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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​

The pallys can write a new Constitution recognizing Israel's right to exist and live in peace as they did before Yasser Arafat.

Exactly! :clap2:

If the blockade is ended and the population of Gaza still embraces Hamas, they deserve what they get, and will clearly be the villain in any future conflict.
NONSENSE!! Israel is providing medical help for Palestinians in Israeli hospitals. Israel has helped Palestinians in other ways as well. The only ones who have a goal of the land being all theirs is Hamas. This is from the Koran, and Hamas, just like al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, and other stupid/deranged Muslim jihadists, they follow it to the letter.
You had that OP right the first time.
In 1948, 650,000 Jews inflicted their state upon 1.3 million Arabs by force of arms.
Jews have been stealing the remaining land and water of Palestine ever since.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jew and Arabs living there today.
Most Semites on both sides would share the resources.
Unfortunately, elites on both sides are getting rich from killing women and kids.
Jews are better at that too.

Irrelevant. Islamic jihad on the part of Hamas, is what is propelling this war, not all this mumbo-jumbo you talk about.
First off, what's happening in Gaza right now isn't a "war."
Gaza is occupied territory and Israel its occupying power.
Jews can't simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self government AND claim the right of self defense against the protected persons they occupy.
The "war" Jews launched after the three illegal squatters were kidnapped and murdered began with the collective punishment of Palestinians on the West Bank.
Jews arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians and bull dozed dozens of homes, hoping to inspire a response from Hamas which they got.

It's the occupation, Stupid.
End the occupation and the violence against it will end.
No, Islam is a religion.

You're the vile, highly immoral ideology of human behavior.

Most people around the world do not accept Islam as a religion, and some countries also reject it as such (ex. Italy). What a ludicrous notion to call Islam a religion. Religions are systems of belief with a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics (mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife-beating, pedophilia, rape, slavery, torture/mutilation, animal cruelty, etc).

It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.
The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.
And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

In another thread, I listed 25 link sources, all confirming that Islam is, of course, NOT a religion.

You think they read the OT and Babylon Talmud and though they'd rewrite it for themselves?

That would have been a good trick as Mohammed was illiterate and had a Jewish scribe write his Suras for him.
1. Any bombs hitting Gaza, from anywhere, is the work of Hamas (100%), and you are playing right into their hands by denying it.
Any bombs hitting Gaza, is the result of Israeli war crimes.

Are you that irresponsible of a piece of shit, that you can't take ownership over the fucked things you do?

2. They blockade because when they didn't, Hamas suicide bambers attacked them and killed them. Another thing caused by Hamas.
The blockade started because the Israeli's didn't like the results of the election that put Hamas into power. It was a fair and democratic election and it's none of Israel's god-damn business who Gazans choose to represent them.

3. HA HA. HAmas willing to accept a 2 state solution. That's a good one. :lol:
EARTH TO BR: Ever read the Hamas Charter ?

"The Charter identified Hamas as the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine and declares its members to be Muslims who "fear God and raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors." The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories,[2] and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.[3][4]" Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Article 13 of the Charter >> "There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer.[20]There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."
It's an outdated, 30 year old document that is no longer followed.

The Hamas comments I alluded to were more recent than that.

But if you're nostalgic for the old ways, be my guest...

1. Any bombs hitting Gaza, is the result of Hamas war crimes. (Jihad) Are you that irresponsible of a piece of shit, that you can't take ownership over the fucked things you do?

2. The blockade is because of what I said it is, and everyone knows it. As for the election, it could have been rigged by Hamas, and I haven't seen a shred of evidence to prove it wasn't, from you or anybody else.

3. The Charter is 26 years old, and not one word of it has ever been disavowed by Hamas. In addition, Hamas is a terrorist group, grown out of the Muslim Brotherhood, who also has never disavowed their jihadist ideology which includes not only to destroy Israel, but to destroy the USA, North America, and all of western civilization. They are all a cancer which as the great protectionist author Brigitte Gabriel says "They Must Be Stopped."

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They don't want converts so it's not too surprising. You can't just go out and pick God's chosen people for him.

Ignorant fucktard? Why, yes, yes you are.
Arnold M. Eisen: Wanted: Converts to Judaism - WSJ

Thank you for the article; unlike Muslims, the Jewish faith encourages all to live in harmony, does not seek to eradicate any faith......................only those who USE faith as an excuse for atrocities.

You obviously don't know the OT or the Babylon Talmud or the writings throughout the years. Jesus was the only Jew who said to live in peace and they didn't want that kind of leader.
Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​

The "population of Gaza" has nothing to do with this war,

No shit. :rolleyes:

And that fact does nothing to change the fact of Israel's three options regarding the population of Gaza.

Ass-U-Me-ing of course that we can agree that extending the status quo is bullshit and not an option, Israel needs to do SOMEthing with the population of Gaza, and their only options involve some combination of the three things listed above.

It's way past Time for Israel to finish this. :thup:

Thank you for the article; unlike Muslims, the Jewish faith encourages all to live in harmony, does not seek to eradicate any faith......................only those who USE faith as an excuse for atrocities.

You obviously don't know the OT or the Babylon Talmud or the writings throughout the years. Jesus was the only Jew who said to live in peace and they didn't want that kind of leader.

I would ask if you often choose to expose your idiocy but we already know the answer.
Most people around the world do not accept Islam as a religion, and some countries also reject it as such (ex. Italy). What a ludicrous notion to call Islam a religion. Religions are systems of belief with a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics (mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife-beating, pedophilia, rape, slavery, torture/mutilation, animal cruelty, etc).

It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.
The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.
And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

In another thread, I listed 25 link sources, all confirming that Islam is, of course, NOT a religion.
It's just a way people worship.

That's all it is.

A way people worship, huh ? By slaughtering 270 million people around the world, for 1400 years ? By killing millions of innocent animals every year on Eid al Adha. By husbands beating their wives ( and scores of other misogynies), by raping, by committing pedophila, by enslaving people, by torturing, by mutilating. You call that "worship" ? In America, we have another name for it. We call it LUNACY. We also call it CRIME.
Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​

And it's not a zero sum game, just because they feel the need to start the job off with population elimination doesn't mean that it can't end with a significant number of people to absorb in to secular Israeli life or be given a state.

It started off with a goal of "population elimination" (Hamas eliminating Israelis), and it is ending with a population elimination of Israelis eliminating Hamas. Hopefully.

If that's what it takes to get this behind us, cool.

The only thing Israel could do going forward that would cause history to judge her more harshly is a return to the status quo.
You had that OP right the first time.
In 1948, 650,000 Jews inflicted their state upon 1.3 million Arabs by force of arms.
Jews have been stealing the remaining land and water of Palestine ever since.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jew and Arabs living there today.
Most Semites on both sides would share the resources.
Unfortunately, elites on both sides are getting rich from killing women and kids.
Jews are better at that too.

Irrelevant. Islamic jihad on the part of Hamas, is what is propelling this war, not all this mumbo-jumbo you talk about.
First off, what's happening in Gaza right now isn't a "war."
Gaza is occupied territory and Israel its occupying power.
Jews can't simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self government AND claim the right of self defense against the protected persons they occupy.
The "war" Jews launched after the three illegal squatters were kidnapped and murdered began with the collective punishment of Palestinians on the West Bank.
Jews arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians and bull dozed dozens of homes, hoping to inspire a response from Hamas which they got.

It's the occupation, Stupid.
End the occupation and the violence against it will end.

I spent 2 years in the US Army and 4 more years in the Army National Guard, and I know what a war is, and you are not going to coach me about that. This is a WAR.

It is Islamic JIHAD, stupid. All this crap you're yammering about doesn't make a bit of difference. If none of it ever happened, you'd still have the uncivilized, barbaric savages known as Muslim jihadists hammering Israel or any other non-Muslim nation in their midst. You may now get your head out of your ass.
The violence will end when Hamas no longer exists, and not before, occupation or no occupation.

How about the Muzzie Fanatics stop saying Convert or die..................Until they do that they can kiss my ass and so can you.


I've never had a Muslim try to convert me, not once, not ever.

As opposed to a lot of Christians who can't stop themselves from preaching to me when I tell them I'm an atheist.

Tell this to the Christians in Iraq, currently being beheaded by ISIS. Only reason they haven't gotten to you is because you're too far away from them (FOR NOW)....They haven't reached this far (YET)

Aren't there Arab Christians living in Gaza? or did you get them out first. Arab Jews I believe also.
I've never had a Muslim try to convert me, not once, not ever.

As opposed to a lot of Christians who can't stop themselves from preaching to me when I tell them I'm an atheist.

Tell this to the Christians in Iraq, currently being beheaded by ISIS. Only reason they haven't gotten to you is because you're too far away from them (FOR NOW)....They haven't reached this far (YET)

Aren't there Arab Christians living in Gaza? or did you get them out first. Arab Jews I believe also.

Penelope, if you are so interested in Arab Christians, how come you have not given this forum any news about what is happening to them in the other Middle East countries? Pretty soon the way it is going there will be no Christians left in Iraq even though their ancestors were the very early Christians.
I do NOT dislike comparing Hamas (and other Muslim Jihad lunatics) to Nazi Germany, because they are very much alike.
In what ways? Care to explain that in more detail?

1. They are bot Jew haters.

2. They are both genocidal Jew killers.

3. They both have goals of world conquest.


Muslim soldiers of the Handschar Waffen SS reading a pamphlet authored by Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini titled 'Islam and Judaism.' They wear distinctive Handschar tarboosh headgear, and insignias (curved-blade weapons and swastikas) on their lapels.
I agree with every word of this post except for referring to Islam as a religion. Islam is a vile, highly immoral ideology of human behavior, masquerading as a religion. The world longest running (1400 year) con job.
No, Islam is a religion.

You're the vile, highly immoral ideology of human behavior.

Most people around the world do not accept Islam as a religion, and some countries also reject it as such (ex. Italy). What a ludicrous notion to call Islam a religion. Religions are systems of belief with a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics (mass genocide, severe misogyny, wife-beating, pedophilia, rape, slavery, torture/mutilation, animal cruelty, etc).

It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.
The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.
And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

In another thread, I listed 25 link sources, all confirming that Islam is, of course, NOT a religion.

What's ludicrous is Americans who feel a need to judge the religions of others.

America is all about judging behavior, not beliefs.

Hopefully, that is being attended to right now by Israel, at the cost of numerous lives. Those lives should not be lost in vain. every last Hamas fighter should be killed, and the Islamist cancer group exterminated, once and for all.

And the idiots in the UN and elsewhere who have been hindering Israel in this difficult task, should be getting their faces slapped, at the very least.

Yes , well we sure know what Israel can do, but didn't see much from Hamas. Who were the killers here. Do not blame Hamas for your killing of innocents.

So, Penelope, since you felt you had to crawl over to the Middle East forum, can you tell us how many innocent people your friends have murdered in the other Middle East countries just this week alone? Perhaps you, too, don't want to bring up what your friends are doing to innocent others because you can't find a way to blame the Jews for this. Strange how when people crawl over to this forum to diss the Israelis or the Jews, they never find the time to give the viewers any news that is happening in the rest of the Middle East countries even though this is the Middle East forum.

My friends in the ME, who would that be? I'm from the USA but when I see what Israel has just done, and has been doing I just had to chime in. See I credit Zionist with a lot. First the lies about the holocaust, 2nd the stealing of land from the Palestinians, 3rd and most imp. 9-11 (along with a few neocons and Zionist from the US government) and now this massacre in Palestine. Not to mention the soviet Jews in Russian and what they did to Ukraine. Oh and Sally I've been watching the Zionist here in the US and how they try and manipulate and control everything and I find it appalling. I do not want US men fighting more wars for Israel, no more Iraqs.
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Irrelevant. Islamic jihad on the part of Hamas, is what is propelling this war, not all this mumbo-jumbo you talk about.
First off, what's happening in Gaza right now isn't a "war."
Gaza is occupied territory and Israel its occupying power.
Jews can't simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self government AND claim the right of self defense against the protected persons they occupy.
The "war" Jews launched after the three illegal squatters were kidnapped and murdered began with the collective punishment of Palestinians on the West Bank.
Jews arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians and bull dozed dozens of homes, hoping to inspire a response from Hamas which they got.

It's the occupation, Stupid.
End the occupation and the violence against it will end.

I spent 2 years in the US Army and 4 more years in the Army National Guard, and I know what a war is, and you are not going to coach me about that. This is a WAR.

It is Islamic JIHAD, stupid. All this crap you're yammering about doesn't make a bit of difference. If none of it ever happened, you'd still have the uncivilized, barbaric savages known as Muslim jihadists hammering Israel or any other non-Muslim nation in their midst. You may now get your head out of your ass.
The violence will end when Hamas no longer exists, and not before, occupation or no occupation.
So tell us how many wars you fought in, Ike?
Was your enemy living under a blockade like the one Jews impose on Gaza?
Hamas and Islamic Jihad have risen in response to that blockade and the occupation of Palestine it's part of.
The fact that you're ignorant of the occupation in Palestine doesn't mean the rest of us are.
End the occupation and its resistance will end.
Jews and their occupation are the problem in Palestine.
Tell this to the Christians in Iraq, currently being beheaded by ISIS. Only reason they haven't gotten to you is because you're too far away from them (FOR NOW)....They haven't reached this far (YET)

Aren't there Arab Christians living in Gaza? or did you get them out first. Arab Jews I believe also.

Penelope, if you are so interested in Arab Christians, how come you have not given this forum any news about what is happening to them in the other Middle East countries? Pretty soon the way it is going there will be no Christians left in Iraq even though their ancestors were the very early Christians.

So I see your avoiding my question. Did you tell the Arab Jews and Christians to leave Gaza first or was the missing 3 teens enough for them to know time to go?
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