Still have no proof of Russians "altering" election results?

Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.
RW begged and cheered on a daily basis for more Clinton leaks .. then RW's cry and whine "illegal" when their party is on the carpet ....

totally embarrassing unless you're a shameless partisan hack playing dumb as a worm,

Most RWs I know of HATE Manning and Snowdon. Assange less so, because his actions don't involve violation of the terms of his employment.

The hack embarrassment worm with the malleable ethics here is you, Corky.
This guy says their is evidence.
The other guy says its classified.
Make up your minds, dingleberries.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.

Sounds to me like your delusional.

Sorry it was Friday not yesterday.

"On Friday afternoon, FBI Director James Comey delivered a classified, hour-long briefing to the Senate Intelligence Committee on the Russia scandal, and soon after, the Senate Intelligence Committee sent "formal requests to more than a dozen organizations, agencies and individuals, asking them to preserve all materials related to the committee's investigation" into the controversy."

Trump's Russia scandal takes an unexpected turn
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
Dubya Bush, is that you?
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.

Wait... the funny thing here is that people thanked you for this post. So you are saying Iraq DID HAVE WMDs? Because you realize that they didn't right? And you also realize that was many years ago? And how many of those top intelligence leaders are still in place and running the agencies?
Oh please. You trumpbots embarrass yourselves (if such was possible) denying Putin's role in this.

The only question is ... why he did it.

Not many people know this, but, Putin and Obama friends. There is video of Obama promising Putin 'more flexibility'.

So explain that.
yeah that explains Putin's hacking, son.

That was probably pneumonia. If you are refering to Podesta being an idiot to a phishing might have an argument about incompetent information technology security in the Democrat party aparatus.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.
They still do not know WMDs were found and there were reasons it was not hyped. Oh, and what I cannot tell is if the confirmed losers like bendog and the rest are denying that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs long before Boooosh took office. Can you tell if he is denying that.

Oh, and according to their bible the NY Times, the wmds were found and it was kept a secret.


For nearly a decade, the United States government kept secret that troops were being injured as they stumbled across aged chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein had built for his war with Iran. Explore the original Times investigation, eyewitness accounts from victims and the developments that led to the Pentagon’s response, policy changes and follow-up care.


The left are wrong about everything. All of it. They are complete losers. No exceptions either. They are demented and they cannot handle it.

Personally, I hope and pray one of them confronts me physically. I hope it is bendog. Wouldn't that be great?
Four Americans dead... nothing to see let's move on. A private org gets hacked and e-mails leaked.. OH SHIT!!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
How does hacking a private org = hacking an election?

They are saying if voters were less informed they would have voted for Hillary while simultaneously saying all Trump voters are uninformed.

The emails didn't give us any new information just confirmed what we already knew.

What caused Hillary to lose was she is one of the most unlikeable and corrupt people probably on the whole planet.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.
They still do not know WMDs were found and there were reasons it was not hyped. Oh, and what I cannot tell is if the confirmed losers like bendog and the rest are denying that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs long before Boooosh took office. Can you tell if he is denying that.

Oh, and according to their bible the NY Times, the wmds were found and it was kept a secret.


For nearly a decade, the United States government kept secret that troops were being injured as they stumbled across aged chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein had built for his war with Iran. Explore the original Times investigation, eyewitness accounts from victims and the developments that led to the Pentagon’s response, policy changes and follow-up care.


The left are wrong about everything. All of it. They are complete losers. No exceptions either. They are demented and they cannot handle it.

Personally, I hope and pray one of them confronts me physically. I hope it is bendog. Wouldn't that be great?

No, I personally think Iraq had WMDs and they had plenty of time to move them out of the country. However, you Trumpbots have been arguing this entire time that the intelligence agencies of the U.S. are wrong because they also said Iraq had WMDs that sent us into war and they were wrong there were none. NOW you are arguing they did have them... so the intelligence agencies were right? Make up your Goddamn mind.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.

Wait... the funny thing here is that people thanked you for this post. So you are saying Iraq DID HAVE WMDs? Because you realize that they didn't right? And you also realize that was many years ago? And how many of those top intelligence leaders are still in place and running the agencies?
They found WMDs we gave them in the 80s. Soldiers were even getting harmed handling them.
Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |
Doesn't matter. You think our intelligence agencies have suddenly became enlightened despite being shitty for decades? Give me a break.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.
They still do not know WMDs were found and there were reasons it was not hyped. Oh, and what I cannot tell is if the confirmed losers like bendog and the rest are denying that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs long before Boooosh took office. Can you tell if he is denying that.

Oh, and according to their bible the NY Times, the wmds were found and it was kept a secret.


For nearly a decade, the United States government kept secret that troops were being injured as they stumbled across aged chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein had built for his war with Iran. Explore the original Times investigation, eyewitness accounts from victims and the developments that led to the Pentagon’s response, policy changes and follow-up care.


The left are wrong about everything. All of it. They are complete losers. No exceptions either. They are demented and they cannot handle it.

Personally, I hope and pray one of them confronts me physically. I hope it is bendog. Wouldn't that be great?

No, I personally think Iraq had WMDs and they had plenty of time to move them out of the country. However, you Trumpbots have been arguing this entire time that the intelligence agencies of the U.S. are wrong because they also said Iraq had WMDs that sent us into war and they were wrong there were none. NOW you are arguing they did have them... so the intelligence agencies were right? Make up your Goddamn mind.
I didn't say that. But way to ignorantly generalize. Really adds credibility.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.

Wait... the funny thing here is that people thanked you for this post. So you are saying Iraq DID HAVE WMDs? Because you realize that they didn't right? And you also realize that was many years ago? And how many of those top intelligence leaders are still in place and running the agencies?
They found WMDs we gave them in the 80s. Soldiers were even getting harmed handling them.
Vets Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology, Promise of Awards |
Doesn't matter. You think our intelligence agencies have suddenly became enlightened despite being shitty for decades? Give me a break.

Our intelligence agencies have saved your life more times than you will ever know, because that shit doesn't get reported every time it happens.
Comey just had a special closed intelligence meeting with a bunch of bipartisan Senators yesterday about this and Trump's Russian ties, and immediately the Senators drafted up a plan to have all the intelligence agencies preserve their evidence... so that Trump couldn't have it destroyed. Sounds to me like there is plenty of evidence, sorry you don't have the security clearance to see it, I guess you chose the wrong path in life if you wanted to have that ability.
There was plenty of evidence that Iraq had WMDs too. But what did we find? WMDs WE gave them.
They still do not know WMDs were found and there were reasons it was not hyped. Oh, and what I cannot tell is if the confirmed losers like bendog and the rest are denying that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs long before Boooosh took office. Can you tell if he is denying that.

Oh, and according to their bible the NY Times, the wmds were found and it was kept a secret.


For nearly a decade, the United States government kept secret that troops were being injured as they stumbled across aged chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein had built for his war with Iran. Explore the original Times investigation, eyewitness accounts from victims and the developments that led to the Pentagon’s response, policy changes and follow-up care.


The left are wrong about everything. All of it. They are complete losers. No exceptions either. They are demented and they cannot handle it.

Personally, I hope and pray one of them confronts me physically. I hope it is bendog. Wouldn't that be great?

No, I personally think Iraq had WMDs and they had plenty of time to move them out of the country. However, you Trumpbots have been arguing this entire time that the intelligence agencies of the U.S. are wrong because they also said Iraq had WMDs that sent us into war and they were wrong there were none. NOW you are arguing they did have them... so the intelligence agencies were right? Make up your Goddamn mind.
I didn't say that. But way to ignorantly generalize. Really adds credibility.

Hey derp, I responded to The Owl. I would think as long as you have been a member here you would understand how quote tags work.

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