioned with their current crop of candidates and are willing to drop the frontrunners and bring in Hillary or a ‘centrist’ to take down the President.

“They think they have a weak field and they’re – it’s like in chess – they’re prepared to sacrifice a rook to take down a king,” he explained. “They will throw Biden away to get to Trump and hope Elizabeth or I even think Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here.”

Bannon explained that Hillary is almost definitely running, simply trying to find a way to wedge herself back into contention.

“She is running,” he states. “She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.”

Bannon notes that Hillary has been very active since the impeachment inquiry was announced, emboldened by her fellow Democrats who are doing everything they can to hit the reset button on the 2016 election.

Clinton is currently on a book tour with her daughter Chelsea but has repeatedly chimed in on the current state of affairs at numerous public events.

She said President Trump “betrayed our country,” represents a “clear and present danger,” and is an “illegitimate” President.

“The Chinese Communist Party is not a clear and present danger,” Bannon sarcastically lamented of Hillary’s view. “Donald Trump is a clear and present danger.”

Recently asked whether or not she’s still bothered by Democrats not invoking her name on the campaign trail or the President’s comments about her, Hillary lashed out saying that she essentially never deserved to lose in the first place.

“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said, clearly distraught.

“I believe he [Trump] understands that the many varying tactics they used – from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did,” Hillary added.

Of course, none of this is true.

Clinton’s claims that she lost due to voter suppression are so dubious, even the corrupt Washington Post labeled it a complete and utter lie.

Hillary Clinton on 2016 Election:

“It was like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation and losing to a corrupt human tornado.” Adding, Trump is an “illegitimate president”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 27, 2019

Hillary Clinton’s lies, brazen as they may be, are becoming more frequent again in light of this impeachment push.

Perhaps the Brits are onto something. A recent report showed bettors in England have been putting their money on Hillary Clinton, more so than any other candidate, to win the 2020 Democratic nomination for president.

Now Steve Bannon seems to agree.

She has more horns on her than a cattle drive.

The Dems would never sit still for it.
wow....the witch still can not understand that America hates her...and with reason

she wants to run again? she is the lowest of the low

will be good...for the whole world .... to see her downfall.
Hillary will not be the Democrats nominee. She doesn’t represent AOC And the other new chicks in the house, they are the only energy coming from the party.
I believe I made this prediction over a month ago....every other DemonRAT CANDIDATE wouldn't get 35% of the vore....but most Dimwits, for some unknown reason would vote for this multiple felon and murderer.....never ceases to amaze me! ^ | October 1, 2019

Former chief executive of the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, believes Hillary Clinton is positioning herself for another run at the White House in 2020.

Bannon, speaking with Fox Business Network’s Trish Regan, said he thinks the Democrats are disillusioned with their current crop of candidates and are willing to drop the frontrunners and bring in Hillary or a ‘centrist’ to take down the President.

“They think they have a weak field and they’re – it’s like in chess – they’re prepared to sacrifice a rook to take down a king,” he explained. “They will throw Biden away to get to Trump and hope Elizabeth or I even think Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here.”

Bannon explained that Hillary is almost definitely running, simply trying to find a way to wedge herself back into contention.

“She is running,” he states. “She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.”

Bannon notes that Hillary has been very active since the impeachment inquiry was announced, emboldened by her fellow Democrats who are doing everything they can to hit the reset button on the 2016 election.

Clinton is currently on a book tour with her daughter Chelsea but has repeatedly chimed in on the current state of affairs at numerous public events.

She said President Trump “betrayed our country,” represents a “clear and present danger,” and is an “illegitimate” President.

“The Chinese Communist Party is not a clear and present danger,” Bannon sarcastically lamented of Hillary’s view. “Donald Trump is a clear and present danger.”

Recently asked whether or not she’s still bothered by Democrats not invoking her name on the campaign trail or the President’s comments about her, Hillary lashed out saying that she essentially never deserved to lose in the first place.

“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said, clearly distraught.

“I believe he [Trump] understands that the many varying tactics they used – from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did,” Hillary added.

Of course, none of this is true.

Clinton’s claims that she lost due to voter suppression are so dubious, even the corrupt Washington Post labeled it a complete and utter lie.

Hillary Clinton on 2016 Election:

“It was like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation and losing to a corrupt human tornado.” Adding, Trump is an “illegitimate president”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 27, 2019

Hillary Clinton’s lies, brazen as they may be, are becoming more frequent again in light of this impeachment push.

Perhaps the Brits are onto something. A recent report showed bettors in England have been putting their money on Hillary Clinton, more so than any other candidate, to win the 2020 Democratic nomination for president.

Now Steve Bannon seems to agree.

Wouldn't surprise me. The democrats are that devious and manipulative, and back in the 90s, a political expert, Larry Klayman I believe it was, said the Clintons are NEVER going away.

Larry Klayman - Wikipedia

I believe much of the attack on Donald Trump has been personally driven by Hillary as revenge and as a preamble setting herself up as the "solution" to Trump's tattered integrity and public image-- -- -- -- which she helped to tatter.

She has more horns on her than a cattle drive.

The Dems would never sit still for it.
Oh.....she's gonna run.....she's not gonna campaign much.
They're taking down Biden so Hillary can run again.
How can anyone be so damn dense as to think she actually has a chance now?

I am sure she thinks she does.

and that's just it...…...that after all her whining & sniveling & blaming everyone & everything for her loss and even her supporters & the media got tired of hearing about it and wanted nothing more to do with her, more scandal & talk of her & Bills connections with Epstein and whatever else I can't think of at the moment....and she still thinks she's entitled to be Queen because she refuses to accept defeat, graciously or otherwise...….or maybe she really is just THAT stupid and doesn't see a problem.

IF she actually does step into the campaign ring or lose......she'll be the laughing stock around the world
Hillary is a piece of shit

She should be flushed down the toilet

she should not run again.
Honestly all the Party of INFANTICIDE power brokers are STILL SCARED SHITLESS of her..... if they weren't they would have slapped her down long ago....although she now has a hard time fitting through doorways. And still need AT LEAST 2 SECRET SERVICE agents to help her walk up a small flight of stairs....she STILL has a mind like a steel trap and KNOWS ALL THE SECRETS, and where all the bodies are buried, and if ANYONE on the DeathRAT side tries to fuck her...well, we dont joke about Arkancide without good reason!......Face it Biden is gone polls now show Warren beating him and the Trump team hasn't even started on Fauxahontas or Kamalaho yet......and the DemonRATS STILL don't have a viable platform that could beat Trump....MORE TAXES, A GREEN NEW DEAL that will bankrupt the country and make us look like Venezuela, bringing in millions of uneducate . Disease ridden illegal invaders and give them all FREE MEDICARE. Let China alone so they can pick up our economic ball and run with it. Do I need to go further with legalizing pedophilia, and taking away all our guns so we can NOT fight back when that time comes, and with them in power, it will come.....yes, DeathRATS are our future....anything I said here wrong....come on ABNORMALS, here is your chance to praise YOUR SIDE!
I'm surprised Michelle "Big Mike" Obama hasn't thrown her/his/its? name in.
I believe that the Moooocher realizes that. At least she and Surrender Monkey have over $100 million, and is just sitting back, HOPING AND PRAYING that at least ONE of the criminal felons of Barry's regime won't open his/her/their mouths and start talking to save themselves from YEARS in prison....I believe most of the former gang members SAW what happened to Epstein a guy with HALF A BILLION in hard assets that he no longer can use....perhaps a gold casket?.....Suicide for DemonRAT TALKERS could be very painful especially for family members IF push comes to shove!
The Hildebeasty said in a TV appearance Tuesday that her “gutsiest” personal accomplishment was not leaving her husband. “I think the gutsiest thing I’ve ever done — well, personally — make the decision to stay in my marriage,” Clinton, who married former President Bill Clinton in 1975, said on “Good Morning America.”......Another prime example of money can directly change ones MORAL COMPASS!....BUT SHE MADE A PACT WITH BLOW JOB....SHE WILL STAY BY HIM AS LONG AS HE BACKS HER WITH BEING THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT.....SHE WANTS THAT AS MUCH AS LIFE ITSELF!!!

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