Stimulus Checks delayed to include Trump's name

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You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
The checks are disbursed by the President or those working in his behalf.

Your TDS is eating you up, once again.

From what I have been able to find out- no President in American history has every had his name on a check to American citizens. So this is unprecedented. It shocks no one because we all know Trump likes his name on everything.

But this change will mean that Americans will be delayed in getting those checks because of this change.

Now if you are against the checks on principal- think about this- our President wants his name on the checks you are against on principle.

If you think that the checks going out is a good thing- think about this- our President is prioritizing his name on the checks before Americans getting the checks.

Literally Trump is prioritizing his ego ahead of the needs of Americans.

And this surprises no one.

I am so glad I'm not getting any check or automatic deposit from this.
I'm going to send it back.
Why not just cash it and give $$ to someone who is more needy than you? I mean sending the check back may satisfy your personal hatred but why not just use to to help others if you can't use it?
Why would I do that? Why not give my own money to a cause that may yield a tax break, instead of getting money from Trump, then giving it away and getting taxed for it anyway?
However, it should take no more than 30 seconds to type Trump's statement in the memo line while running the software to print the checks.
Yeah, uh, you really have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.
These newfangled devices called computers are really amazing. You conveniently left out of the quote my mention of red tape, in other words bureaucracy, that could create a significant delay in the checks because Trump wants his name in the memo line. My mention of the deep state was a rather lame attempt at humor.
Yeah but, no...There is no delay.
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

Have you ever seen a president without an ego?...I could not care less about his ego....I care whether he is America first and Trump is.....
Trump is Trump first.

Which is why he NEEDS to have his name on the checks.
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You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
The checks are disbursed by the President or those working in his behalf.

Your TDS is eating you up, once again.

From what I have been able to find out- no President in American history has every had his name on a check to American citizens. So this is unprecedented. It shocks no one because we all know Trump likes his name on everything.

But this change will mean that Americans will be delayed in getting those checks because of this change.

Now if you are against the checks on principal- think about this- our President wants his name on the checks you are against on principle.

If you think that the checks going out is a good thing- think about this- our President is prioritizing his name on the checks before Americans getting the checks.

Literally Trump is prioritizing his ego ahead of the needs of Americans.

And this surprises no one.

I am so glad I'm not getting any check or automatic deposit from this.
I'm going to send it back.
Why not just cash it and give $$ to someone who is more needy than you? I mean sending the check back may satisfy your personal hatred but why not just use to to help others if you can't use it?
Because he's an American hating pos.
Trump had no idea this lie was the newest democrats had come up with.

The public is pretty wise to everything democrats say is a lie. I doubt they paid this bit of fluff any attention.
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

It's a fake story. Probably planted by a Chinese paid propagandist.
However, it should take no more than 30 seconds to type Trump's statement in the memo line while running the software to print the checks.
Yeah, uh, you really have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.
These newfangled devices called computers are really amazing. You conveniently left out of the quote my mention of red tape, in other words bureaucracy, that could create a significant delay in the checks because Trump wants his name in the memo line. My mention of the deep state was a rather lame attempt at humor.
I saw all of your madeup nonsense. You are talking out of your ass.
Yet you have not given any real explanation to refute anything I said.
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

When I first learned of this I was disgusted.

Now it's just another example of how insecure and self centered trump is.

No other president has done this.

I can't imagine the type of person that is so insecure that they need to do that.

How down right sad that he is our president.
Read my posts and educate yourself. This is a tax break for business. There is no check going out to the so-called 'rich.' Like I said, businesses employ folks and the owners of those businesses are responsible for starting, running and supporting their business.
People like you never make any sense. I'm not against people getting checks in these economic times that are no fault of their own. But this is a handout/ socialism. I thought the Right was against all that?
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

It's a fake story. Probably planted by a Chinese paid propagandist.
You're a liar. It's not fake.
And this is just the kind of thing His loyal and faithful subjects love about Him.
His loyal and faithful subjects are totally insane.
people say the same about how are you any different than them?....just asking.....
The difference being I have the receipts proving I'm right in these debates and you haven't. Nothing insane about the truth and facts. What do folks like you have? TDS surrender posts and memes. That's it. That's what you call a bunch of total losers right there.
oh give me a aint no different than many of the other dipshits here who think their opinion is right....dont forget your bullshit is here for everyone to see....
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

When I first learned of this I was disgusted.

Now it's just another example of how insecure and self centered trump is.

No other president has done this.

I can't imagine the type of person that is so insecure that they need to do that.

How down right sad that he is our president.
Read my posts and educate yourself. This is a tax break for business. There is no check going out to the so-called 'rich.' Like I said, businesses employ folks and the owners of those businesses are responsible for starting, running and supporting their business.
People like you never make any sense. I'm not against people getting checks in these economic times that are no fault of their own. But this is a handout/ socialism. I thought the Right was against all that?
It's not a handout it's a tax incentive. The country is shut down. These businesses can't make any money. Why are you so opposed to helping them? Because you saw a headline that said the 'rich' will receive 1.7 million? Just how dense and stupid can you be?
However, it should take no more than 30 seconds to type Trump's statement in the memo line while running the software to print the checks.
Yeah, uh, you really have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.
These newfangled devices called computers are really amazing. You conveniently left out of the quote my mention of red tape, in other words bureaucracy, that could create a significant delay in the checks because Trump wants his name in the memo line. My mention of the deep state was a rather lame attempt at humor.
I saw all of your madeup nonsense. You are talking out of your ass.
Yet you have not given any real explanation to refute anything I said.
You haven't said anything.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

Liar. Shitting Bull speaks with forked delay whatsoever...more commie lies.
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

When I first learned of this I was disgusted.

Now it's just another example of how insecure and self centered trump is.

No other president has done this.

I can't imagine the type of person that is so insecure that they need to do that.

How down right sad that he is our president.
Read my posts and educate yourself. This is a tax break for business. There is no check going out to the so-called 'rich.' Like I said, businesses employ folks and the owners of those businesses are responsible for starting, running and supporting their business.
People like you never make any sense. I'm not against people getting checks in these economic times that are no fault of their own. But this is a handout/ socialism. I thought the Right was against all that?
It's not a handout it's a tax incentive. The country is shut down. These businesses can't make any money. Why are you so opposed to helping them? Because you saw a headline that said the 'rich' will receive 1.7 million? Just how dense and stupid can you be?
I didn't read that, and I never said that, so you are making up pure horse shit as always. Get it through your head. I'm not opposed to people who are suffering getting money. But it's free money plane and simple. It's pure taxpayer paid socialism that comes from us. We are helping businesses, not the banks. Taxpayers are helping businesses and that's fine by me. But it's socialism. Just do us all a big favor. All you DA hypocrite Republicans need to STFU about socialism from now on.
If not for the "Nancy delay", you wouldn't be getting this check. There was no stimulus payment to taxpayers in the McConnell plan at all - it all went to corporations with no strings attached. I'm sure your boss would have shared his government check with you, just like he shared his corporate tax cut with you.

Nancy delayed the stimulus so that money would flow to the people first. Trump is trying to take credit for this payment which you would not be receiving if not for Nancy Pelosi.

Hey lying canuck.....make somebody happy and hang yourself.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

Liar. Shitting Bull speaks with forked delay whatsoever...more commie lies.
How do you know? By the way, did you get your socialism check today?
And this is just the kind of thing His loyal and faithful subjects love about Him.
His loyal and faithful subjects are totally insane.
people say the same about how are you any different than them?....just asking.....
The difference being I have the receipts proving I'm right in these debates and you haven't. Nothing insane about the truth and facts. What do folks like you have? TDS surrender posts and memes. That's it. That's what you call a bunch of total losers right there.
oh give me a aint no different than many of the other dipshits here who think their opinion is right....dont forget your bullshit is here for everyone to see....
See how easy it was to get you to surrender? All it takes is the truth and facts, and you have to go back in your miserable hole.
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

Yep. Wants his name across checks that only would go to 20% of the population. The other 80% use direct deposit. The only people he's screwing here are...most of the people who support him. Not too bright.
So Tardo, you think 100% of the population is getting this money?

Do you require someone to follow you around 24/7 to tell you to breath? Just asking.
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