Stop Antisemitism

A European Parliament committee canceled its planned visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority after Israeli officials refused to meet the group as long as a Nazi sympathizer was a member, and declined to allow them to visit arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti.

The Foreign Ministry notified the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights that it would not meet with the group because it includes Estonian lawmaker Jaak Madison, leading to the trip’s cancelation on Thursday night.

“We clarified to the heads of the committee that we will not agree to hold official meetings with members of parliament who express opinions inspired by the Nazi worldview,” the Foreign Ministry said on Friday. “In the end, the committee chairman decided to cancel the visit to Israel.”

Madison has called for a “final solution” against immigration to Europe. In 2015, he wrote a blog post sympathizing with the Nazis, in which he said “it is true that there were concentration camps, forced labor camps, games with gas chambers…but at the same time, such strict order brought Germany at the time out of a thorough ‘s***hole.’” He called fascism “an ideology that consists of quite a few positive and necessary nuances to preserve the nation state.”

On the delegation’s schedule for next week was a meeting with Barghouti, a leader of the Tanzim terrorist group, who is serving five life sentences in Hadarim Prison for masterminding deadly terrorist attacks during the Second Intifada, though Israeli authorities ultimately denied them permission to meet with him.

(full article online)

Twitter does not delete an overwhelming majority of antisemitic tweets published on its platform, a study by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) foundon Thursday.

Over a nine week span, the ADL’s Center for Technology and Society (CTS) identified and reported 225 antisemitic tweets that accused Jews of everything from pedophilia and controlling the world to exaggerating the horrors of the Holocaust. Only 11, or just 5%, were removed, the group said.

(full article online)

I experienced four years of antisemitic abuse from Nicholas Nelson of Cambridgeshire.

Despite being found guilty of such crimes for the THIRD time, Nelson was initially spared jail. However, during today’s review by the Court of Appeal, that lenient decision has been overturned.

Nicholas Nelson’s racial harassment, which included calls for another Holocaust, the glorification of terrorist organisation Hamas, as well as perverted sexual fantasies involving Adolf Hitler, started anonymously. In one of his comments today the judge stated, “For the avoidance of doubt, the fear of violence being perpetrated against Lee was entirely rational and justifiable.

The judge also stated that the harassment was “some of the worst kind imaginable…about as low as it can get… the most despicable of all in a crowded field”, and noted that it had a “chilling effect” on my life and livelihood.

With the help of Campaign Against Antisemitism and the esteemed libel lawyer, Mark Lewis, we exposed Nelson’s identity and kickstarted a prosecution, which has now reached an appropriate conclusion.

The criminally antisemitic Jeremy Corbyn fanatic, Nicholas Nelson, is now going to prison for eighteen months.

I dedicate this victory to all Jews who don’t take any crap from idiots.

Shabbat Shalom.

The HJS researchers also found that just 47 schools have any kind of formal, written policy that might make staff more aware of the vicious forms antisemitic bullying often takes, or require them to crack down on it.

The figure represents a derisory 3.4 per cent of schools that reported back.

Some of the schools in the survey shared details of individual cases. Of these, 58 per cent involved mockery and abuse of Jewish students through references to the Nazis and the Holocaust.

The list of disturbing incidents includes the practice of hissing at Jewish students to emulate the supposed sound of Nazi gas chambers.

Such taunting has taken place immediately after Holocaust education classes in some schools, community sources have told the JC.

infographic 16.9

The HJS report recounts how at a school in Sussex, non-Jewish pupils made the hissing sound in a science lab as they turned on Bunsen burners.

Schools’ incident reports submitted in response to the FoI request reveal antisemitism across the country:

•In Cumbria, a student brought in a copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and suggested his class read it together as a set text. Another pupil at the same school asked questions during a personal development lesson about the “Jewish conspiracy” that runs the world;

•At a school in east London, a pupil threw a drink over a Jewish classmate while delivering antisemitic abuse;

•There were three separate incidents at a school in Norfolk. One pupil was referred to Prevent for using “racist and threatening language” in class towards both Jews and other minorities, another expressed “unacceptable views about Nazis” in a piece of creative writing written from the perspective of a Nazi concentration camp guard, and a third student was referred to Prevent after scrawling swastikas and pro-Nazi graffiti on a classroom whiteboard;

•At a school in Lancashire, a swastika was drawn on a classroom wall at a school where a pupil was also heard making antisemitic comments in relation to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Senior politicians from both of the main parties called for immediate action.

Tory MP Robert Halfon, chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Education, told the JC: “This is horrific. It’s hard to believe that in 2022, Jewish students are being subjected to antisemitism and abuse of this kind — and yet nothing seems to be being done about it.”

(full article online)

Around half the public content related to the Holocaust on the Telegram messaging service denies or distorts facts about the killing of six million of Europe's Jews in the Holocaust, according to a new study by the United Nations cultural agency.

The UNESCO report found that 80% of public German-language messages about the Nazi genocide during World War Two denied or distorted facts, and the same was true for 50% of English- and French-language posts about the Holocaust.

UNESCO found that even on moderated platforms, the deniers and distorters eluded censors by using humorous and parodic memes to normalize anti-Semitic ideas.
It recommended that governments invest in developing public media literacy and that platforms take action against such content and redirect to verified information.

(full article online)

An antisemitic flyer was placed on the front steps of a Melbourne synagogue this week, claiming that the coronavirus pandemic is an elaborate conspiracy procured by Jewish people.

A religious Jewish woman found the flyer at the Sassoon Yehuda Synagogue in the heart of the religious Jewish community of the city. The woman was the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors.

The flyer lists Australian CDC members with Jewish background or names as a form of evidence for the claim that "every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish".

(full article online)

[ And the punch line is that there is a Peace Treaty between Israel and Jordan. But the teachings against Jews and Israel continue. Time for Jordan to follow in Saudi Arabia's steps. Get rid of any and all anti Jewish sayings in their textbooks, tv, media, etc, etc..... ]

Jordanian media doesn't even try to hide its antisemitism.

Addustour, a major newspaper, has called Jews the devil, said that Jews are the most stubborn enemies of Islam, and only recently that Jews lie about the Holocaust.

On Saturday, columnist Rashid Hassan came up with an interesting alternate history of Palestine:
The White House and the whole world knows that Palestine is the homeland of the Palestinian Arab people, and Biden knows, if he reads history, that the Jews are an invading nation.. They occupied Palestine.. Just as your people, Mr. Biden, occupied America, and exterminated tens of millions of Red Indians -- with Britain's support. ... History has proven that the Palestinian people established a developed state that surpassed Britain and France in civility and progress. and institutions...
Not only have Jews never lived in the region, but he reminds us of that famous Palestinian state and all its developed institutions!

Meanwhile, in Ammon News, Dr. Bassam al-Amoush tells President Biden that "We know that you and all the presidents who preceded you to the White House are Zionists and slaves to Jewish organizations such as AIPAC, in whose hands anyone who wants to enter the White House will sit to present his pledges towards the occupying state!! "

Yes, all American presidents beg Jews to allow them to gain power. Which is pretty much what David Duke says.

But when Jordanians say it, the media doesn't think it is newsworthy.

‘I receive a lot of threats,” says Liora Rez, executive director of StopAntisemitism, matter-of-factly. “The antisemites try to intimidate me, but I’m not going anywhere.” Though she dismisses the threats with a chuckle, antisemitism in the United States, says Rez, is no laughing matter.

StopAntisemitism is a watchdog organization dedicated to calling out antisemites and antisemitic behavior across the United States. Rez co-founded the organization as a response to the antisemitism she had encountered in her professional life and the frustration she felt in dealing with the phenomenon. “I have been working in the digital space since 2012,” she says. “My social media handle that I was using identified me as Jewish, and I received atrocious comments – everything from ‘baby killers’ to ‘you’re like Nazi Germany – you guys are doing to the

Palestinians what was done to you,’ to ‘Hitler should have finished the job.’”Rez says she also felt frustrated that expressions of antisemitism from the extreme Right seemed to attract more attention than comments made by members of the extreme Left. “It was very frustrating to have those that espouse hatred toward Jews get a pass,” she says.

Rez says that while antisemitic activity keeps skyrocketing, more organizations and employers are becoming receptive to the fact that Jews are a minority that deserves the same treatment as other minorities. “But,” she adds, “there is still so much work to do to level the playing field when it comes to this.” Rez explains that while most schools, corporations and universities in the US have diversity, equity and inclusion departments, they do not properly address issues of discrimination against Jews.

Society views the Jews, she explains, as what she terms a “model class minority.” Despite the fact that two-thirds of Europe’s Jews perished in the Holocaust, the general public sees the Jews as having rebounded quickly and thrived “to a point of vilification where we are all (falsely) perceived as white, rich and educated.” Though the Jews comprise less than 2% of the total US adult population, almost 60% of all religious hate crimes in the US are committed against Jewish people.

(full article online )

Many college campuses across the United States have become hotbeds for antisemitism, as HonestReporting has documented extensively in our recent series. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported that there were 155 antisemitic incidents on college campuses in 2021, a 21 percent increase from 2020. With the 2021-2022 academic year behind us, let’s examine some of the more noteworthy and perhaps less documented antisemitic incidents which impacted Jewish students across America.

1. Rutgers’ Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity House Egged on Holocaust Remembrance Day Two Years in a Row​

On Yom Hashoah, AEPI at Rutgers was the target of a series of antisemitic incidentsfor the second consecutive year. During the fraternity’s annual 24-hour reading of the names of those who died in the Holocaust, its house was egged by two unidentified perpetrators. This same incident had occurred during the previous year’s Yom Hashoah ceremony. Days prior to this year’s egging, multiple cars full of people waving Palestinian flags drove up to the fraternity house, where they launched an antisemitic verbal assault, calling the fraternity members “terrorists” and “baby killers.”

2. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Tufts Promotes Discriminatory Boycott of Jewish Clubs on Campus​

Tufts University has a troubling history of antisemitism, and a string of events over several months this year unfortunately reinforced this notion. SJP at Tufts consistently promoted antisemitic rhetoric and blatant lies about Israel throughout the year, including the launch of an “Israel Apartheid Week,” painting “End Israeli Apartheid” on the school’s landmark cannon, and denigrating Hillel in a published statement that contended that, “Hillel cannot both support a genocidal, settler-colonial state and be committed to every student feeling accepted and treated with respect.”

Accusing Hillel of supporting a “genocidal” state directly falls under the widely adopted IHRA working definition of antisemitism, which holds that “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is inherently antisemitic. Most notably, the Tufts Observer published an article by SJP, calling on students to boycott a variety of Jewish clubs which “normalize or benefit Israel,”including J-Street, an organization that has repeatedly stated its support for a two-state solution.

3. Jewish Student at University of Central Florida Beaten, Berated and Pepper Sprayed by Protestors Wearing Swastikas​

In February, a Jewish student at the University of Central Florida was driving past a rally being held by the white supremacist, neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement. One of the members spat on the student’s car, sparking an altercation that led to multiple members of the group beating and pepper spraying the student, and subsequently throwing the student’s phone down a storm drain. According to video footage from the scene, the NSM members were shouting antisemitic slurs throughout the attack. The three main perpetrators were arrested shortly thereafter.

4. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Senator at University of Southern California (USC) Posts Virulently Antisemitic Messages on Social Media​

USC student Yasmeen Mashayekh, formerly a diversity, equity and inclusion senator for the university’s Viterbi School of Engineering, posted a plethora of antisemitic posts on social media throughout the academic year. Some of the posts included statements such as, “I want to kill every motherf***ing Zionist,” “The death of Israel is coming. I will do it single handedly if I must,” “Yes I f***king love Hamas,” and “curse the Jews” in Arabic. These posts sparked outrage at USC — that is, for everyone but the university itself.

Other than a halfhearted apology via Twitter from the School of Engineering, the university failed to issue any sort of statement or condemnation of the blatant antisemitism. This prompted sixty faculty members to sign a letter calling upon the university administration to end its silence in regards to “ongoing open expressions of antisemitism and Zionophobia.”

(full article online)

This doesn't happen often, but Amad published a columnby Abdulaziz Al Zayed that emphasizes that Palestinians should hate ZIonists, not Jews.

Is Judaism really an insult? I say: “Wake up the nation of Islam, for this is not from the religion of Muhammad.” I say: “Wake up my people, for your blame on the Jews is a mistake that must be corrected."

So why blind hatred against Jews and Judaism? Judaism is a divinely respected religion in Islam, and the Jews are our brothers among us. And they have many commonalities and ties.... Is the Islamic religion really a religion of tolerance and kindness? So why blind hatred against Jews and Judaism? Judaism is a divinely respected religion in Islam, and the Jews are our brothers among us.

Unfortunately, there are thinkers who have overstepped their position and floated in the balance, and did not do justice to the Jews from themselves, and the Qur’an threatens by saying: (Woe to the delinquents), when will we sheath the sword of grudges? And when will we raise the banner of love?

Of course, Zionists should be loathed. But this is a very rare article that calls out Muslim antisemitism.

Two swastikas and the slogan “Heil Hitler” were found carved onto a concrete block that is part of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, Germany.

Police said a security guard discovered the graffiti on Friday morning at the site commemorating the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, the German daily Bild reported. Germany’s State Security Service is investigating the incident to find those responsible for the vandalism at the memorial, which opened in 2005.

“I regret that the ‘Spanish Law’ has become an antisemitic weapon against wealthy Portuguese citizens, all of whom are, astoundingly, of Jewish origin,” Gabriel Senderowicz, president of the Porto Jewish community, said on Monday. “This is nothing more than deception by some powerful state officials in the country who seek to disguise their antisemitic attitudes on the grounds that these businessmen received their citizenship insincerely.”

Last Thursday, Porto police searched the home of Hugo Vaz, curator of the Jewish Museum in Porto, in search of “documents and a portable drive containing evidence against those powerful state officials,” said Senderowicz, adding that the Jewish community recently announced that “those officials who see fit to pursue representatives of the Jewish community in Porto will be documented as a new chapter in the history of antisemitism in Portugal and displayed in the museum."

(full article online)


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