Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Gee what a surprise, the pathological liars at Zero Credibility missed some jobs as usual, over 100,000.

Professional and business services added 63,000 jobs in May and
671,000 jobs over the year. In May, employment increased in computer
systems design and related services (+10,000). Employment continued
to trend up in temporary help services (+20,000), in management and
technical consulting services (+7,000), and in architectural and
engineering services (+5,000).

Construction employment continued to trend up over the month (+17,000)
and has increased by 273,000 over the past year.

In May, employment continued on an upward trend in transportation and
warehousing (+13,000). Truck transportation added 9,000 jobs over the

In May, employment continued to trend up in financial activities (+13,000).
Over the past 12 months, the industry has added 160,000 jobs, with
about half of the gain in insurance carriers and related activities.
And almost 70% of them went to foreigners streaming into the country (to provide VOTES for Democrats), while Americans, by and large, still remain unemployed.

CIS Most New Jobs Going to Immigrants
Gee what a surprise, the pathological liars at Zero Credibility missed some jobs as usual, over 100,000.

Professional and business services added 63,000 jobs in May and
671,000 jobs over the year. In May, employment increased in computer
systems design and related services (+10,000). Employment continued
to trend up in temporary help services (+20,000), in management and
technical consulting services (+7,000), and in architectural and
engineering services (+5,000).

Construction employment continued to trend up over the month (+17,000)
and has increased by 273,000 over the past year.

In May, employment continued on an upward trend in transportation and
warehousing (+13,000). Truck transportation added 9,000 jobs over the

In May, employment continued to trend up in financial activities (+13,000).
Over the past 12 months, the industry has added 160,000 jobs, with
about half of the gain in insurance carriers and related activities.
And almost 70% of them went to foreigners streaming into the country (to provide VOTES for Democrats), while Americans, by and large, still remain unemployed.

CIS Most New Jobs Going to Immigrants

those people don't care. their Obama promised Transformation. and by golly they will follow him while he and his party take us over the cliff. the people kicked the Democrats out of control of congress just for the hell of it I guess. but then they call us LIARS...
.Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot?
You would never want an overheated economy! That is what the CON$ give us, they overheat the economy giving a short term boom and that is always followed by a long term bust. The only people who make out in a boom and bust economy are the cash rich who buy below market value in the bust and then sell in the boom. The hard working middle class do best in a growth that is slow and steady wiyhout overheating. The GOP always want to overheat the economy.
Gee what a surprise, the pathological liars at Zero Credibility missed some jobs as usual, over 100,000.

Professional and business services added 63,000 jobs in May and
671,000 jobs over the year. In May, employment increased in computer
systems design and related services (+10,000). Employment continued
to trend up in temporary help services (+20,000), in management and
technical consulting services (+7,000), and in architectural and
engineering services (+5,000).

Construction employment continued to trend up over the month (+17,000)
and has increased by 273,000 over the past year.

In May, employment continued on an upward trend in transportation and
warehousing (+13,000). Truck transportation added 9,000 jobs over the

In May, employment continued to trend up in financial activities (+13,000).
Over the past 12 months, the industry has added 160,000 jobs, with
about half of the gain in insurance carriers and related activities.
And almost 70% of them went to foreigners streaming into the country (to provide VOTES for Democrats), while Americans, by and large, still remain unemployed.

CIS Most New Jobs Going to Immigrants
CIS has no credibility.
.Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot?
You would never want an overheated economy! That is what the CON$ give us, they overheat the economy giving a short term boom and that is always followed by a long term bust. The only people who make out in a boom and bust economy are the cash rich who buy below market value in the bust and then sell in the boom. The hard working middle class do best in a growth that is slow and steady wiyhout overheating. The GOP always want to overheat the economy.

CIS has no credibility.
HA HA! Oh gosh! The invalidation card. I'm so surprised!!

When liberals are without answers, they reach for the invalidation card and slap at all those they've been programmed to invalidate. Has been going on for decades. They never tire of it. Ho hum.

Let anyone show an ounce of evidence that 2/3 of newly created jobs have not been going to foreigners. And with all the foreigners streaming into the country, and willing to accomodate domestic outsourcing for their cheap labor, how could it be any other way ? 2/3 of new jobs going to foreigners ? What could be easier to believe ?

Invalidation is hardwired into liberals.
The hard working middle class do best in a growth that is slow and steady wiyhout overheating. The GOP always want to overheat the economy.
The hard working middle class do best when they are EMPLOYED, not sitting unemployed, because all of Obama's cheap labor immigrants are scooping up all the jobs.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.

UE a lagging indicator. Good point. Proof that the UE rise early in Obama's first term was actually the lagging effect of the Bush economy.

I thought the UE rate rise was caused by the housing crisis and fraudulent bundling of mortgages by the banks.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

That is no surprise since population growth and out of control immigration means there are more people available to work.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
Yes, jobs are a lagging indicator. They are always the last thing to recover. This is something which has had to be explained to your side of the table many times.

You are the one who does not seem to understand that. They are not a leading indicator we are heading for a recession.

And actually, if you had bothered know... READ my post, wages are increasing, not stagnating.
You are right. The strong jobs numbers do not indicate a looming recession. Slowing earnings growth and stagnating economic activity indicate a looming recession.
Glad you agree with me. Happy to school you here.
Then you explain why I added 147 employees just in California alone. I'm not sure where you live but I can teach you 5th grader economy 101.
CIS has no credibility.
HA HA! Oh gosh! The invalidation card. I'm so surprised!!

When liberals are without answers, they reach for the invalidation card and slap at all those they've been programmed to invalidate. Has been going on for decades. They never tire of it. Ho hum.

Let anyone show an ounce of evidence that 2/3 of newly created jobs have not been going to foreigners. And with all the foreigners streaming into the country, and willing to accomodate domestic outsourcing for their cheap labor, how could it be any other way ? 2/3 of new jobs going to foreigners ? What could be easier to believe ?

Invalidation is hardwired into liberals.
Yeah, I forgot, only the Right can invalidate a source, which they do with every source they disagree with.

CIS is a Right-wing anti-immigration hate site using completely outdated immaginary data.
CIS has no credibility.
HA HA! Oh gosh! The invalidation card. I'm so surprised!!

When liberals are without answers, they reach for the invalidation card and slap at all those they've been programmed to invalidate. Has been going on for decades. They never tire of it. Ho hum.

Let anyone show an ounce of evidence that 2/3 of newly created jobs have not been going to foreigners. And with all the foreigners streaming into the country, and willing to accomodate domestic outsourcing for their cheap labor, how could it be any other way ? 2/3 of new jobs going to foreigners ? What could be easier to believe ?

Invalidation is hardwired into liberals.
Yeah, I forgot, only the Right can invalidate a source, which they do with every source they disagree with.

CIS is a Right-wing anti-immigration hate site using completely outdated immaginary data.

oh that's right. only the left can be the judge and jury of WHAT SITES are good for everyone in the country. You think the people DON'T ALREADY know that the jobs are mostly "low wage" jobs being created UNDER Obama. they didn't KICK out the Democrats from control of CONGRESS for no damn reason.

No jobs, pushing for Amnesty for 20 MILLION illegal immigrants, raising taxes, regulations out the ass, A NEW government Entitlement called, OscamCare, and the ugly beat goes on...

but whatever make you feel better, think what you want
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
So you can't show your math. I showed the link and the numbers. Aee you claiming they're wrong?

Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot? Are people buying houses and durable goods in record numbers? Is the poor moving up the ladder are middle class wages on the rise? You dishonest liberals talk out of both sides of your mouths, simultaneously stating the poor and middle class are in dire straights while at the same time praising Obama for his amazing economic achievements so which is the lie?
Let me answer your questions. Yes people are buying houses inventory of new and old are very low. Car and other durable items are up. I sell medical equipments it's an indicator that economy is very good. People don't buy my equipments unless economy is good. I'm a proof of that. I'm not an Obama fan either.
Why is it that when unemployment is high they beat the president but when the unemployment coming down you people still beat the president?
Why is that 10 of these GOP wannabees are not attacking these numbers? Except you people. Are you pretend to be blind bc of your hatred?
CIS has no credibility.
HA HA! Oh gosh! The invalidation card. I'm so surprised!!

When liberals are without answers, they reach for the invalidation card and slap at all those they've been programmed to invalidate. Has been going on for decades. They never tire of it. Ho hum.

Let anyone show an ounce of evidence that 2/3 of newly created jobs have not been going to foreigners. And with all the foreigners streaming into the country, and willing to accomodate domestic outsourcing for their cheap labor, how could it be any other way ? 2/3 of new jobs going to foreigners ? What could be easier to believe ?

Invalidation is hardwired into liberals.
Yeah, I forgot, only the Right can invalidate a source, which they do with every source they disagree with.

CIS is a Right-wing anti-immigration hate site using completely outdated immaginary data.

oh that's right. only the left can be the judge and jury of WHAT SITES are good for everyone in the country. You think the people DON'T ALREADY know that the jobs are mostly "low wage" jobs being created UNDER Obama. they didn't KICK out the Democrats from control of CONGRESS for no damn reason.

No jobs, pushing for Amnesty for 20 MILLION illegal immigrants, raising taxes, regulations out the ass, A NEW government Entitlement called, OscamCare, and the ugly beat goes on...

but whatever make you feel better, think what you want

How in the world you know that these are low paying jobs? I added 147 employees just in ca in last 2 months 80% of which are from $105k to $140k rest are about $40k.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Yeah, if only we could create 60 million jobs a year then we can all have two jobs just five years from now!
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Yeah, if only we could create 60 million jobs a year then we can all have two jobs just five years from now!
at 10 million jobs a year, many of us will be 70/80 years old before we see 0.0 unemployment. lol
You suck at math and well, thinking.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
December 2007 jobs = 138,350,000
May 2015 jobs = 141,679,000

Show your math.

I'm thinking of a word...yes 'dishonesty' fits Obama is that you?
So you can't show your math. I showed the link and the numbers. Aee you claiming they're wrong?

Let me cut through the liberal bull shit okay, is the economy smoking hot? Are people buying houses and durable goods in record numbers? Is the poor moving up the ladder are middle class wages on the rise? You dishonest liberals talk out of both sides of your mouths, simultaneously stating the poor and middle class are in dire straights while at the same time praising Obama for his amazing economic achievements so which is the lie?
Let me answer your questions. Yes people are buying houses inventory of new and old are very low. Car and other durable items are up. I sell medical equipments it's an indicator that economy is very good. People don't buy my equipments unless economy is good. I'm a proof of that. I'm not an Obama fan either.
Why is it that when unemployment is high they beat the president but when the unemployment coming down you people still beat the president?
Why is that 10 of these GOP wannabees are not attacking these numbers? Except you people. Are you pretend to be blind bc of your hatred?

Ahahaha then why the over the top rhetoric about the poor and middle class being in dire straights and fairness and income inequality, its one or the other my friend not both. The libs got their ass in sling on this one.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

We see on January 2008, the number of jobs was 138,365,000.

The trough of the crash was March 2010 at 129,810,000 jobs.

The number of jobs for May 2015 is 141,679,000.

141,679,000 - 129,810,000 = 11,869,000 jobs created since March 2010, which works out to an average of 191,435 jobs created per month.

I'm sorry you butt hurt losers are upset at the good news. Pathetic.
Everything if Fine !!! remember when we were losing 500 Million jobs a month in 2009? well, that was according to Herr Pelosi.

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