Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.

UE a lagging indicator. Good point. Proof that the UE rise early in Obama's first term was actually the lagging effect of the Bush economy.
Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Blunting worries about the American economy’s momentum after a stretch of lackluster growth this year, the government reported on Friday that employers added a hefty 280,000 jobs in May, well above the average monthly totals logged over the last year.

At the same time, hourly wages rose 0.3 percent last month, finally providing workers with some long-awaited gains.

“This is a confirmation that the economy is performing well and the first quarter was an aberration,” said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust.

U.S. Adds 280 000 Jobs in May Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 5.5 - WSJ

The unemployment rate, which is obtained from a separate survey of U.S. households, was 5.5% in May, up slightly from 5.4% the prior month. But the increase was for good reason: more people were looking for work last month, suggesting Americans are more confident about their job prospects.

Revisions showed employers added 32,000 more jobs in March and April than previously estimated.

The Labor Force Participation Rate has remained steady for over a year now. The 15 year decline which started long before Obama has been halted:
Since April 2014, the participation rate has remained within a narrow range of 62.7 percent to 62.9 percent

But the number of discouraged workers—people who were not looking for work because they believed no jobs were available for them—dropped sharply compared with a year ago, to 563,000 from 697,000 in May 2014.



Another summer recovery,how many in a row will we get?

EVERY damn summer since he's been in office. Must be why the Mabell is taking ANOTHER vacation. We are ALL rolling in the dough
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
Yes, jobs are a lagging indicator. They are always the last thing to recover. This is something which has had to be explained to your side of the table many times.

You are the one who does not seem to understand that. They are not a leading indicator we are heading for a recession.

And actually, if you had bothered know... READ my post, wages are increasing, not stagnating.

I still don't trust the administration numbers..
The "administration" has nothing to do with BLS, Census, or BEA numbers. Those are protected by law from influence and meddling. No one has ever found any evidence of administration influence in the statistics, though anecdotaly, attempts have been made.
Wait for the revisions...usually on page 16, lower left hand corner and in small print of your newspaper
Hey dummy, the previous two months were revised up in this month's report and are included in every month's release.

Gee where are all the RW clowns who assured that the prior months numbers would be revised down?
They are simply using their Republican math to make themselves feel better.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
You're citing total employment, not jobs.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

yeah sure, what straight from the Obama mouth? , if you like being a waiter or janitor. I thought those jobs were beneath you Obama cult followers? that must be why the dems. are pushing SO HARD to raise the min. wage. they KNOW all that's been created under them is MIN. WAGE JOBS

they still play you all for suckers
Missing Workers The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story Economic Policy Institute

Missing WorkersThe Missing Part of the Unemployment Story

Press release

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Updated June 5, 2015

In a complex economy, conventional measures sometimes fall short.
In today’s labor market, the unemployment rate drastically understates the weakness of job opportunities. This is due to the existence of a large pool of “missing workers”—potential workers who, because of weak job opportunities, are neither employed nor actively seeking a job. In other words, these are people who wouldbe either working or looking for work if job opportunities were significantly stronger. Because jobless workers are only counted as unemployed if they are actively seeking work, these “missing workers” are not reflected in the unemployment rate.

As part of its ongoing effort to create the metrics needed to assess how well the economy is working for America’s broad middle class, EPI tracks “missing worker” estimates, updated on this page on the first Friday of every month immediately after the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its jobs numbers. The “missing worker” estimates provide policymakers with a key gauge of the health of the labor market.

Current “missing worker” estimates at a glance
Updated June 5, 2015, based on most current data available
  • Total missing workers, May 2015:2,830,000
  • Unemployment rate if missing workers were looking for work:7.2%
  • Official unemployment rate:5.5%
Missing WorkersThe Missing Part of the Unemployment Story
There are no "missing workers." It is just another phony invention of the Right that never existed for any other president. The Right want high unemployment and will invent it when it doesn't exist.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Missing Workers The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story Economic Policy Institute

Missing WorkersThe Missing Part of the Unemployment Story

Press release

Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailMore Sharing Services

Updated June 5, 2015

In a complex economy, conventional measures sometimes fall short.
In today’s labor market, the unemployment rate drastically understates the weakness of job opportunities. This is due to the existence of a large pool of “missing workers”—potential workers who, because of weak job opportunities, are neither employed nor actively seeking a job. In other words, these are people who wouldbe either working or looking for work if job opportunities were significantly stronger. Because jobless workers are only counted as unemployed if they are actively seeking work, these “missing workers” are not reflected in the unemployment rate.

As part of its ongoing effort to create the metrics needed to assess how well the economy is working for America’s broad middle class, EPI tracks “missing worker” estimates, updated on this page on the first Friday of every month immediately after the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its jobs numbers. The “missing worker” estimates provide policymakers with a key gauge of the health of the labor market.

Current “missing worker” estimates at a glance
Updated June 5, 2015, based on most current data available
  • Total missing workers, May 2015:2,830,000
  • Unemployment rate if missing workers were looking for work:7.2%
  • Official unemployment rate:5.5%

Ok, their methodology is to take the BLS 10 year projection of the Labor Force and then declare that any difference between the projection and the actual tabulation are "missing workers" who are added in as unemployed.

It's just another case of adding in a random number to make the rate arbitrarily higher.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
So you can't show your math. I showed the link and the numbers. Aee you claiming they're wrong?

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