Strategy for Democrat Win in 2018 and 2020

Post a pic of your diesel truck or you drive a Prius with a Bernie sticker on the bumper.:funnyface:
If democrats really want to win, they need to go to every state and every country giving speeches "We hate you rubes. You're all inbred deplorables. You are all uneducated worthless unemployables and we intend to replace you with every illegal we can cram into the country."

Democrats by a landslide.
If democrats really want to win, they need to go to every state and every country giving speeches "We hate you rubes. You're all inbred deplorables. You are all uneducated worthless unemployables and we intend to replace you with every illegal we can cram into the country."

Democrats by a landslide.

Exactly! The left's intolerance has destroyed their party. They would rather spew hatred and lose an election than tolerate even moderates.
It's abortion that turned Democrats into insane people.

And that is because murder eventually drives anyone insane.

Only the sociopath can murder without trauma into to his psyche.

Only a person with no concept of the difference between right and wrong can kill without consequence to his mental wellbeing.

The Democrats have now murdered so many unborn babies that it would be very difficult for them to ever recover their sanity.

But God forgives all. I urge all Democrats to repent their ways, and thus avoid the gaping maw of hell that is their fate.
Simply my thought concerning the 2018 mid-terms .

Easy peazy.

1. Ignore any mention of God and ban any pronouncements using God. No opening prayer at your convention or symbolic planks in the party platform that seem religious. Remember, separation of church and state.
Since after Civil Rights and Vietnam issues of the 1960's the religious left have pretty much become apolitical.
Immigration and gay rights are getting a fair share of sympathy with the more liberal Christian denominations which likely will become more active politically.

2. Promise to raise taxes to take care of the poor.
3. Be sure to make everyone know without any doubt that white men are evil and should be re-educated.
They'll likely package these two in form of their typical rich versus poor class warfare.

4. Promote the idea that jihadist extremism can be defeated if we simply give Muslims more hugs and smiley faces.
I see this one waiting until 2020's presidential election.

5. Promise to pay black people reparation for slavery even if their ancestors were not slaves.
Well, at least not openly.

6. Promise to legalize all undocumented immigrants so that they can vote in the next 20 elections to come.
See #5

7. Promise to permanently raise the Debt Ceiling to infinity.
With Republicans raising the debt ceiling it won't be an issue. They'll simply argue that we don't have to spend what the rest of the world combined spends on defense.

8. Denounce Christianity which makes white men even more particularly evil.
See #1

9. Hold a 'Free Speech' demonstration at the 2020 Democratic Convention in which all delegates go up and spit on the American flag to show that you respect free speech.

10. Renominate Hillary Clinton for President, with a gay, transexual priest of the church of Satan for VP.

It is a winner, promise, Dems.

Go for it!

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