Stop Antisemitism

The Muslim paranoia about something that doesn't exist remains high.

From the Turkey News Agency:

The new "Abrahamic religion"... a threat whose goal is to destroy Islam
Ali Demir23/02/2023

Intellectuals, preachers, and academics are raising their voices to warn of the danger of the new so-called “Abrahamic religion,” pointing out that its goal is to destroy the Islamic religion with attempts that will end in failure.

According to observers, the sources of the promotion of this religion are huge and mysterious research centers that have recently spread around the world and called themselves "centers of spiritual diplomacy", funded by the largest and most important international bodies such as the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United States of America.

Observers warned that “the apparent vision and message of these research centers depends on the assertion that religions are the main and fundamental reason for igniting the most violent conflicts throughout the ages, and the reason for not accepting the other is because of the lack of understanding of the texts of their religion.”

And the “spiritual diplomacy centers” that work within the framework of spreading love and tolerance have taken upon themselves the task of inviting the senior clerics of the three Abrahamic religions, in order to find general common values between religions such as “love, tolerance, equality, coexistence and acceptance of the other” and other good values, and then proceed to broadcast it, especially among the new generations, in order to instill a hidden hatred for the religions they follow and create a tendency towards embracing the new Abrahamic religion. And the “spiritual diplomacy centers” have already begun to implement their plans on a large scale, according to observers.

Warnings were raised that “what is taking place is a process of brainwashing with the aim of preparing generations to accept the adoption of the new Abrahamic religion when it is presented in the near future as the global public religion, and then the research centers will turn into sacred places and shrines that will replace the temple, church and mosque.

The preacher and researcher, Mustafa Ibrahim, criticized the advocates of the so-called Abrahamic religion, stressing that “Abraham was Muslim according to what was confirmed by the Holy Qur’an."

Ibrahim added that “all the messengers sent by God Almighty were Muslims and called to Islam, and this matter is mentioned and confirmed in many verses in the Holy Qur’an, including the words of God Almighty on the tongue of Jacob, peace be upon him.

And he continued, “The advocates of the Abrahamic religion want to dilute Islam and mix the three heavenly laws of Islam, Judaism and Christianity into one religion in order to open the door to normalization with the Israeli occupation, and to end the cause of Palestine and honorable Jerusalem."

For his part, the doctor in comparative jurisprudence, Muhammad Musa al-Dali, said in a post on his Facebook account, “The people of falsehood claimed that there is a religion that includes Islam, adding to it what they call Judaism and Christianity, and that this religion is the Abrahamic religion in relation to the true Muslim, the Prophet of God Almighty, Abraham, upon him....This is a false claim, and a pure slander, because the Prophet of God, Abraham, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is a Muslim according to the text of the Qur’an, God Almighty denied that he was a Jew or a Christian."
Sounds like a Jewish plot!

The city of Frankfurt on Friday announced that it was canceling the forthcoming concert of former Pink Floyd vocalist Roger Waters, citing his alleged status “one of the world’s best-known antisemites” as the reason.

The May 28 concert was to have been staged at the German city’s Festhalle venue. A statement from the city council announcing the cancelation observed out that the venue had been used to detain 3,000 Jewish men arrested following the Nov. 9-10, 1938 nationwide pogrom in which Nazi thugs targeted Jews and their property.

The council pointed out that the city of Frankfurt owns a 60 percent stake in the Festhalle venue while the state of Hesse owns 40 percent. The decision to cancel Waters’ appearance was communicated to a local magistrate earlier this week and approved on Friday. Pressure had been growing in Frankfurt to cancel the concert since January.

The council roundly condemned Waters for backing the campaign to subject the State of Israel to a regime of “boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS)” as a prelude to its elimination as a sovereign state, and for pressuring other artists not to perform in Israel. It also highlighted the use of antisemitic imagery in Waters’ past concerts, including a balloon shaped like a pig and embossed with a Star of David and various corporate logos.

(full article online)


It is rare to see a completely new antisemitic libel. Most of them are retreads of older ones. But thanks to a Houthi newspaper, we can see an entirely new accusation against Jews.

The main part of the article in the news site 26Sep rails against Emirati normalization with Israel and warns that Israel will turn the UAE into a Zionist satellite nation. This is all standard antisemitic conspiracy theory stuff.

Most of the other antisemitism is nothing special, such as the assertion that "the nature of the Jewish personality does not tend to harmonize and interact with others" or that a kosher restaurant in Dubai is a sign of an impending Jewish takeover of the emirates.

But then we see something news. The author, Mahmoud Al Hashemi, compares Israel's supposed manipulation of the UAE to how Jews supposedly manipulated Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain in 1492:

Jews persuaded the Spanish Queen Isabella at that time to finance the journey of discovering America, convincing her of gold, silver and minerals in this land. Five of the Jews accompanied the trip. After the discovery of America, the Jews deliberately exterminated the original people, so that everyone would be immigrants and no one would claim that this land belongs to his ancestors. Indeed the Jews dominated America, and they considered New York as the "promised land."
Jews have been blamed for every other awful thing in history, so of course they must be responsible for the native American genocide as well.

Brown University president Christina H. Paxson earlier this month denounced antisemitism and “boycotts against any country,” an implicit reference to the boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement.

“We reject calls to use our endowment as a tool for political advocacy,” Paxson saidon Feb. 19 during a speech delivered at the 2023 Hillel International Israel Summit, a gathering of students and leaders with interest and expertise in Israel. “Doing this would be antithetical to freedom of expression and the advancement of knowledge.”

Paxson explained that she often experiences “pressure to choose sides,” with both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian advocates voicing concern when speakers from either camp speak on campus, but the university, she emphasized, cannot choose and is obligated to promote free expression so long as it does not promote hate. She then turned her attention rising antisemitism across the US.

“In the history of humans, antisemitism stands as one of the most longstanding and pernicious forms of discrimination,” she continued. “At colleges across the country, we hear Jewish students share that they have been subject to antisemitism. These incidents can be glaringly egregious, such as a swastika scrawled on a campus wall. They can also be subtle. Perhaps a casual remark from a classmate that Jews are part of the ‘wealthy elite,’ or that Jewish students who criticizes Israel’s policies are ‘the good Jews’…Any and all of this is unacceptable.”

(full article online)

A pro-Palestinian activist who committed a series of attacks on Jews in New York City in 2021 and 2022 discussed bringing firebombs to a pro-Israel rally, bragged about antisemitic assaults and plotted how to evade law enforcement, according to federal prosecutors.

Saadah Masoud pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit hate crimes in federal court in November as part of a plea agreement. His sentencing for separate attacks on three Jews will be held on Friday in the Southern District Court of New York. He faces up to two years in prison.

In a sentencing submission last week, prosecutors laid out discussions Masoud held with his associates around the time of the crimes that indicated the attacks were planned and targeted people they believed to be Jewish or Israeli.

In May of 2021, around the time of a conflict between Israel and the Hamas terror group, Masoud discussed disrupting a pro-Israel rally in Manhattan in a group chat on the Signal messaging app.

The group discussed bringing weapons to the pro-Israel rally, including Molotov cocktails, prosecutors said.

One of the participants said, “Remember, don’t chant out Jews, it’s the Zionists,” apparently to evade allegations of antisemitism. Another participant in the group chat said, “Fuck all Jews.”

In a separate exchange, Masoud celebrated violence against Jews, saying, “I beat the shit out of three Zionists yesterday and didn’t even see a jail cell.”

“VIOLENT!! ONLY VIOLENCE… IN PALESTINE THEY WISHHH THEY COULD SMACK A ZIONIST AND NOT GET TORTURED TO DEATH. WE CAN THO!! And we’ll just get a [desk appearance ticket from the NYPD],” he said, according to prosecutors.

The day after Masoud and his associates held the group chat, they went to a pro-Israel protest and picked out a man wearing a Star of David while he was walking with his wife.

“Are you a fucking Jew?” Masoud asked the man, then punched him in the face. Afterward, he texted his associates, “no videos of me anywhere lmaooo. I’m Gucci. No face no case.”

... Masoud was arrested in June 2022. When he arrived at the courthouse, he asked a detective, “All this for one Jew?” Shortly after, an investigator overheard him saying he didn’t want any “Greenbergs” for lawyers, and when he received counsel, he demanded the attorney recite and spell his last name, apparently to check if he was Jewish.

... Masoud has ties to Within Our Lifetime Palestine, an activist group that regularly calls for an intifada and the destruction of Israel at rallies in New York, and urged the targeting of Jewish groups in the city, including by handing out maps of Jewish organization locations at a protest.
Funny how not one of the people on the Left who claim to be against antisemitism - Linda Sarsour, Mark Lamont Hill, Rashida Tlaib - have a negative word to say about Saadah Masoud.

Anyone still want to argue that "anti-Zionism" isn't a dogwhistle for Jew-hatred?

(full article online)

Officials of the 1,000-strong UN human rights office often insist that their agency, which operates as the bureaucracy that supports the 47-nation UN Human Rights Council, not be conflated with political body and its resolutions. They merely carry out the directives legislated by the council.

Yet when it comes to attitudes toward Israel, it is clear that the antipathy of the council is matched by that of many in the OHCHR bureaucracy.

A case in point is Craig Mokhiber, who holds the influential position of Director of the New York Office of the OHCHR, and who has served in various capacities at the United Nations since 1992. Mokhiber has played a key role in the UN human rights system over three decades. Yet his long history of publishing virulently anti-Israel statements makes him unfit for a role as a leading UN official, let alone for its human rights office.

According to the UN Charter, staff must be held to the highest standards of “integrity.” Such standards include fairness and impartiality in conducting one’s work. Yet top UN human rights official Mokhiber has committed gross and systematic violations of his duty of impartiality. On his public Twitter and Facebook accounts, Mokhiber has repeatedly accused Israel of the worst possible crimes: “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “large-scale atrocities.”

The director of OHCHR’s New York office accuses Israel of “racism,” “racist domination,” “racist violence,” and “racist oppression,” as well as of committing “right-wing white ethno-nationalist terrorism” that “is murdering people.”

In Mokhiber’s view, Israel’s policies toward the Middle East peace process, as expressed by the U.S. peace plan, amount to “the crimes of the 20th Century,” including “ethno-nationalism,” “apartheid,” “colonialism,” “racism,” and “subjugation.”

Beyond virulently accusing Israel of the worst possible crimes and atrocities, Mokhiber is notably silent about any actions against Israelis, whether by Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran or the Palestinian Authority.

These demonstrate a very clear lack of neutrality on human rights issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This overt bias is particularly problematic due to Mokhiber’ direct involvement in OHCHR initiatives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After serving as a senior advisor in the Palestinian territories from 1996-1998, Mokhiber was centrally involved in some of the UN’s most influential events related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including planning the anti-Israel 2009 Durban Review Conference and introducing five reports to the UN General Assembly that demonized the Jewish state. He was also involved in the process leading to the establishment of the Human Rights Council.

In addition to his anti-Israel statements and actions within his official capacity, Mokhiber’s social media presence demonstrates that he is not able to fulfill his mandate objectively. The consistent use of hate-mongering rhetoric by a senior official of Mokhiber’s stature normalizes anti-Israel sentiments across the UN human rights system. The posts, therefore, constitute a violation of his obligations to the UN.

Mokhiber’s social media posts have been categorized accordingly and are documeented below:

  1. Accusations of “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” “Large-Scale Atrocities”
  2. Allegations of Apartheid, Racism, and International Law Violations
  3. Targeting Supporters of Israel
  4. Promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement
  5. Denying Israel’s Right to Exist

1. Accusations of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing

(full article online)


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