
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass
Damn right you can't ignore me, clown. That's my favorite part of being a mod - it prevents anyone from being a pussy and putting me on ignore.
A perfect example of why mods should not be allowed to engage in debates.

^ A perfect example of a whiny little pussy who can't deal with ideas that don't match with his.

You're welcome to start your own message board, and make whatever rules for the moderators that you'd like - but I doubt you'd get many volunteers. Why would anyone bother to moderate a forum they weren't allowed to use?
Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass

I know what the dictionary says, but I'm asking S. J. what he thinks a terrorist is.
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
That's what I thought you would say. None of them will ever reach your threshold or match your definition of a terrorist. Thereby allowing you to condemn muslim terrorists while never actually condemning one.

It's amazing to me how much you guys fetishize the word "terrorism" while being entirely unable to define what it means.
It's amazing to me what lengths you'll go to to avoid calling a muslim terrorist a terrorist.
Definition of TERRORISM
ok then you are lying.

There are 1.6 billion muslims on earth, a very small percentage of that 1.6 billion has actually performed a terrorist act

The rest of that 1.6 billion sits back and doesn't lift a finger to stop them.

Muslims have stopped more acts of Islamic terrorism than any other group of people.

They haven't stopped enough, obviously.

Murders still happen every day in America. Does that mean it's the fault of the police for not stopping them?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass

I know what the dictionary says, but I'm asking S. J. what he thinks a terrorist is.
You're trying to shift the focus from your avoidance of acknowledging Islamic terrorism.
You're arguing with somebody who will say anything to avoid criticizing Obama (or muslim terrorists).

Obama's a fucknut, and Muslim terrorists are shitheads, too.

What were you saying, clown?
Funny I haven't seen you specifically do it. Was the Fort Hood shooter a terrorist?

What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
That's what I thought you would say. None of them will ever reach your threshold or match your definition of a terrorist. Thereby allowing you to condemn muslim terrorists while never actually condemning one.

It's amazing to me how much you guys fetishize the word "terrorism" while being entirely unable to define what it means.
This speaks volumes to me Mr. Mod....

Survey: Obama gets a thumbs down from the troops -

President Barack Obama has struggled with sagging approval ratings over the last year, but the commander-in-chief's numbers may have dropped further among active-duty troops.
Just 15% of active-duty servicemembers gave Obama a thumbs up in the annual Military Times survey and more than half -- 55% -- say they disapprove of Obama's job as commander-in-chief. The President has struggled to gain the approval of troops throughout his time in office, but these numbers reflect a new low for Obama, who finished his first year in office with a 35% approval figure and only 4 in 10 disapproving, according to the Military Times survey.

The military can't stand him either...............

BTW..........I just found out you can't iggy a Mod.............or you would be on ignore.


Damn right you can't ignore me, clown. That's my favorite part of being a mod - it prevents anyone from being a pussy and putting me on ignore.

I'm sure that in some alternate universe in your head, Obama's popularity amongst the troops is relevant to this conversation - but in this world, that's called moving the goal posts entirely out of the stadium.
Obama is a joke.....and your ass kissing of him is a joke as well...................

He could have been a CNC in this case......he chose to be a PC clown just like you.
I try to stigmatize the hell out of Muslims!
They actually stigmatize themselves. Their book commands them to do what they do.

Another rather important distinction that the forever hypocritical left does not get. Better yet, they WILL not get it.

Their willful ignorance will be what does all of them in. All while they keep thinking how oh so smart they are.
ok then you are lying.

There are 1.6 billion muslims on earth, a very small percentage of that 1.6 billion has actually performed a terrorist act

The rest of that 1.6 billion sits back and doesn't lift a finger to stop them.

Muslims have stopped more acts of Islamic terrorism than any other group of people.

They haven't stopped enough, obviously.

Murders still happen every day in America. Does that mean it's the fault of the police for not stopping them?

Which Muslims prevented 9/11?
Damn right you can't ignore me, clown. That's my favorite part of being a mod - it prevents anyone from being a pussy and putting me on ignore.
A perfect example of why mods should not be allowed to engage in debates.

^ A perfect example of a whiny little pussy who can't deal with ideas that don't match with his.

You're welcome to start your own message board, and make whatever rules for the moderators that you'd like - but I doubt you'd get many volunteers. Why would anyone bother to moderate a forum they weren't allowed to use?
I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to use it but you should not be allowed to moderate the same threads you argue in.
Still waiting for doc to tell us if he considers the Ft. Hood shooter a terrorist. He seems to be conveniently avoiding the question.
as much as I agree that islam (or any religion) is a plague on humanity, you have a terribly formed argument.

My advice, go watch any lectures or debates from Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Ayanni Ali, Maajid Nawaz, or Daniel Dennet. Then come back and say something intelligible
Truth is often very basic in its purest form. Honesty does not need flowery words. Honesty only requires truth.
Yours is befuddled with bullshit, in the extreme..
Still waiting for doc to tell us if he considers the Ft. Hood shooter a terrorist. He seems to be conveniently avoiding the question.

Oh that is one of those issues he will avoid. He is unreal. All of them are. Hypocrites about EVERYTHING.
What do you mean by "terrorist"? Be very specific, and then I'll tell you if I think that Hassan fits.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass

I know what the dictionary says, but I'm asking S. J. what he thinks a terrorist is.
You're trying to shift the focus from your avoidance of acknowledging Islamic terrorism.

No, I have no problem with "acknowledging Islamic terrorism", in fact I'm am personally a survivor of the worst instance of "Islamic terrorism" the US has ever suffered.

Are you still arguing for the Merriam-Webster definition of "terrorism"? If so, I don't think that the Ft. Hood shooting qualifies.
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass

I know what the dictionary says, but I'm asking S. J. what he thinks a terrorist is.
You're trying to shift the focus from your avoidance of acknowledging Islamic terrorism.

No, I have no problem with "acknowledging Islamic terrorism", in fact I'm am personally a survivor of the worst instance of "Islamic terrorism" the US has ever suffered.

Are you still arguing for the Merriam-Webster definition of "terrorism"? If so, I don't think that the Ft. Hood shooting qualifies.

A muslim screaming allahu akbar as he systematically shoots over 40 unarmed soldiers. The 32 others that survived are not eligible to receive lifetime medical treatment since it is not an official act of war.

If the congress decreed it as a terror attack that we all know it was, they would be eligible since by definition it would be an act of war.

In the video – “The Truth About Fort Hood” – the victims also accuse the government of “political correctness”and turning a blind eye to the fact that the alleged shooter consulted by e-mail with then-top al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki about whether an attack against American soldiers was justified to “protect our brothers.”

One victim, Staff Sgt. Shawn Manning, said in the video that the U.S. soldiers who were killed and wounded at Fort Hood were attacked “by a domestic enemy, someone who was there that day to kill soldiers to prevent them from deploying.”

“If that's not an act of war or an act of terrorism, I don't know what is,” Manning, a former Army staff sergeant, said.

Doc, you are an unreal disgrace.
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Still waiting for doc to tell us if he considers the Ft. Hood shooter a terrorist. He seems to be conveniently avoiding the question.


I'm not avoiding shit, clown. Here's your definition of terrorism:

the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

If Hassan was a "terrorist", who was he trying to frighten? What political goal was he trying to achieve?
Only hacks need to look for loopholes to define an argument

How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass

I know what the dictionary says, but I'm asking S. J. what he thinks a terrorist is.
You're trying to shift the focus from your avoidance of acknowledging Islamic terrorism.

No, I have no problem with "acknowledging Islamic terrorism", in fact I'm am personally a survivor of the worst instance of "Islamic terrorism" the US has ever suffered.

Are you still arguing for the Merriam-Webster definition of "terrorism"? If so, I don't think that the Ft. Hood shooting qualifies.
So says the Obama drone...................refusing to say what it really is........You can split hairs on the danged definition til the cows come home.................Hassan was a Terrorist.............and a Treasonist SOB.............and to deny the families of the victims the benefits they are the act of a President that is the laughing stock of the world.
Damn right you can't ignore me, clown. That's my favorite part of being a mod - it prevents anyone from being a pussy and putting me on ignore.
A perfect example of why mods should not be allowed to engage in debates.

^ A perfect example of a whiny little pussy who can't deal with ideas that don't match with his.

You're welcome to start your own message board, and make whatever rules for the moderators that you'd like - but I doubt you'd get many volunteers. Why would anyone bother to moderate a forum they weren't allowed to use?
I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to use it but you should not be allowed to moderate the same threads you argue in.

What you think "should be" is quite irrelevant. If you want to make the rules, go buy your own message board.
How can I answer a question that isn't defined?
You know what a terrorist is. Stop being a dumbass

I know what the dictionary says, but I'm asking S. J. what he thinks a terrorist is.
You're trying to shift the focus from your avoidance of acknowledging Islamic terrorism.

No, I have no problem with "acknowledging Islamic terrorism", in fact I'm am personally a survivor of the worst instance of "Islamic terrorism" the US has ever suffered.

Are you still arguing for the Merriam-Webster definition of "terrorism"? If so, I don't think that the Ft. Hood shooting qualifies.
So says the Obama drone...................refusing to say what it really is........You can split hairs on the danged definition til the cows come home.................Hassan was a Terrorist.............and a Treasonist SOB.............and to deny the families of the victims the benefits they are the act of a President that is the laughing stock of the world.


You seem to think that just because you're emotional, that makes you correct.

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