Stop Antisemitism

The Canadian Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security issued a 54-page report on "The Rise of Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism in Canada."

The report includes 33 recommendations to combat violent extremism - and Israel haters were very upset at one of them:
That the Government of Canada thoroughly reject the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel, and condemn all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups, or individuals, including university campus associations, to promote these views, both at home and abroad.
The Canadian government recognizes, correctly, that demonization and delegitimization of Israel aren't legitimate criticism but manifestations of hate - and that hate can easily turn into violence when left unchecked.

Naturally, the Israel haters condemned it - by misstating it:
A report from the federal government's Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security recommends the Canadian government "thoroughly reject" harsh criticism of Israel and denounce anyone who engages in it.
There is a huge difference between criticism and saying a nation has no right to exist. The tweeter knows this which is exactly why he misrepresents it.

In 2020, Jews were by far the most victims of anti-religious hate crime in Canada. 13% of all hate crime was towards Jews, who comprise 1% of the Canadian population.

(full article online)


The tourist walking next to me cringed as the wave of noise hit our ears. He asked: “Why are they screaming Allah Akbar? This is very scary.”

Muslim women were screaming Allah Akbar at the Jews beginning their tour. Men and children joined in, the sound carrying palpable waves of hate. These Arabs know the limits of the laws – had they physically attacked anyone, they would be arrested but there is no law against violence by sound. Even when they scream “Khaybar, Khaybar ya Yahud” an actual threat (it means, we will do to you what Mohammad did to the Jews of Khaybar in 628 CE i.e., slaughter everyone).

I saw women and very small children get in the face of Israeli policemen, scream at them, threaten them and make painfully loud siren sounds at them. Some of these women are professional screamers, paid to harass Jews and the police who are seen as symbols of the Jewish State. Others join in, just for the fun of it.


I left the Temple Mount both more alive than ever before and at the same time, crushed.

Walking back down to the Kotel I heard a tourist ask his guide: “So why is the Wall so important? What’s its significance?” The guide started explaining that Jews, for 2000 years prayed to the Wall. That’s when I interrupted: “The Wall isn’t significant in and of itself. It’s what’s on top that is significant. It’s like standing outside your garage door. That’s not your home.”

View of the Western Wall and the Golden Dome of the Rock peeping over the wall
And therein lies the core of the problem. After 2000 years of exile, the re-establishment of the Jewish State, and the reunification of our eternal capital Jerusalem, we are not yet home.


Go. Ascend the Temple Mount. Walk where our ancestors walked. Jews and, through their Jewish Messiah, also Christians are rooted there. Non-believers and people of other faiths should also go and soak up the beauty of this ancient site. As the House of God, the Temple Mount is supposed to be a place of prayer for ALL nations. It is wrong for one People to claim dominance and push out all others. It is wrong to be violent and spew hate in a holy place. It is wrong to watch children being raised in hate and turn a blind eye. It is wrong to let injustice continue because it is inconvenient to deal with. No Jew should ever have to hide his or her identity – particularly not in the holiest place to Jews in the world.

Nature abhors a vacuum. If Jews do not ascend the Temple Mount, despite the hate, despite the harassment and humiliation, others will. Zion is our ancestral homeland; Jerusalem is our eternal capital, and the Temple Mount is her beating heart. He who is sovereign over the Temple Mount is sovereign over the Land. The Muslims know that. The question is what about the Jews?

(full article online)

Three people have been arrested on hate crime charges for blanketing a small upstate New York city with white supremacist pamphlets, authorities said.

The racist, antisemitic literature was left at locations including a synagogue and a largely Black church in Hornell, in New York’s Southern Tier, Police Chief T.J. Murray said Monday in a Facebook statement.

The May 14 shooting that killed 10 Black people about 70 miles away at a supermarket in Buffalo has underscored racist attitudes in the largely white Southern Tier region, near the Pennsylvania border.

(full article online)

Qatar Airways, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, Egyptair, Middle East Airlines from Lebanon, Syrian Airlines and others now have the rights to show 1618, a film about the Portuguese Inquisition in the city of Porto, which took place 120 years after Portuguese Jews were forcibly converted to Christianity or coerced into exile.

(full article online)

Among its findings, the report noted that nearly half of all Holocaust-related content on public Telegram channels, which are not moderated, are false, misleading or distorted. Posts about the Holocaust on moderated platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were found to include denial or distortion 10 percent and 15 percent of the time, respectively.

The study — “History Under Attack: Holocaust Denial and Distortion on Social Media” — is the first report from UNESCO and the UN to address Holocaust denial and distortion. Characterizing social media platforms as “fertile ground for hate and prejudice,” the study proposed updated content moderation standards for governments, online platforms, educators and researchers.

(full article online)

This brings up an additional benefit of the Abraham Accords: it has significantly reduced the amount of antisemitism in the media of Gulf countries and Morocco.

The ADL's polls from 2014 in the states most affected by the Abraham Accords indicated that in Morocco, 80% of the citizens held antisemitic attitudes; UAE 80%, Bahrain 81%, Saudi Arabia 74%, Oman 76%.. The Palestinian territories was 93%.

Until there is a new survey, we won't know how much the Accords have reduced Arab antisemitism, but it is a fair bet that with fewer antisemitic articles and stories in the media - and far more stories sympathetic to Jews - the attitudes of the citizens will be positively impacted towards Jews.

(full article online)

Among the examples cited of the Times’ “fetish” was its coverage of the killing of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh, which included an “investigation” that found Israel responsible for the killing. Both the U.S. and Israel determined there was no way to conclude with certainty who killed Abu Akleh.

“Sigan points out that it was unusual for the NYT to invest resources in such a report after CNN, the AP, and The Washington Post had all released similar findings,” said the Algemeiner.

Sigan also documented the Times‘ refusal to report negatively about the Palestinians, which includes failing to report 124 stories about “Palestinian terror, incitement, and violence against Israelis,” “64 that dealt with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas’ corruption and cruelty towards Palestinians (including journalists),” and “six that focused on Israel’s growing relations with neighboring Arab countries.”

Of the 122 mentions of “antisemitism” in the Times in 2022, none of them addressed Jew-hatred among Palestinians, which include virulently antisemitic content in their United Nations-sanctioned European Union-funded curriculum.

The Times also routinely refuses to call perpetrators of terror attacks “Palestinian terrorists,” describing them instead as “Arab assailants.”

(full article online)

The troubling story told by Rachel (not her real name) to the JC is not included in the official statistics informing the shocking report on antisemitism in secondary schools revealed in today’s edition.

Her ordeal began towards the start of the last school year.
She walked into class before a lesson to find some of her classmates holding a large Palestinian flag.

Aware that she had close family members living in Israel, they were chanting: “Free, free, Palestine.”

Her teacher was present but chose not to intervene.

The school is a large and successful comprehensive rated “outstanding” by Ofsted.

Teacher told Rachel’s daughter that what she was experiencing was not antisemitic, and so the incident was never official recorded. Rachel says that in the months after the flag incident, her daughter was subjected to antisemitic comments in the playground.

On one occasion a group of 12-year-old boys drew swastikas on their hands and threw things at her.

Rachel says she complained to her daughter’s head of year.

Even now, the form teacher flatly denied that any of the abuse was antisemitic in nature or intent.

Rachel says: “It was ignorance, not malice. But that doesn’t make it any less harmful.”

A situation that was already deeply concerning for Rachel and her daughter became unendurable when the Israel-Hamas conflict broke out in May last year.

In Israel, the family’s relatives were taking shelter from the more than 4,300 rockets fired against civilian targets by Hamas over the 11 days of the conflict. At the school, there was not even a pretense at striving for a balance.

With the conflict still raging, it held a “special assembly” to focus on the Palestinian victims of Israeli airstrikes, while failing to mention the other side of the narrative.

In the playground, the response was worse antisemitic abuse.

On one occasion, Rachel’s daughter was planning to take a bus while wearing a Magen David around her neck and a male student, spotting it, “did a Nazi salute at the bus stop”.

Finally, one evening towards the end of the conflict the daughter could take no more. She came home and said: “Mum, I just want to get out.”

Although she knew that it would mean travelling across London every day, a journey that can take hours, she asked to be moved to a Jewish school on the other side of the capital.

Rachel says: “My daughter holds her cards close to her chest. She’s not any kind of drama queen. But it’s very clear that she was deeply distressed, and now she’s not.

“She and other Jewish students are growing up facing a level of hostility that was never visible to me when I was that age. Antisemitism then was an outlier. Now it’s becoming the norm. To be honest, it’s heartbreaking.”

(full article online)

A judge in the Netherlands has sentenced two men found guilty of creating an antisemitic mural in the city of Rotterdam to 60 hours of community service and a mandatory visit to a memorial to the Nazi Holocaust in Amsterdam.

The pair, supporters of Rotterdam soccer team Feyenoord, unveiled the mural last July after one of the club’s top midfielders, Stephen Berghuis, signed for rival Amsterdam side Ajax. The mural portrayed Berghuis with an outlandishly large “Jewish” nose, wearing a kippah and a striped concentration camp uniform marked with a “Judenstern,” or “Jews’ Star.”

Passing sentence on the two fans, who have not been named, the judge highlighted their delighted conversations on a WhatsApp group after the mural was unveiled. Comments included compliments about the “pajamas” in which Berghuis was dressed — a reference to the concentration camp uniform — and a joke that “if we get reported, we’ll get a free trip to Auschwitz with CIDI [a Dutch Jewish organization]. Then they can all get typhus.”

The judge declared: “You do not understand what this means for survivors of the Holocaust and the bereaved. This will continue for generations to come.”

(full article online)

The California State University Board of Trustees has voted to rename the main library at Fresno State University (FSU) after revelations that its longtime namesake, Dr. Henry Miller Madden, was a Nazi sympathizer who held violently antisemitic views throughout his life.

The decision comes months after the school released a final reportuncovering the shocking writings of Madden, who served as University Librarian for 30 years between 1949 and 1979 — a topic first explored by FSU Professor Dr. Bradley W. Hart in a 2018 book.

On Wednesday, the university said a task force will be created to propose a new name for the library, and that the building will be called Fresno State Library or “the Library” until a new moniker is approved by the state board of trustees.

“While Dr. Madden had the opportunity later in life to reflect on those views, there is no evidences that he renounced those views,” FSU President Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval said in a statement. “It is unfortunate that the undercurrents of his racist views remained palpable throughout his life. Naming a building or any key campus area must align without communal values and reflect our shared spirit of discovery, diversity, and distinction.”

(full article online)

Efrat Gilad is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Jewish Studies at the University of Bern. She wrote "A Colonial Legacy of Cultured Meat" describing how Israel's meat industry, including its recent leadership in lab-grown cultured meat, is really all just a history of Jewish colonialism.

Without the politics, the article would be a pretty good overview of the history of the meat industry in Palestine since Ottoman times. But instead, it is a screed about how evil Jews have upset the wonderful balance of nature in Palestine by introducing a meat-based diet into the region.

You see, native Palestinians didn't consume much meat. But the evil Ashkenazi Jews who selfishly returned to Palestine to save their lives from pogroms brought with them a love of meat, and that transformed the country into something it was never meant to be.

In Europe, Jews had been associated with the cattle trade since the Middle Ages. But in Palestine, consuming meat depended on Palestinian peasants and regional Arab breeders. Jewish actors (importers, butchers, religious authorities, urban officials) tried to gain more ground in the country’s meat trade. In the 1930s, Jewish cattle dealers began to import cattle from Europe, relying on their old continental networks. By shipping in animals from overseas, Jewish dealers expanded Palestine’s regional trade into a transcontinental trade. This ...allowed Jewish dealers to penetrate the country’s meat trade by importing to Palestine European bovines three times the size of local species.

...Tel Aviv, for example, was the settlement’s most important city financially, demographically, and also in terms of meat consumption. Its emerging meat infrastructures – especially its slaughterhouse built in 1931 – facilitated the expansion of the city, and by proxy, the entire Jewish settlement.

Rather than a land of milk and honey, settlers hankered for meat as the material manifestation of arriving at a utopia of prosperity and plenty. Increasing Jews’ access to meat in Palestine under British rule may have been against economic ideals, but still served the Zionist goal: the expansion of the settlement and the colonization of Palestine.

I suppose that their draining the malaria-infested swamps was also a colonialist interference to destroy the natural beauty of Palestine.

Gilad goes on to describe the austerity period after the War of Independence when there was very little meat, and Israeli attempts to create vegetable-based substitutes, as a precursor to today's cultured meat industry. She includes this marvelous cartoon from Maariv in 1949:

“We have been informed of the invention of “artificial meat” in our country, and it was produced from mushrooms and eggplant..” - “What kind of animal is this?” - "It's an artificial cow!"
But she absurdly interprets a brief history of the Israeli meat market by the Tnuva conglomerate as evidence of how Israelis hate Palestinians:

On its website, the company recalls how it entered the meat business: Until 1948 meat supplies depended on “Arab agriculture and nomadic Bedouins. But with the creation of the state, this main source of meat disappeared”. Echoing the hegemonic Israeli stance, Tnuva’s website reduces Palestinians to a “source of meat” and their forced exodus to a “disappearance”.
If you write a history of meat that doesn't center Palestinian suffering, you must be a racist colonialist pig.

In short, when Zionists import beef, it is colonialist. When they try to create ersatz substitutes, it is colonialist. When they lead the world in cultured meat, it is colonialist.

Anti-Zionist glasses are a requirement for academia

Her very thesis that meat is an alien part of the Middle East diet brought in by colonialist European Jews is another manifestation of viewing the world through anti-Zionist glasses. The consumption of meat in Arab countries today roughly corresponds with wealth, not historic diet habits. The per capita consumption of meat in Gulf states - almost all of it imported - is not much different than that of Israel.

And guess who consumes the most meat in the Arab world? Palestinians, by far!

No doubt, Gilad would blame Israel for irrevocably ruining the diet of the natives.

As countries become richer, they buy more meat. It has nothing to do with colonialism. It has everything to do with the crazy idea that people like meat.

Ascribing Jewish colonialist and racist motives for what is a consumer preference and economic issue is just a more sophisticated - and academically approved - version of antisemitism.

(full article online)

Israel is entirely criminal.
Israel is not at all Jewish, and Jews do not believe in going to Zion until the coming of the Messiah.
Ashkenazi Jews like Netanyahu do not have any Mideast connection at all.
No 1 religion should ever control any state.
And the word "antiSemitic" does not at all mean "anti-Jew".
It means "anti-Arab".
The word "Semitic" comes form Noah's son Shem, and is Arab, not Jewish.
Jews simply happen to be one type of Arab.

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