Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Because jobless workers are only counted as unemployed if they are actively seeking work, these “missing workers” are not reflected in the unemployment rate.

You really need to read the OP, dipshit. U1 through U6 has been steadily declining for over a year.
Gallup Daily U.S. Employment

14.8% underemployed according to this poll

Gallup tracks daily the percentage of U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, who are underemployed, unemployed, and employed full-time for an employer, without seasonal adjustment. "Underemployed" respondents are employed part time, but want to work full time, or they are unemployed. "Unemployed" respondents are those within the underemployed group who are not employed, even for one hour a week, but are available and looking for work.

Unemployment and underemployment are calculated as a percent of the workforce. Payroll to Population is a measure of those who are employed by an employer for at least 30 hours per week. Payroll to Population is calculated as a percent of the total population. Daily results reflect 30-day rolling averages based on telephone interviews with approximately 30,000 adults. Because results are not seasonally adjusted, they are not directly comparable to numbers reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which are based on workers 16 and older. Margin of error is ±1 percentage point.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it. Here's another question for your liberalism addled mind, who cheered for economic failure from 2006 to 2008? Yes Democrat politicians that's who.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it..
27,778 a month. But I don't know what the significance of your 2 million is. 2 million what?
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
So you can't show your math. I showed the link and the numbers. Aee you claiming they're wrong?

Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot? Are people buying houses and durable goods in record numbers? Is the poor moving up the ladder are middle class wages on the rise? You dishonest liberals talk out of both sides of your mouths, simultaneously stating the poor and middle class are in dire straights while at the same time praising Obama for his amazing economic achievements so which is the lie?
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it..
27,778 a month. But I don't know what the significance of your 2 million is. 2 million what?

I predicted as much.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it.

Are you going to blame the lost jobs in the first few of those 72 months on Obama? That's sure what it looks like.

It's a simple fact the economy had good job growth this past month. Go suck a lemon.

Here's another question for your liberalism addled mind, who cheered for economic failure from 2006 to 2008? Yes Democrat politicians that's who.

I call this the Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger school of thought.
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
So you can't show your math. I showed the link and the numbers. Aee you claiming they're wrong?

Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot? Are people buying houses and durable goods in record numbers? Is the poor moving up the ladder are middle class wages on the rise? You dishonest liberals talk out of both sides of your mouths, simultaneously stating the poor and middle class are in dire straights while at the same time praising Obama for his amazing economic achievements so which is the lie?
ummm the topic is simply the Employment Situation. So what's happening here? You don't like the report so you ignore it for any other poor signs? No one is saying the economy is smoking hot or that everything's great. But things, especially the job situation, are improving.
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it..
27,778 a month. But I don't know what the significance of your 2 million is. 2 million what?

I predicted as much.

You predicted that I can't read your mind and guess what your 2 million refers to? Why did you think I had such powers?
Wow. Food stamps and unemployment checks really do stimulate the Obama economy
The number of households on food stamps and unemployment has been declining for years. Thanks for bringing that up!
You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
So you can't show your math. I showed the link and the numbers. Aee you claiming they're wrong?

Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot? Are people buying houses and durable goods in record numbers? Is the poor moving up the ladder are middle class wages on the rise? You dishonest liberals talk out of both sides of your mouths, simultaneously stating the poor and middle class are in dire straights while at the same time praising Obama for his amazing economic achievements so which is the lie?
ummm the topic is simply the Employment Situation. So what's happening here? You don't like the report so you ignore it for any other poor signs? No one is saying the economy is smoking hot or that everything's great. But things, especially the job situation, are improving.

I destroyed you so completely your great grand kids will feel the shock wave.
You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it..
27,778 a month. But I don't know what the significance of your 2 million is. 2 million what?

I predicted as much.

You predicted that I can't read your mind and guess what your 2 million refers to? Why did you think I had such powers?

Ahahahaha it wasn't my 2 million it was your 2 million you posted it. Never mind, sorry I stressed your few brain cells.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it..
27,778 a month. But I don't know what the significance of your 2 million is. 2 million what?
Poor BluesLegend made an idiotic claim that we have not clawed back the jobs that were lost during the recession. He is now trying to deflect from having his ass handed to him by the reality that not only have the number of lost jobs been replaced, but an additional 2 million jobs have since been created.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it..
27,778 a month. But I don't know what the significance of your 2 million is. 2 million what?

I predicted as much.

You predicted that I can't read your mind and guess what your 2 million refers to? Why did you think I had such powers?

Ahahahaha it wasn't my 2 million it was your 2 million you posted it. Never mind, sorry I stressed your few brain cells.
It was edthecynic who posted the 2 million. I would say sorry your brain cells were stressed, but you don't have enough to stress.
Let's circle back to the beginning of the chain:
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory.

It has been established this was a bogus claim. More jobs have been created than were lost. Not only that, an additional 2 million+ jobs have been created since the crash.

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