Straight Pride Month?


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2021
How stupid would it be to have a "Straight Pride Month"? What would be the point? Why would anyone be proud to be straight?

Being straight is just a normal way of life, it's nothing to Celebrate
It probably is stupid and pointless - but pride month is even more pointless.

I've been told my whole life (in regards gays and folk with certain sex fetishes) that what two consenting adults get up to in their own time, behind closed doors is their own business providing they're not harming anyone else - which is more than fair.

So why do we now celebrate what sexual preferences folk have? I thought sex was a private thing - it's nothing to celebrate.

I like shagging single Moms who wear gym leggings, trainers, have their hair in bobbles and hang around swing parks with their kids.

Go me.

Where's my parade and my flag for my sexual preference?
When is my non-Irish parade? It’s so unfair. :crybaby:
Everyone is Irish on Mar. 17. It is Ireland's gift to the world.
I’m not. It’s totally unfair that there isn’t a non-Irish parade. I hurts my feels that some people get a parade while other do not.
Tsk Tsk, Sorry your feelings are hurt--maybe you can join a BLM riot oops, I mean parade.
Thanks for understanding. Not having a parade for people like me makes me sad and whiny.
Most straight people are not interested in celebtating perversions.

That is something that is strictly reserved for the Mentally Ill.

There are a lot of straight people celebrating "perversions". There are conventions for it, like Frolicon, Southwest Leatherfest and more.
Most straight people are not interested in celebtating perversions.

That is something that is strictly reserved for the Mentally Ill.

There are a lot of straight people celebrating "perversions". There are conventions for it, like Frolicon, Southwest Leatherfest and more.
Yeah ....

I know ....

But. it doesn't make you perversion normal ....

I am not LGBTQ. But normal is not something I strive for. Nor is it something we, as a society, require.
How stupid would it be to have a "Straight Pride Month"? What would be the point? Why would anyone be proud to be straight?

Being straight is just a normal way of life, it's nothing to Celebrate

In this society? Being normal is something to be proud of.
Women are welcome to help me be proud during straight pride month.

And then they would be ashamed and depressed. So what would be the point?
I have a Happy camper policy. Can women imagine me getting "stuck with them" until they are Happy campers?

If they don't want to be there, your Happy Camper policy is meaningless.
That is just You begging the question and being negative.

And, my having a Happy camper policy means I am not the one with the equality problem.

Equality was not part of the equation. It is your usual begging for women to fuck you.
That is just you begging the question instead of coming up with valid arguments.

Women are welcome to believe in equality with me.


There are a lot of straight people celebrating "perversions". There are conventions for it, like Frolicon, Southwest Leatherfest and more.
Note the word "Most" in my comment.

Just because some sicko straight folks celebrate perversions does not make it OK that you sick fvcks do .....

There are a lot of straight people celebrating "perversions". There are conventions for it, like Frolicon, Southwest Leatherfest and more.
Note the word "Most" in my comment.

Just because some sicko straight folks celebrate perversions does not make it OK that you sick fvcks do .....

For some fundamentalists, anything except missionary position for the express purpose of procreation is perversion.

But as far as straight or gay folks doing things that you consider "perverse", mybe it would help if you mind your own business and quit worrying about other people's sex lives? As long as it only involves consenting adults, your opinion doesn't matter.

For some fundamentalists, anything except missionary position for the express purpose of procreation is perversion.

But as far as straight or gay folks doing things that you consider "perverse", mybe it would help if you mind your own business and quit worrying about other people's sex lives? As long as it only involves consenting adults, your opinion doesn't matter.
Put your ball gag and thong on and go march in your pride parade you sick Leftist Fvck .....

For some fundamentalists, anything except missionary position for the express purpose of procreation is perversion.

But as far as straight or gay folks doing things that you consider "perverse", mybe it would help if you mind your own business and quit worrying about other people's sex lives? As long as it only involves consenting adults, your opinion doesn't matter.
Put your ball gag and thong on and go march in your pride parade you sick Leftist Fvck .....


I would never wear a thong!

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