Stop Antisemitism

Thank you for your repeated, endless, distortion of what is written in the Hebrew Scriptures.

The original Old Testament scriptures were written in Aramaic, which is Arab, or Greek.
There was no Hebrew script until around 50 BC.
The Hebrew were totally illiterate when they invaded the Land of Canaan, around 1000 BC.
The copy of the Old Testament we use these days, likely was written from oral tradition around 100 BC to 400 AD, and has no accuracy at all.
You don’t get to pick a definition. Driveway doesn’t make any sense since you park there not drive but that’s the definition and we have to live with it.

Driveway does make sense because it is the "way" to go to the road where you "drive".
The word "Semitic" was defined to mean "of Arab origins" around 1300.
It is based on Shem, a son of Noah.
So by use and convention, has always meant of Arab origins, with the implication that Hebrew were originally of Arab origins as well.

That is what history tells us the original Hebrew believed as well.
For example, when Mohammad was attacked by the Meccans and went to Medina for defense, it was the Hebrew who joined with him as allies, and defeated the Meccans.
So originally the Hebrew tribes did not consider Mohammad as a different culture.
They considered themselves and Mohammad both as Arabs.

That has also always been true of the Sephardic and Hassidic Jews.
They either stayed in the Mideast or went to the Iberian Peninsula to be employed by the Moors.
They always considered themselves to be of Arab origins and integrated in Arab cultures.

The only problem has always been the Ashkenazi, who changed their culture, adopted a Germanic language, and denied their Arab heritage.
And it is the Ashkenazi who are the problem today.
They refute the Arabs and Arab Jews because that would require admitting the Arabs and Arab Jews have more right to the Promised Land than the Ashkenazi have.
The Ashkenazi are the problem because they can't tolerate the truth and want it to disappear.
So they are intent on genocide, more so than anyone in all of human history.

I am Ashkenazi, love lox, bagels, and cheese blintzes, none of which make any Mideast sense.
My Ashkenazi culture did not come from or have anything to do with the Mideast.
So I do not belong in the Mideast any more than any other Ashkenazi do.
Any Ashkenazi claiming any of the Mideast is just wrong.
Driveway does make sense because it is the "way" to go to the road where you "drive".
The word "Semitic" was defined to mean "of Arab origins" around 1300.
It is based on Shem, a son of Noah.
So by use and convention, has always meant of Arab origins, with the implication that Hebrew were originally of Arab origins as well.

That is what history tells us the original Hebrew believed as well.
For example, when Mohammad was attacked by the Meccans and went to Medina for defense, it was the Hebrew who joined with him as allies, and defeated the Meccans.
So originally the Hebrew tribes did not consider Mohammad as a different culture.
They considered themselves and Mohammad both as Arabs.

That has also always been true of the Sephardic and Hassidic Jews.
They either stayed in the Mideast or went to the Iberian Peninsula to be employed by the Moors.
They always considered themselves to be of Arab origins and integrated in Arab cultures.

The only problem has always been the Ashkenazi, who changed their culture, adopted a Germanic language, and denied their Arab heritage.
And it is the Ashkenazi who are the problem today.
They refute the Arabs and Arab Jews because that would require admitting the Arabs and Arab Jews have more right to the Promised Land than the Ashkenazi have.
The Ashkenazi are the problem because they can't tolerate the truth and want it to disappear.
So they are intent on genocide, more so than anyone in all of human history.

I am Ashkenazi, love lox, bagels, and cheese blintzes, none of which make any Mideast sense.
My Ashkenazi culture did not come from or have anything to do with the Mideast.
So I do not belong in the Mideast any more than any other Ashkenazi do.
Any Ashkenazi claiming any of the Mideast is just wrong.
Nope. People park in driveways and drive on parkways. Doesn’t make any sense. Yet these are the definitions. Don’t care about your culture. If a Native American moves to France his ancestors are still Native American. You’re Judean, I know that shames you but that’s who you are and you don’t get to change definitions. Calling a bald guy, “Curly” doesn’t make sense but it happens.
Nope. People park in driveways and drive on parkways. Doesn’t make any sense. Yet these are the definitions. Don’t care about your culture. If a Native American moves to France his ancestors are still Native American. You’re Judean, I know that shames you but that’s who you are and you don’t get to change definitions. Calling a bald guy, “Curly” doesn’t make sense but it happens.

But Semitic was never defined to mean Jewish.
Sure the 1890 use of Anti-Semitic in some articles was mostly a codeword for anti-Jewish, but I would bet these authors did intend to be anti-Arab as well.
No one ever likely intended the word Semitic to mean Jewish.
It always means Arab.
So Jews who try to switch the word Semitic to mean Jewish, as stealing the heritage of Shem from the Arabs.

Being Judean does not bother me one bit.
I just do not have any knowledge or intent to learn one bit about Mideast culture.
Not the same. Israel is the only peaceful democracy in the Middle East. Palestinians are terrorists as are most ☪️ In that region.
You mean because they fought having their ancestral home taken away? You must support swarms of refugees.
But Semitic was never defined to mean Jewish.
Sure the 1890 use of Anti-Semitic in some articles was mostly a codeword for anti-Jewish, but I would bet these authors did intend to be anti-Arab as well.
No one ever likely intended the word Semitic to mean Jewish.
It always means Arab.
So Jews who try to switch the word Semitic to mean Jewish, as stealing the heritage of Shem from the Arabs.

Being Judean does not bother me one bit.
I just do not have any knowledge or intent to learn one bit about Mideast culture.
Again these are the definitions and you can’t change them unless you write Websters. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t make them incorrect. That’s fine about your culture but you are Judean and your ancient homeland is Israel.
They didn’t fight for shit. There was no such thing as a “Palestinian” until 1967. They are terrorists like you.
You have bought into a lie. They were called Palestinians.. they had stamps, currency and newspapers. 50,000 of them worked in Arabia in the 1950s and they were called Palestinians.
Not “most” but some. Why do you constantly lie? Seriously. Seek help.

Who can say?
I read a lot of examples where it is fake.
I do not read many examples where it is real.
Why would anyone bother doing anti-Jewish or anti-Black graffiti and not acknowledge their group as being anti-Jewish or anti-Black?
What good could that possibly serve?

lots of people DO want to claim discrimination when there may not be any.
Being a victim is very lucrative these days.
Isn't the whole Balfour Declaration an attempt to unfairly leverage victim-hood in order to gain ownership of something that was wrong to own?
Who can say?
I read a lot of examples where it is fake.
I do not read many examples where it is real.
Why would anyone bother doing anti-Jewish or anti-Black graffiti and not acknowledge their group as being anti-Jewish or anti-Black?
What good could that possibly serve?

lots of people DO want to claim discrimination when there may not be any.
Being a victim is very lucrative these days.
Isn't the whole Balfour Declaration an attempt to unfairly leverage victim-hood in order to gain ownership of something that was wrong to own?
My kids’ school had it and several times. It wasn’t fake. Anecdotal but real to me and to them. Being a victim is what leftists play nonstop. And Islamists. 16 mil Jews are suddenly oppressing 1.6pm Muslims. Give me a break, Rigby.
They didn’t fight for shit. There was no such thing as a “Palestinian” until 1967. They are terrorists like you.

That is just wrong.
Palestine was officially created as an independent country by the Treaty of Sevres and the Treaty of San Remo, in 1920.
That is absolute and indisputable.

And the Palestinians earned their independence by fighting under Lawrence of Arabia, against the Ottoman Empire.

In contrast, the Zionists helped no one, fought no one, earned nothing, and have no legal documentation for the creation of Israel.
That is just wrong.
Palestine was officially created as an independent country by the Treaty of Sevres and the Treaty of San Remo, in 1920.
That is absolute and indisputable.

And the Palestinians earned their independence by fighting under Lawrence of Arabia, against the Ottoman Empire.

In contrast, the Zionists helped no one, fought no one, earned nothing, and have no legal documentation for the creation of Israel.
Yep. The Arabs fought to oust the ottoman Turks.

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