Stimulus Checks delayed to include Trump's name

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The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

WTF, now you're complaining about a delay...after the Nancy delay? Dumbass.

If not for the "Nancy delay", you wouldn't be getting this check. There was no stimulus payment to taxpayers in the McConnell plan at all - it all went to corporations with no strings attached. I'm sure your boss would have shared his government check with you, just like he shared his corporate tax cut with you.

Nancy delayed the stimulus so that money would flow to the people first. Trump is trying to take credit for this payment which you would not be receiving if not for Nancy Pelosi.

You seem to have Pork confused with People. I know they both start with a "P", but they are very different.

No, Mitch was very careful to include a LOT of pork for the mid-Western states. All of the Republican fly-over states got $300,000 per case for covid cases, while New York received $12,000 per case. Mitch made sure the mid-West got huge chunks pork for their states because there's a fucking election coming up. Party before country.
The Fed has already poured in billions into the infected blue cities.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.
Of course since the everything has to be about him. This is what stimulus checks used to look like...


I miss the days when rightards used to count the number of times a Democrat president would say "I" or "me."
President Obama would use his last name in a third person singular way.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

This shows how stupid Trump is. He thinks those checks will help him. They will not and voters will kick him to the curb in November.
I have received Government Checks my whole life. They always had Sec Treasuries name on them.

Trump is the only moron to insist everyone knows the check came from him
I believe your messiah did something similar. I’ll have to check, but maybe you recall.

The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

I would be joining you and The Washington Post in admonishing Trump for further delay but given the defeating silence from your side while Pelosi was delaying and obstructing until she got Same Day Voting into the Stimulus Bill - something that has NO Economic Relief Value - your side is in no position to criticize Trump for delay.
Pelosi, is not a Senator, it was delayed in the Senate due to Mitch McConnell's bill not being adequate.... and due to the half a trillion dollar slush fund for corporation bail outs with NO OVERSIGHT MEASURES.... that he and the president tried to slip in....

the House was not even in session.... when the vote in the senate first failed to pass.

It was delayed in the house because of a REPUBLICAN Congressman, insisting on their needing to be a quorum vote, instead of unanimous consent, and Congress critters having to come back in to DC for the vote.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

Is this not fucking incredible????
It's not his money!
It the taxpayer's!

No check, no care.

I am not eligible to get a check because of the income limitations. Neither are either one of my sons so I don't give a shit.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

At least those Images of Trumpybear and PutinBear riding their Horsey bareback together were excluded........
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

Is this not fucking incredible????
It's not his money!
It the taxpayer's!


Yeah, I'm a tax payers. I approve of this.
The Treasury Department ordered the IRS to add President Trump’s name to the paper stimulus checks, which is likely to cause a delay in their delivery.

President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the economic stimulus checks that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service to individuals to help mitigate losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The addition, which was ordered by the Treasury Department, is expected to delay the delivery of paper checks by several days, according to the Post, which cited unnamed senior agency officials. The phrase “President Donald J. Trump” will be printed in a memo line on the left side of the checks (most will total $1,200 for individuals), below a line that says “Economic Impact Payment.”

After the IRS adjusts its printing technology for this addition, tens of millions of Americans are expected to receive these checks in the mail in the coming weeks.

NBC News also confirmed the report Tuesday night.


I've never heard of this before. Trump's narcissism knows no bounds.

I would be joining you and The Washington Post in admonishing Trump for further delay but given the defeating silence from your side while Pelosi was delaying and obstructing until she got Same Day Voting into the Stimulus Bill - something that has NO Economic Relief Value - your side is in no position to criticize Trump for delay.

Same Day Voting IS important. And with the Virus right now with no end in sight, mail-in voting is essential. We have had that in Colorado for more than a decade and the only two people bagged have been Republicans. One was the head of the Republican State Party. But they were bagged in the after election audit. We have had more trouble with the Voter Drop Boxes than the Mail-in Ballots. And, once again, it's a republican ran office that didn't pick up the drop boxes in select areas (Democrat areas) and She spends her time blaming the Democrats and the Elderly. No after election audit could have caught that. It was discovered over a year AFTER the 2018 election when a Democrat and a Republican was tasked to open the box. We need a national Mail-in voting method as well as same day registration. It makes it harder to cheat and the Republicans seem to cheat better and more frequent than the Democrats do.

This was an economic stimulus bill. Again, Same Day Voting is not an economic issue and its inclusion in a stimulus bill has no direct impact on Americans who need to pay their electricity and buy food tomorrow. Your argument merely introduces a stand-alone, separate debate and does not establish relevancy for economic stimulus.

Okay. Let us see bills sponsored by republicans to make sure that all eligible voters get to vote in the next election. I think that mail-in ballots and an extended voting period would enable more people to vote. What will they do to make sure that eligible voters are not expunged from the rolls. Everyone should vote, agreed? And there has never been any evidence of widespread voter fraud, as opposed to voter suppression.

If you would like to begin a thread on same day voting as the topic, by all means. However, it had no role nor should it have ever been used as a catalyst to hold up an economic stimulus in a time of crisis. That is Pelosi’s doing and as a result, she did damage to the economy. Trump signature on the check is a bullshit cosmetic but will not have the impact of holding up signed legislation that Pelosi contributed. I would be equally pissed off and holding a congressman accountable if he held up an economic stimulus in crisis for a pro life provision.
How many times were they delayed so that democrats could play politics and forward their stupid agenda?

Way too many.

The article did not conclude anything was delayed. President Trump's name will make the checks even better, it was his idea.
You know, I've been a military brat, a military member, and now am a retired Navy sailor. I've gotten government checks damn near all my life, and NEVER have I see them have anything about anyone else other than the US Treasurer on them.

Well, that has changed, because now Trump has seen fit to make sure that all the stimulus checks coming out will have his name and that it's his stimulus in the memo line. Presidents can't sign Treasury checks, which is why he is doing this. The WH says that while the decision was just recently made, they don't see any reason why it should delay the checks.

Hate to tell them, but they are wrong, this change can take anywhere from an extra week to a month. I worked with payroll in the military, and I know how long some of these changes can take.

You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
Fake news, false valor.
You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
The checks are disbursed by the President or those working in his behalf.

Your TDS is eating you up, once again.
You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
Fake news, false valor.

Go ahead and call it fake news, but you'll see when you get a check if you don't have DDS.

As far as the false valor bullshit? Go ahead and believe what you want to, it has zero bearing on my status as a retired US Navy sailor, my taxpayer funded pension, my VA benefits or what is on my 214, and my ID card verifies my status quite nicely.
You do realize that the secretary of the Treasury has his name put on ever US dollar, right?


Yeah, I do, but dollars aren't checks. And, I also told you that on all the checks I've ever gotten, they were signed by the Treasurer, but never did I ever see a president's name on them, not even in the memo.

And, when Jr. gave his out, he was going to include a note saying it was a stimulus from his admin, but they thought that would be too political and he didn't.

Trump just had to get his name on the check somehow, even if it's just in the memo line so he could boost his ego. His narcissism knows no bounds.
Fake news, false valor.

Go ahead and call it fake news, but you'll see when you get a check if you don't have DDS.

As far as the false valor bullshit? Go ahead and believe what you want to, it has zero bearing on my status as a retired US Navy sailor, my taxpayer funded pension, my VA benefits or what is on my 214, and my ID card verifies my status quite nicely.
Please do SOMETHING about your RAGING TDS. It makes you look like a damn fool EVERY time you post. Thank you.
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