Strategic analyses and information about the fall of the two Syrian army bases


Nov 14, 2012
As these happenings have been celebrated by the Anti-Assad coalition of the forum, it provided few informations proving it is a pure bunch of stupid propagandists that doesnt mind it is the Al-Qaedas Al-Nusra Front that raided the bases with thousands of attackers.
The following article provides information, analyses and the view of the two sides, so even that of the Syrian army (normally, due to their governments absurd policies, only the terrorists may speak in the pathetic medias).

Jabhat al-Nusra deals Syrian regime major blow in Idlib - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East
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As these happenings have been celebrated by the Anti-Assad coalition of the forum, it provided few informations proving it is a pure bunch of stupid propagandists that doesnt mind it is the Al-Qaedas Al-Nusra Front that raided the bases with thousands of attackers.
The following article provides information, analyses and the view of the two sides, so even that of the Syrian army (normally, due to their governments absurd policies, only the terrorists may speak in the pathetic medias).

Jabhat al-Nusra deals Syrian regime major blow in Idlib - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

the fight over there is between several different species of
WILD ANIMAL Lots of people----like me-----are spectators from a distance----or like me----not all that much
interested except in the displaced people and the piles of dead. Those piles that, unfortunately, do not include the
assads, or erdogan, or----even a few ayatoilets would
be good.
As these happenings have been celebrated by the Anti-Assad coalition of the forum, it provided few informations proving it is a pure bunch of stupid propagandists that doesnt mind it is the Al-Qaedas Al-Nusra Front that raided the bases with thousands of attackers.
The following article provides information, analyses and the view of the two sides, so even that of the Syrian army (normally, due to their governments absurd policies, only the terrorists may speak in the pathetic medias).

Jabhat al-Nusra deals Syrian regime major blow in Idlib - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

the fight over there is between several different species of
WILD ANIMAL Lots of people----like me-----are spectators from a distance----or like me----not all that much
interested except in the displaced people and the piles of dead. Those piles that, unfortunately, do not include the
assads, or erdogan, or----even a few ayatoilets would
be good.
The Syrians who defend their country against terrorism arent wild animals. You better watch your racist language.
...The Syrians who defend their country against terrorism arent wild animals...

Don't kid yourself.

The soldiers of the Syrian Assad (Baathist) regime fight to retain power - not to combat terrorism.

The Syrian Revolution began because the People of Syria had had enough of bastards like Assad, and tried to remove him from power, in connection with the so-called Arab Spring, of a couple of years ago.

Trouble is, the Rebels ended-up on the Losing Side, after some initial and significant successes and momentum...

At which point, radical Militant Muslim Militias stepped into the vacuum, and subverted and seized control of The Revolution, away from The People.

There is an "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality at-work here, but we should not delude ourselves about the repression and horrors of the Assad regime and the nature of this lone surviving Baathist power.

If Side A wins, we have brutal, savage, oppressive Neanderthals in power.

If Side B wins, we have brutal, savage, oppressive Neanderthals in power.

Perhaps it's best to just let them kill each other off, and then move in to pick up the pieces.

Truth be told, the world won't shed crocodile tears for either of them.
As these happenings have been celebrated by the Anti-Assad coalition of the forum, it provided few informations proving it is a pure bunch of stupid propagandists that doesnt mind it is the Al-Qaedas Al-Nusra Front that raided the bases with thousands of attackers.
The following article provides information, analyses and the view of the two sides, so even that of the Syrian army (normally, due to their governments absurd policies, only the terrorists may speak in the pathetic medias).

Jabhat al-Nusra deals Syrian regime major blow in Idlib - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

the fight over there is between several different species of
WILD ANIMAL Lots of people----like me-----are spectators from a distance----or like me----not all that much
interested except in the displaced people and the piles of dead. Those piles that, unfortunately, do not include the
assads, or erdogan, or----even a few ayatoilets would
be good.
The Syrians who defend their country against terrorism arent wild animals. You better watch your racist language.
You understand that your fantasy lover Assad will get raped when his foreign fighters run out of bullets and leave him alone to face the Syrian people who hate him. If not for the Iranian and Lebanese Shiites who are protecting him he would have been molested and turned into a girl or lamb by the Syrians long ago.
...The Syrians who defend their country against terrorism arent wild animals...

Don't kid yourself.

The soldiers of the Syrian Assad (Baathist) regime fight to retain power - not to combat terrorism.

The Syrian Revolution began because the People of Syria had had enough of bastards like Assad, and tried to remove him from power, in connection with the so-called Arab Spring, of a couple of years ago.

Trouble is, the Rebels ended-up on the Losing Side, after some initial and significant successes and momentum...

At which point, radical Militant Muslim Militias stepped into the vacuum, and subverted and seized control of The Revolution, away from The People.

There is an "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality at-work here, but we should not delude ourselves about the repression and horrors of the Assad regime and the nature of this lone surviving Baathist power.

If Side A wins, we have brutal, savage, oppressive Neanderthals in power.

If Side B wins, we have brutal, savage, oppressive Neanderthals in power.

Perhaps it's best to just let them kill each other off, and then move in to pick up the pieces.

Truth be told, the world won't shed crocodile tears for either of them.
Nonsense. You know that. The Isis war in Iraq started with protests as well. There has been no non-Islamist "revolution".
As these happenings have been celebrated by the Anti-Assad coalition of the forum, it provided few informations proving it is a pure bunch of stupid propagandists that doesnt mind it is the Al-Qaedas Al-Nusra Front that raided the bases with thousands of attackers.
The following article provides information, analyses and the view of the two sides, so even that of the Syrian army (normally, due to their governments absurd policies, only the terrorists may speak in the pathetic medias).

Jabhat al-Nusra deals Syrian regime major blow in Idlib - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

the fight over there is between several different species of
WILD ANIMAL Lots of people----like me-----are spectators from a distance----or like me----not all that much
interested except in the displaced people and the piles of dead. Those piles that, unfortunately, do not include the
assads, or erdogan, or----even a few ayatoilets would
be good.
The Syrians who defend their country against terrorism arent wild animals. You better watch your racist language.
You understand that your fantasy lover Assad will get raped when his foreign fighters run out of bullets and leave him alone to face the Syrian people who hate him. If not for the Iranian and Lebanese Shiites who are protecting him he would have been molested and turned into a girl or lamb by the Syrians long ago.
I am not going to face your fucking lies just because your mindless regime told you to lie.
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS
Yeah, you know all guys of the world and they all hate Assad. Sad for you that the Syrian government is very popular in Syria.
camp can deploy his Islamist/Isis propaganda somewhere else.
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS
Yeah, you know all guys of the world and they all hate Assad. Sad for you that the Syrian government is very popular in Syria.
camp can deploy his Islamist/Isis propaganda somewhere else.

right----adolf was popular and so was Sadaam-----as was IDI AMIN When my son was in the navy-----ten years ago----
his best friend there was an enlistee------whose entire Christian family was in Israel------having fled the filth of Assad some 20 years ago. My kid was the only other kid on the ship who do any Hebrew at all-----so they were fast friends
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS
Yeah, you know all guys of the world and they all hate Assad. Sad for you that the Syrian government is very popular in Syria.
camp can deploy his Islamist/Isis propaganda somewhere else.

right----adolf was popular and so was Sadaam-----as was IDI AMIN When my son was in the navy-----ten years ago----
his best friend there was an enlistee------whose entire Christian family was in Israel------having fled the filth of Assad some 20 years ago. My kid was the only other kid on the ship who do any Hebrew at all-----so they were fast friends
Another poignant story...
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS
Yeah, you know all guys of the world and they all hate Assad. Sad for you that the Syrian government is very popular in Syria.
camp can deploy his Islamist/Isis propaganda somewhere else.

right----adolf was popular and so was Sadaam-----as was IDI AMIN When my son was in the navy-----ten years ago----
his best friend there was an enlistee------whose entire Christian family was in Israel------having fled the filth of Assad some 20 years ago. My kid was the only other kid on the ship who do any Hebrew at all-----so they were fast friends
Another poignant story...

another "poignant story" what is it?
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS

"As more Christians die fighting for the regime, the community is set to become further involved in the conflict. Pictures of Sari and his friends on Facebook show them holding guns and dressed in fatigues, while notes mourning friends killed in fighting are also commonplace on social media websites.

Still, he says, there are opportunities for compromise.

“If the armed people want to face us with killing or with negotiations we are ready . . . But we in Saidnaya all have weapons and we fight with the government,” he said."

Christian militias lend muscle to Syrian regime in ongoing battle against rebels
c'mon captain blie for a long time the only Arabic speaking
people in the USA that I knew----were SYRIANS---Syrian Christians------they despise the filthy ASSADS

"As more Christians die fighting for the regime, the community is set to become further involved in the conflict. Pictures of Sari and his friends on Facebook show them holding guns and dressed in fatigues, while notes mourning friends killed in fighting are also commonplace on social media websites.

Still, he says, there are opportunities for compromise.

“If the armed people want to face us with killing or with negotiations we are ready . . . But we in Saidnaya all have weapons and we fight with the government,” he said."

Christian militias lend muscle to Syrian regime in ongoing battle against rebels

Your article got something right-----Christians are put out into buffer zones and used as pawns. It's an age old technique used by islamo Nazi pigs for centuries
This is what Roman Catholics think.

ISIS, Assad, and What the West is Missing About Syria

December 15, 2014
Syria, once home to a unique, multireligious society, is being destroyed. The West is turning a blind eye to the real cause of the tragedy.

"Msgr. Giuseppe Nazzaro, former apostolic visitor to Aleppo and former Custodian of the Holy Land, had this to say:

[Assad] opened the country up to foreign trade, to tourism within the country and from abroad, to freedom of movement and of education for both men and women. Before the protests started, the number of women in the professional world had been constantly increasing, the university was open to all, and there was no discrimination on the basis of sex. The country was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us."

ISIS Assad and What the West is Missing About Syria Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views
This is what Roman Catholics think.

ISIS, Assad, and What the West is Missing About Syria

December 15, 2014
Syria, once home to a unique, multireligious society, is being destroyed. The West is turning a blind eye to the real cause of the tragedy.

"Msgr. Giuseppe Nazzaro, former apostolic visitor to Aleppo and former Custodian of the Holy Land, had this to say:

[Assad] opened the country up to foreign trade, to tourism within the country and from abroad, to freedom of movement and of education for both men and women. Before the protests started, the number of women in the professional world had been constantly increasing, the university was open to all, and there was no discrimination on the basis of sex. The country was at peace, prosperity was on the rise, and human rights were respected. A common home and fatherland to many ethnicities and 23 different religious groups, Syria has always been a place where all were free to believe and live out their creed, all relationships were characterized by mutual respect. The freedom that is purportedly being brought to us by the rebels is precisely what this rebellion has taken away from us."

ISIS Assad and What the West is Missing About Syria Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

yup-----sadaam had patsies like that too
so what is the world MISSING? ----the "FACT" that everything in Syria was hunky dory until the arab spring
commenced? --------say it over and over and over------according to the Josef Goebbels principles-----you will begin to believe it

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