Stormy Daniels issues statement that she didn't have an affair with Trump...

Let's say I take her word for it.

Why did Trump pay her $130,000, then?

the :"statement" is from January. we already know she previously denied it because she was afraid. we also know that "denial" was retracted.

is there some reason we're bothering to discuss it now?

no one is denying that Donald had her paid $130,000

we also know there is photographic or videographic evidence
t was her turn, right?

No, she was just the only rational alternative.

So now we have a mentally unglued person with his finger on the button... but it's okay because Hillary threatened your manhood once, or something.
Let's say I take her word for it.

Why did Trump pay her $130,000, then?

the :"statement" is from January. we already know she previously denied it because she was afraid. we also know that "denial" was retracted.

is there some reason we're bothering to discuss it now?

no one is denying that Donald had her paid $130,000

we also know there is photographic or videographic evidence
It has been proven to an extent that she was paid.....yes I'd agree..............but was it to hide something is unknown..........possible they did it........and possible they didn't....................I don't know.........

We know the evidence is there.................A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush..............Until that evidence is shown..........then we simply don't know.......

And if it is where is the crime......................Is she pressing charges against Trump..........if so give me the case documents and trial cases........
t was her turn, right?

No, she was just the only rational alternative.

So now we have a mentally unglued person with his finger on the button... but it's okay because Hillary threatened your manhood once, or something.

She was truly a terrible candidate. I mean, losing once to a community organizer, then to Trump.

She beat herself.
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?

She agreed to a financial settlement over an affair she claims happened..............which is very possible...........

She signed court documents and took the money.........

She then saw an opportunity to make more money........

Where in lies the crime if she had sex with Trump..........If it was consensual sex no crime was committed at all.............except that Trump cheated on his wife.............which is not a crime.............

This is a gold digging moment for her, and is a violation of a court order.

What can we expect, she's a porn actress, which means if she sells her body for money, then LYING in order to get even more $$$ would surely be easier for her.

Let's be realistic here, just go on any porn website (which I go to only for the articles) and type "stormy daniels" in the search bar and you will see hundreds of films showing her fucking blacks, whites, and any number of well endowed men. To be honest she's much uglier on film than she is in pictures.

And this is the left's "credible witness" to Trump's "wrongdoings" and a symbol of the left's Me Too bowel movement. A fucking sleazebag whore working in an industry that denigrates and demeans women. This is how pathetic and desperate the left and the crooked media have gotten.

Ya gotta love it!

Two women have come forward now- both were paid off to keep quiet about their affairs with Trump while he was married.

I know to the Trumpsters- anyone who says anything they don't like is a liar- but Trump's friends sure were willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep these women quiet.

Why does a billionaire need others to pay off his sexual partners?
Women who had consensual sex (knowing he was married) and got paid off to not cause harm to his reputation, and his wife and family. Oh the horror. Congratulations Democrats, your hero is now a porn star who fucks big black corks for a living. .

I am hoping we don't find out either the color or the size of Donnie's cock.

But congratulations- your hero is now a man who likes to cheat on his wife with porn stars and have convenient friends pay them off to keep them quiet.
He will indeed go down as a visionary Churchill like figure who saved the country t.

LOL.......the only thing he has in common with Churchill is the width of his waist.

Meanwhile you will wait on his every tweet to see what direction his 'vision' will blow today.
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?

She agreed to a financial settlement over an affair she claims happened..............which is very possible...........

She signed court documents and took the money.........

She then saw an opportunity to make more money........

Where in lies the crime if she had sex with Trump..........If it was consensual sex no crime was committed at all.............except that Trump cheated on his wife.............which is not a crime.............

This is a gold digging moment for her, and is a violation of a court order.

Maybe she is in violation of a court order. Maybe she isn't.

Doesn't change that know we know that there is a pattern of Trump having elicit affairs- and then having his 'friends' pay them off- to be quiet- when he was running for President.

Remember neither of the two payoffs happened after the affairs ended- they happened when Trump was running for office. Which strongly implies that they were done for political purposes- which means they may have been illegal campaign contributions- which is a crime.
I just wonder how much the DNC paid this woman to break her NDA.

Does she get to claim all her lawyer fees as a business expense? Fucking guys is legit her job after all...

I think you are missing the big picture here...

Someone who ran as the leader of the "Party of Family Values" fucked a porn star, and then paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about it because right after the Pussy-Grabbing tape came out, they thought that would end his campaign.

If it was a legit payment for fucking her, why try to hide it?
And someone who ran as the Democratic nominee has a history of attacking women who accuse her husband of rape and assault.

And someone who ran as the Republican nominee who has a history of attacking women- and brags of grabbing them by their pussies.
Two women have come forward have admitted the relationships were consensual. The rest are paid by Democratic operative dirt diggers.

How typically Trumpian- attack every one of Trump's victims by lying that they were paid to testify by the Democrats.

What we do know is that Trump's former mistresses were paid not to talk by Trump operatives- during his Presidential run.
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?

She agreed to a financial settlement over an affair she claims happened..............which is very possible...........

She signed court documents and took the money.........

She then saw an opportunity to make more money........

Where in lies the crime if she had sex with Trump..........If it was consensual sex no crime was committed at all.............except that Trump cheated on his wife.............which is not a crime.............

This is a gold digging moment for her, and is a violation of a court order.

Maybe she is in violation of a court order. Maybe she isn't.

Doesn't change that know we know that there is a pattern of Trump having elicit affairs- and then having his 'friends' pay them off- to be quiet- when he was running for President.

Remember neither of the two payoffs happened after the affairs ended- they happened when Trump was running for office. Which strongly implies that they were done for political purposes- which means they may have been illegal campaign contributions- which is a crime.

Based on the assumption when he used to be a celebrity entrepreneur? Leave that to the tabloids media enabling pervs about the celebrity Trump gossip then.
I just wonder how much the DNC paid this woman to break her NDA.

Does she get to claim all her lawyer fees as a business expense? Fucking guys is legit her job after all...

I think you are missing the big picture here...

Someone who ran as the leader of the "Party of Family Values" fucked a porn star, and then paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about it because right after the Pussy-Grabbing tape came out, they thought that would end his campaign.

If it was a legit payment for fucking her, why try to hide it?
And someone who ran as the Democratic nominee has a history of attacking women who accuse her husband of rape and assault.

And someone who ran as the Republican nominee who has a history of attacking women- and brags of grabbing them by their pussies.
Two women have come forward have admitted the relationships were consensual. The rest are paid by Democratic operative dirt diggers.

How typically Trumpian- attack every one of Trump's victims by lying that they were paid to testify by the Democrats.

What we do know is that Trump's former mistresses were paid not to talk by Trump operatives- during his Presidential run.
Not attacking the porn star. Just common sense when there's a Juanita Broddrick and this porn star named Stormy getting paid by Jimmy Kimmel.
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?

She agreed to a financial settlement over an affair she claims happened..............which is very possible...........

She signed court documents and took the money.........

She then saw an opportunity to make more money........

Where in lies the crime if she had sex with Trump..........If it was consensual sex no crime was committed at all.............except that Trump cheated on his wife.............which is not a crime.............

This is a gold digging moment for her, and is a violation of a court order.

Maybe she is in violation of a court order. Maybe she isn't.

Doesn't change that know we know that there is a pattern of Trump having elicit affairs- and then having his 'friends' pay them off- to be quiet- when he was running for President.

Remember neither of the two payoffs happened after the affairs ended- they happened when Trump was running for office. Which strongly implies that they were done for political purposes- which means they may have been illegal campaign contributions- which is a crime.
How do you classify an NDA agreement as a campaign contribution.............please explain

Let's say I take her word for it.

Why did Trump pay her $130,000, then?

the :"statement" is from January. we already know she previously denied it because she was afraid. we also know that "denial" was retracted.

is there some reason we're bothering to discuss it now?

no one is denying that Donald had her paid $130,000

we also know there is photographic or videographic evidence
It has been proven to an extent that she was paid.....yes I'd agree..............but was it to hide something is unknown..........possible they did it........and possible they didn't....................I don't know.........

We know the evidence is there.................A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush..............Until that evidence is shown..........then we simply don't know.......

And if it is where is the crime......................Is she pressing charges against Trump..........if so give me the case documents and trial cases........

The $130,000 was an in kind contribution. It was not reported and violates campaign finance rules if that is proven.

Two. If Donald’s bullying piece of garbage, Coen, threatened her into signing the agreement that is criminal. If Donald approved of it that is criminal.

And for the record, I’ve never seen criminality be a pre-requisite for scandal. If it were, al franken would still be in the senate.

Or does that not apply to Donald the sexual predator?
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?

She agreed to a financial settlement over an affair she claims happened..............which is very possible...........

She signed court documents and took the money.........

She then saw an opportunity to make more money........

Where in lies the crime if she had sex with Trump..........If it was consensual sex no crime was committed at all.............except that Trump cheated on his wife.............which is not a crime.............

This is a gold digging moment for her, and is a violation of a court order.

Maybe she is in violation of a court order. Maybe she isn't.

Doesn't change that know we know that there is a pattern of Trump having elicit affairs- and then having his 'friends' pay them off- to be quiet- when he was running for President.

Remember neither of the two payoffs happened after the affairs ended- they happened when Trump was running for office. Which strongly implies that they were done for political purposes- which means they may have been illegal campaign contributions- which is a crime.
How do you classify an NDA agreement as a campaign contribution.............please explain


You’re not very bright.

They hushed her up becaise they didn’t want it coming out before the election.

It cost $130,000 to make that happen. The lawyer paid the money ostensibly. Thus he made a payment in furtherance of an election advantage which exceeded campaign finance limitations and was not reported.

I hope that helps given that is at least the fifth time it has been explained to you
Bottom line is she signed it and the rest is speculation. The whore is now seeing an opportunity to make more money so she's trying to reneg in a contract. She and her thug attorney won't be as cocky when the judge finds her in violation and slaps her with a 20 million dollar judgement.

No judge is going to do that... the problem is, since Trump didn't sign the agreement, she has no agreement with Trump.

This is black letter law.

Are the perv Fake News agents so desperate about that celebrity Trump gossip?

Funny, a lot of liberals thought the same thing in the 1990's when the media became All Lewinsky, All the Time.

Does the word "Hoist on your own Petard" mean anything to you?
Judges are familiar with and rule on NDA agreements and contracts all the time. What makes you think this court sanctioned NDA will not be enforced and there will not be financial penalties for the violations by stormy and her attorney?

She agreed to a financial settlement over an affair she claims happened..............which is very possible...........

She signed court documents and took the money.........

She then saw an opportunity to make more money........

Where in lies the crime if she had sex with Trump..........If it was consensual sex no crime was committed at all.............except that Trump cheated on his wife.............which is not a crime.............

This is a gold digging moment for her, and is a violation of a court order.

Maybe she is in violation of a court order. Maybe she isn't.

Doesn't change that know we know that there is a pattern of Trump having elicit affairs- and then having his 'friends' pay them off- to be quiet- when he was running for President.

Remember neither of the two payoffs happened after the affairs ended- they happened when Trump was running for office. Which strongly implies that they were done for political purposes- which means they may have been illegal campaign contributions- which is a crime.
How do you classify an NDA agreement as a campaign contribution.............please explain


It's not about the NDA itself, but more about who paid for it, and when it happened.
She was truly a terrible candidate. I mean, losing once to a community organizer, then to Trump.

She beat herself.

That we judge leaders on how good of candidates they are rather than their ability to run the country is a failing of democracy.

Popularity is okay for picking the winning of American Idol, but not so much for picking a president.
Let's say I take her word for it.

Why did Trump pay her $130,000, then?

the :"statement" is from January. we already know she previously denied it because she was afraid. we also know that "denial" was retracted.

is there some reason we're bothering to discuss it now?

no one is denying that Donald had her paid $130,000

we also know there is photographic or videographic evidence
It has been proven to an extent that she was paid.....yes I'd agree..............but was it to hide something is unknown..........possible they did it........and possible they didn't....................I don't know.........

We know the evidence is there.................A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush..............Until that evidence is shown..........then we simply don't know.......

And if it is where is the crime......................Is she pressing charges against Trump..........if so give me the case documents and trial cases........

The $130,000 was an in kind contribution. It was not reported and violates campaign finance rules if that is proven.

Two. If Donald’s bullying piece of garbage, Coen, threatened her into signing the agreement that is criminal. If Donald approved of it that is criminal.

And for the record, I’ve never seen criminality be a pre-requisite for scandal. If it were, al franken would still be in the senate.

Or does that not apply to Donald the sexual predator?
Not was a record of the courts that I just posted. Therefore, it would hard to say that it wasn't disclosed nor does a court proceeding a proven campaign finance rule violation.

IF............let me repeat that.........IF...........she was threatened into signing. IF means we really don't know now do we..............and that must be PROVEN. IF, MAYBE, POSSIBLY............are by NO MEANS EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING.

Comparing this to Franken is laughable............If Trump had sex with her it was the statements all over the place tend to agree with.............and there is that word tend............

Consensual sex is not a crime..................and although I would never cheat on my wife as I think it's doesn't classify him as a sexual predator.

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