Stock Market will crash this year!


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
Only democrats are stupid enough to think a 33% tax incease won't have a negative effect on the stock market and Real Estate market.
Actually, I think the QE^Infinity will drive up stock prices on nominal basis.
Actually, I think the QE^Infinity will drive up stock prices on nominal basis.

You might be right, but imo QE and low interest rates are built in to the market. In any case, QE won't do anything for Real Estate.
The ZIRP policy, in addition to suppressing federal interest payments, is designed to inflate housing. Once rates adjust to a true market level, real estate will come down as well.
Only democrats are stupid enough to think a 33% tax incease won't have a negative effect on the stock market and Real Estate market.

That should make the OWS terrorists happy.
Face it guys you have a real shitty track record.

You were all SURE Robmoney was going to win
a person would be better off doing the Opposite of what you people recomend taking your track record into account
Everything is going to crash unless we get an immediate handle on the debt. The dems are not prepared to pay more taxes - they trust our liar, and chief; they are only prepared for the wealthiest to pay more!
The ZIRP policy, in addition to suppressing federal interest payments, is designed to inflate housing. Once rates adjust to a true market level, real estate will come down as well.

Bernanke's low interst rate policy has been in effect for a long time now. It hasn't had much of an effect on the housing market. Lending has ceased since the devastation of the last crash.
Everything is going to crash unless we get an immediate handle on the debt. The dems are not prepared to pay more taxes - they trust our liar, and chief; they are only prepared for the wealthiest to pay more!

There is a point at which foreign interest stop swapping us valuable stuff such as oil for our printed paper.

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