Stormfront White Nationalists Showing Overwhelming Support For Ron Paul


Dec 10, 2011
Ron Paul has a huge following of supporters who call themselves 'White Nationalists' over at the website called Stormfront. Right now, there is a thread put up the other day for the December 16 Tea Party Money Bomb fundraiser that was held today asking fellow Stormfronters to help out, donate and get support for Ron Paul for his presidential campaign. I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to Stormfront but it's there including many other threads supportive of him. If you think it is safe for me to post a link there to the thread, let me know and I will. I am new here but I don't want to break forum rules. Do you think the White Nationalist support for Ron Paul will hurt him and what do you think the attraction is that White Nationalists have for Mr. Paul? Maybe a Ron Paul supporter on the board here can explain this.

One poster stated this:

"My best guess based on following Ron Paul for over 8 years is that he secretly has White Nationalist tendencies, but he dare not admit it until he is President. Ron Paul does not want to see America swamped with Illegal Mexicans, but again he has to watch what he says. Politics is such a lousy game, as at this time you can't get elected if you tell the whole truth."

Ron Paul with Stormfront owner Don Black and son Derick Black
Well, it sounds like a Ron Paul Administration wouldn't have any/many blacks...
Well this is a backhanded attack, I will just point that out at the outset. I saw a video of people getting pics taken with Ron Paul yesterday too where there was a line of people waiting so just the fact that a politician has his picture taken with someone means nothing. I have seen nothing in Ron Paul's writings or speeches that indicate that he is racist and I have been looking. Any group can support any politician and that doesn't mean he agrees with them.
Well, I guess anyone that wants to fight to remain a first world nation is somehow unelectable at this time. Whites built this country and have every right to fight for our future and our childrens future, but you brainwashed morons think that we can take in tens of millions of third worlders and nothing will happen. Sad, heck Ron Paul isn't even a white nationalist, but a man that wants to cut spending and get our troops out of the middle east.

Your hatred for any white that fights your anti-white machine is disgusting. Why the fuck should we have any blacks anywhere near power after what they clearly did within Africa, hati, or any other place. Civilization is fucked because of people like you...The shining city on the hill that whites built is dieing.

I'd give money to this man if I found out he was really fighting for the majority in this country. Hell, I'd go door to door.
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White Racists (Storm Front) like Ron Paul.
Black Racists (Louis Farrakhan) like Ron Paul.

If we can just get the Jewish, Mexican and Asian Racists to like Ron Paul It'll be a clean sweep in 2012! :D

The guy has some very good policies, but outside of Louis Farrkhan most blacks are behind Obongo 100 percent, no matter. The only chance whites have to remain the majority within this country is to close the borders and to deport! Hopefully we can save this nation for our children!
Hopefully we can save this nation for our children!

Yeah, Native Americans once hoped the same thing.

I see where you're coming from, but if the whites in this country are quick, we(whites) could prevent our demise. who the fuck wants to live within a third world country? I don't think even you do...All of the third world comes here saying how they're here for a better life for themselfs and children, but then destroy everything as that is all they're capable of doing. A mans house is what he makes of it.
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Hopefully we can save this nation for our children!

Yeah, Native Americans once hoped the same thing.

I see where you're coming from, but if the whites in this country are quick we could provent our demise. who the fuck wants to live within a third world country? I don't think even you do.

You can't stop it. Plus, you won't "demise" - you'll just blend in. Hell, who really wants to be pale white, anyway?
At any rate, the Indians I know consider themselves Americans, and have fought in wars to defend the nation that exists, and of which they are citizens of, now.
"Indian casinos are operated in 28 states by 233 of the nation’s 562 tribes. The total number of Indian casino and bingo halls approaches 500."

I guess half is "a few"?

Indian Casino Facts

  • Tribes receive $4 of every $10 that Americans wager at casinos.
  • [COLOR=#004578 !important][COLOR=#004578 !important]Indian [COLOR=#004578 !important]casinos[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] earned $26.5 billion in 2009 revenues.
  • There are 425 Indian gaming facilities.
  • 233 tribes operate casinos.
  • Indian gaming operates in 28 states
  • 24 states allow full-scale Indian casinos, 4 allow only Class II casinos (bingo slots)
  • Indian casinos provide 712,000 jobs.
  • Indian gaming paid $10.8 billion in local, state and federal taxes in 2008.
  • Indian gaming pays $1.3 billion in taxes to federal, state, local governments.
Source: National Indian Gaming Commission

500 Nations Indian Casinos SuperSite!
"Indian casinos are operated in 28 states by 233 of the nation’s 562 tribes. The total number of Indian casino and bingo halls approaches 500."

I guess half is "a few"?

Indian Casino Facts

  • Tribes receive $4 of every $10 that Americans wager at casinos.
  • [COLOR=#004578 !important][COLOR=#004578 !important]Indian [COLOR=#004578 !important]casinos[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] earned $26.5 billion in 2009 revenues.
  • There are 425 Indian gaming facilities.
  • 233 tribes operate casinos.
  • Indian gaming operates in 28 states
  • 24 states allow full-scale Indian casinos, 4 allow only Class II casinos (bingo slots)
  • Indian casinos provide 712,000 jobs.
  • Indian gaming paid $10.8 billion in local, state and federal taxes in 2008.
  • Indian gaming pays $1.3 billion in taxes to federal, state, local governments.
Source: National Indian Gaming Commission

500 Nations Indian Casinos SuperSite!

Google "native american poverty"...
Really, I had no idea that Ron Paul is/was a supreme racist. The quotes on the following link make my skin crawl.

Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

You and a whole bunch of young people. Honestly, I wonder at your teachers. When one is going to 'support' a candidate, doesn't it make sense to check them out? In 2008 it was easy to find the links, now? Not so much so, they've been scrubbed.
Really, I had no idea that Ron Paul is/was a supreme racist. The quotes on the following link make my skin crawl.

Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters Revealed | News One

You and a whole bunch of young people. Honestly, I wonder at your teachers. When one is going to 'support' a candidate, doesn't it make sense to check them out? In 2008 it was easy to find the links, now? Not so much so, they've been scrubbed.

I'm 65, and never had any interest in knowing anything about Ron Paul - and still don't. I've never been one of his supporters (Moonies/Paulies).

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