Stone arrested. Lied to Congress BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE DemonRATS?

Stone gets locked up....herE are a just a few DemonRATS who lied to Congress, and because they are ALL part of the DEEP STSTE...NOTHING HAPPENS!

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and Eric Holder

good good
Stone gets locked up....herE are a just a few DemonRATS who lied to Congress, and because they are ALL part of the DEEP STSTE...NOTHING HAPPENS!

Need more?


Why would I think a commieRAT would have anything useful to add? In other words worm, YOU have no honesty and simply a DemonRAT operative!

SO just happens to be the same response Rudi used about rump meeting with Russans ...
The post above is so stupid.

I wonder how many more posts on this forum it will take to finally fix all these problems, change the Socialists to Republicans and resolve all of this nations woes?

Maybe just a few more?

We cant fix commie think. And stupidity of the left
Funny how the repubs are the victims during the republican majority govt.
Moreover, its' a well-known fact that law enforcement, both local, statewide and national are OVERWHELMINGLY run, operated and performed by conservatives. So WHO are they really blaming here?

It's always (D)ifferent when they commit blatant criminal acts.

the understatement of the century. this has got to be a frame job,would not be the first time in history,sirhan sirhan,oswald,james earl ray.
Maybe, just may be, if there were some suspicion of criminal activity they would have a target on them.'
Your stupid wishful thinking, (hoping), doesn't work.
Mueller and his gang are a disgrace to the human race... the Gestapo in 1940s Germany would have been proud of him ...... he has fallen so low now..... how can he live with himself is a mystery to me.

But the pendulum will swing, Mr Mueller...... and Hell will be waiting for you with open arms.

Mueller, you are a disgusting piece of garbage.
Mueller and his gang are a disgrace to the human race... the Gestapo in 1940s Germany would have been proud of him ...... he has fallen so low now..... how can he live with himself is a mystery to me.

But the pendulum will swing, Mr Mueller...... and Hell will be waiting for you with open arms.

Mueller, you are a disgusting piece of garbage.
How is Mueller’s investigation different from Ken Starr’s?
This breaking news just in ... Hillary Clinton has _still_ not been indicted.

Instead, Trump and his admin get "Lock him up!' chants wherever they go.

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