
The USMJ has many laws with which they could have prosecuted him for.................Treason.............would be one............In a time of War aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason and the penalty is death.............He was in contact with the enemy when he joined them............

The Obama administration tries to water this shit down, and he fucked the families in the process.

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.
Bottom line............they should have gotten the benefits and their CNC should have made sure of it..........He didn't.............they got screwed and had to SUE THE DOD to get their rights.........

He could have done an EO and ordered it for their benefit........He didn't.....

He's a joke.
I'd love it if you can find a single quote of Obama's referring to the Fort Hood shooting as "workplace violence".

(Hint: You can't, because he never said those words)
The DOJ and official stance was it was Work Place Violence..................That is how it was prosecuted.......( will ignore that)


Yes, that's how it was prosecuted - because there's no such thing as a charge of "terrorism" in the UCMJ, and he was tried by a military court martial.

Would you have preferred he be tried in a regular criminal court?

The USMJ has many laws with which they could have prosecuted him for.................Treason.............would be one............In a time of War aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason and the penalty is death.............He was in contact with the enemy when he joined them............

The Obama administration tries to water this shit down, and he fucked the families in the process.

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).
That is what the president is accusing many of you folks of. Stigmatizing Islam. One should note that in order to "stigmatize" a person or group you need to lie about them. So following that rule of thumb lets see how I do.

"When the Amish flew those planes into the World Trade Center"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Baptists killed all those people in France"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Quakers blew a hole in the USS Cole"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Mormons killed all those people in Brussels"....
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Catholics set off those bombs in Boston"...
Oh, that was muslins.

"When the Methodists killed all those people in Munich 72"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Pentecostal's killed all those people in San Bernardino"...
Oh, that was muslims.

"When the Pagans killed all those children at an Easter egg hunt"..
Oh, that was muslims

"When the Atheists killed all those people in Mosul"...
Oh, that was muslims.

In order to "stigmatize" a person OR group of people you HAVE to lie about them. So WHO is lying? Me OR the president of the United States?

Two words....

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.
Bottom line............they should have gotten the benefits and their CNC should have made sure of it..........He didn't.............they got screwed and had to SUE THE DOD to get their rights.........

He could have done an EO and ordered it for their benefit........He didn't.....

He's a joke.


Are you aware of how much you've moved the goalposts by this point?

The President doesn't have the power to give Purple Hearts via EO. I don't disagree that the families of the victims should receive their benefits, and I don't disagree that the survivors should receive Purple Hearts, but this is an issue with military brass bureaucracy, not Obama.
The DOJ and official stance was it was Work Place Violence..................That is how it was prosecuted.......( will ignore that)


Yes, that's how it was prosecuted - because there's no such thing as a charge of "terrorism" in the UCMJ, and he was tried by a military court martial.

Would you have preferred he be tried in a regular criminal court?

The USMJ has many laws with which they could have prosecuted him for.................Treason.............would be one............In a time of War aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason and the penalty is death.............He was in contact with the enemy when he joined them............

The Obama administration tries to water this shit down, and he fucked the families in the process.

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
ok then you are lying.

There are 1.6 billion muslims on earth, a very small percentage of that 1.6 billion has actually performed a terrorist act
DF wants to holocaust all the Muslims. He's an evangelical so he thinks God's okay with it.
I think holocaust is too extreme. I'd be fine with just nuking all the deserts in the middle east. Fair enough? Don't accuse me of not being willing to compromise
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........

You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.
Bottom line............they should have gotten the benefits and their CNC should have made sure of it..........He didn't.............they got screwed and had to SUE THE DOD to get their rights.........

He could have done an EO and ordered it for their benefit........He didn't.....

He's a joke.


Are you aware of how much you've moved the goalposts by this point?

The President doesn't have the power to give Purple Hearts via EO. I don't disagree that the families of the victims should receive their benefits, and I don't disagree that the survivors should receive Purple Hearts, but this is an issue with military brass bureaucracy, not Obama.
Here is the damned goal posts for you............terms of service if I spoke my mind on this one would force you to ban me if I continue this conversation.........

They could have done many damned things......and trying that Treasonist SOB for Work Place Violence is a JOKE..........Your defending it is a joke...............

He got paychecks while sitting in jail.........the families of the victims got fucked..........
You know that Hassan was already sentenced to death, right?
Of course I do you idiot.........

You know the Governments charging it this way screwed the victims families.........RIGHT..............

No, that's another lie you've been fed.

Those soldiers wouldn't have gotten Purple Hearts had Hassan been tried with "Espionage" or "Aiding the Enemy", either.
Bottom line............they should have gotten the benefits and their CNC should have made sure of it..........He didn't.............they got screwed and had to SUE THE DOD to get their rights.........

He could have done an EO and ordered it for their benefit........He didn't.....

He's a joke.


Are you aware of how much you've moved the goalposts by this point?

The President doesn't have the power to give Purple Hearts via EO. I don't disagree that the families of the victims should receive their benefits, and I don't disagree that the survivors should receive Purple Hearts, but this is an issue with military brass bureaucracy, not Obama.
Here is the damned goal posts for you............terms of service if I spoke my mind on this one would force you to ban me if I continue this conversation.........

They could have done many damned things......and trying that Treasonist SOB for Work Place Violence is a JOKE..........Your defending it is a joke...............

He got paychecks while sitting in jail.........the families of the victims got fucked..........


Ohh, so you're a tough guy, are you? You're so scary!

Speak your mind. I'm not going to ban you unless you break the rules, and if you can't speak your mind without doing that, there's no hope for you, is there?

You've been proven wrong repeatedly in this thread, and yet you still hold on to your outrage because it's comforting for you - and the fact that I dare to disturb it enrages you past the point of being able to control yourself?

Yes, that's how it was prosecuted - because there's no such thing as a charge of "terrorism" in the UCMJ, and he was tried by a military court martial.

Would you have preferred he be tried in a regular criminal court?
The USMJ has many laws with which they could have prosecuted him for.................Treason.............would be one............In a time of War aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason and the penalty is death.............He was in contact with the enemy when he joined them............

The Obama administration tries to water this shit down, and he fucked the families in the process.

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?
The USMJ has many laws with which they could have prosecuted him for.................Treason.............would be one............In a time of War aiding and abetting the enemy is Treason and the penalty is death.............He was in contact with the enemy when he joined them............

The Obama administration tries to water this shit down, and he fucked the families in the process.

There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
This speaks volumes to me Mr. Mod....

Survey: Obama gets a thumbs down from the troops -

President Barack Obama has struggled with sagging approval ratings over the last year, but the commander-in-chief's numbers may have dropped further among active-duty troops.
Just 15% of active-duty servicemembers gave Obama a thumbs up in the annual Military Times survey and more than half -- 55% -- say they disapprove of Obama's job as commander-in-chief. The President has struggled to gain the approval of troops throughout his time in office, but these numbers reflect a new low for Obama, who finished his first year in office with a 35% approval figure and only 4 in 10 disapproving, according to the Military Times survey.

The military can't stand him either...............

BTW..........I just found out you can't iggy a Mod.............or you would be on ignore.
There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
That's what I thought you would say. None of them will ever reach your threshold or match your definition of a terrorist. Thereby allowing you to condemn muslim terrorists while never actually condemning one.
This speaks volumes to me Mr. Mod....

Survey: Obama gets a thumbs down from the troops -

President Barack Obama has struggled with sagging approval ratings over the last year, but the commander-in-chief's numbers may have dropped further among active-duty troops.
Just 15% of active-duty servicemembers gave Obama a thumbs up in the annual Military Times survey and more than half -- 55% -- say they disapprove of Obama's job as commander-in-chief. The President has struggled to gain the approval of troops throughout his time in office, but these numbers reflect a new low for Obama, who finished his first year in office with a 35% approval figure and only 4 in 10 disapproving, according to the Military Times survey.

The military can't stand him either...............

BTW..........I just found out you can't iggy a Mod.............or you would be on ignore.


Damn right you can't ignore me, clown. That's my favorite part of being a mod - it prevents anyone from being a pussy and putting me on ignore.

I'm sure that in some alternate universe in your head, Obama's popularity amongst the troops is relevant to this conversation - but in this world, that's called moving the goal posts entirely out of the stadium.
There is no UCMJ charge of "Treason". Would you like to try again?

Here's a reference for you, if you'd like: UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
That's what I thought you would say. None of them will ever reach your threshold or match your definition of a terrorist. Thereby allowing you to condemn muslim terrorists while never actually condemning one.

It's amazing to me how much you guys fetishize the word "terrorism" while being entirely unable to define what it means.
Victims of 2009 attack on Fort Hood set to receive Purple Heart

U.S. Rep. John R. Carter (TX31) is set to host a press conference Friday at 3 p.m. to make the announcement.

“This has been a long, hard fight. The victims of this attack have struggled, suffered and been abandoned by this Administration. No more. Today is a day of victory and I am honored to have fought on their behalf,” said Rep. John Carter.

“The Administration did not want to acknowledge that this was a terrorist attack. I have received confirmation from the Pentagon that the victims will receive the Purple Heart and the Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom. I want to thank my Texas colleagues for their help and support; including Rep. Williams, Senators Cornyn and Cruz. I commend the Secretary of the Army for stepping up to provide the victims their due benefits and to finally give closure to the families.”

The Senate passed the Defense Authorization bill in December, which included a provision making victims of the November 2009 terrorist attack on Fort Hood eligible to receive the Purple Heart.
Damn right you can't ignore me, clown. That's my favorite part of being a mod - it prevents anyone from being a pussy and putting me on ignore.
A perfect example of why mods should not be allowed to engage in debates.
904. ARTICLE 104. AIDING THE ENEMY « UCMJ – United States Code of Military Justice

He certainly aided the enemy now didn't he................article 904 ...punishment is DEATH...........
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?

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