Stormy Daniels issues statement that she didn't have an affair with Trump...

I just wonder how much the DNC paid this woman to break her NDA.

Does she get to claim all her lawyer fees as a business expense? Fucking guys is legit her job after all...

I think you are missing the big picture here...

Someone who ran as the leader of the "Party of Family Values" fucked a porn star, and then paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about it because right after the Pussy-Grabbing tape came out, they thought that would end his campaign.

If it was a legit payment for fucking her, why try to hide it?
And someone who ran as the Democratic nominee has a history of attacking women who accuse her husband of rape and assault.

And someone who ran as the Republican nominee who has a history of attacking women- and brags of grabbing them by their pussies.
According to Paula Jones' account, on May 8, 1991,

Got to cut you off right there, buddy.

Paula Jones claimed that Clinton's male member had a "distinguishing characteristic". Testimony by both Clinton's doctors and other women who had relationships with him said no such thing was true.

Paula Jones was a liar.

So why did Clinton dish out $850,000 if he wasn't guilty of rape?

First, even if everything Paula Jones said was true, it wasn't "rape". It was at best, sexual harassment, but even that's questionable because Clinton wasn't her boss or in a direct supervisory role to her.

Secondly, you left out a few steps there.

A Federal Judge had dismissed Jones' lawsuit as being without merit. She had not suffered any direct retaliation from her refusal to have sex, therefore it wasn't harrassment under the Federal statue.

Jones dropped the amount she was asking for from 2.5 million to $850,000, and any insistence that Clinton admit wrongdoing. This made it cheaper than continuing to litigate the appeals to Judge Weber-Wright's ruling. It also cut the legs out of any impeachment charges, since the case was now over.
So you call Jones who accused Clinton of RAPE a liar, even though Clinton paid her $850,000 to go away, but a greedy PORN STAR (who signs a court document saying there was nothing) looking for a bigger payoff, getting paid by Trump 130,000 for CONSENSUAL SEX is not a liar? Ha ha anti Trump lunatics are funny.

'a greedy porn star' - who Trump's friends desperately wanted to silence.

Including an agreement that she not reveal any photos or recordings of any of the events that Trump says never happened.

What can we expect, she's a porn actress, which means if she sells her body for money, then LYING in order to get even more $$$ would surely be easier for her.

Let's be realistic here, just go on any porn website (which I go to only for the articles) and type "stormy daniels" in the search bar and you will see hundreds of films showing her fucking blacks, whites, and any number of well endowed men. To be honest she's much uglier on film than she is in pictures.

And this is the left's "credible witness" to Trump's "wrongdoings" and a symbol of the left's Me Too bowel movement. A fucking sleazebag whore working in an industry that denigrates and demeans women. This is how pathetic and desperate the left and the crooked media have gotten.

Ya gotta love it!

Two women have come forward now- both were paid off to keep quiet about their affairs with Trump while he was married.

I know to the Trumpsters- anyone who says anything they don't like is a liar- but Trump's friends sure were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep these women quiet.

Why does a billionaire need others to pay off his sexual partners?
Women who had consensual sex (knowing he was married) and got paid off to not cause harm to his reputation, and his wife and family. Oh the horror. Congratulations Democrats, your hero is now a porn star who fucks big black corks for a living. .

I am hoping we don't find out either the color or the size of Donnie's cock.

But congratulations- your hero is now a man who likes to cheat on his wife with porn stars and have convenient friends pay them off to keep them quiet.
I will back Trump 100% always, as there is no better candidate, at least not until the year, 2024!
I just wonder how much the DNC paid this woman to break her NDA.

Does she get to claim all her lawyer fees as a business expense? Fucking guys is legit her job after all...

I think you are missing the big picture here...

Someone who ran as the leader of the "Party of Family Values" fucked a porn star, and then paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about it because right after the Pussy-Grabbing tape came out, they thought that would end his campaign.

If it was a legit payment for fucking her, why try to hide it?
And someone who ran as the Democratic nominee has a history of attacking women who accuse her husband of rape and assault.

And someone who ran as the Republican nominee who has a history of attacking women- and brags of grabbing them by their pussies.
Two women have come forward have admitted the relationships were consensual. The rest are paid by Democratic operative dirt diggers.

I can't believe you would believe in this crap she was payed off to stay quiet there's proof.There's evidence that Trump's lawyer payed her off and made her sign it lol.
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.
What can we expect, she's a porn actress, which means if she sells her body for money, then LYING in order to get even more $$$ would surely be easier for her.

Let's be realistic here, just go on any porn website (which I go to only for the articles) and type "stormy daniels" in the search bar and you will see hundreds of films showing her fucking blacks, whites, and any number of well endowed men. To be honest she's much uglier on film than she is in pictures.

And this is the left's "credible witness" to Trump's "wrongdoings" and a symbol of the left's Me Too bowel movement. A fucking sleazebag whore working in an industry that denigrates and demeans women. This is how pathetic and desperate the left and the crooked media have gotten.

Ya gotta love it!

Two women have come forward now- both were paid off to keep quiet about their affairs with Trump while he was married.

I know to the Trumpsters- anyone who says anything they don't like is a liar- but Trump's friends sure were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep these women quiet.

Why does a billionaire need others to pay off his sexual partners?
Women who had consensual sex (knowing he was married) and got paid off to not cause harm to his reputation, and his wife and family. Oh the horror. Congratulations Democrats, your hero is now a porn star who fucks big black corks for a living. .

I am hoping we don't find out either the color or the size of Donnie's cock.

But congratulations- your hero is now a man who likes to cheat on his wife with porn stars and have convenient friends pay them off to keep them quiet.
He will indeed go down as a visionary Churchill like figure who saved the country and the world from the disastrous, divisive, racist, corrupt, globalist, socialist Leftwing policies that were like a cancer to Western Democracies and freedom as we know it.

But you guys are more interested with the size of his dick and where he puts it.
Hey Stormy............if you sue Trump you can make money quicker than more porn scenes. What do you think...........

Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?

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