Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Gee, you even out lied your MessiahRushie, and that takes some doing!

Let's see, Bush started with 132,696,000 jobs and ended with 133,977,000 jobs for a total of 1,281,000 jobs in 96 months or 13,343.75 per month.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
Yes, jobs are a lagging indicator. They are always the last thing to recover. This is something which has had to be explained to your side of the table many times.

You are the one who does not seem to understand that. They are not a leading indicator we are heading for a recession.

And actually, if you had bothered know... READ my post, wages are increasing, not stagnating.

I still don't trust the administration numbers.

They've lied to us again and the only good indication they could report could have been fudged. At best it was just enough to keep from having to report an increase in unemployment.

I can't think of any place near me that is hiring. I do see more hiring going on but it is sparse.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
Yes, jobs are a lagging indicator. They are always the last thing to recover. This is something which has had to be explained to your side of the table many times.

You are the one who does not seem to understand that. They are not a leading indicator we are heading for a recession.

And actually, if you had bothered know... READ my post, wages are increasing, not stagnating.

I still don't trust the administration numbers.

They've lied to us again and the only good indication they could report could have been fudged. At best it was just enough to keep from having to report an increase in unemployment.

I find it amazing that barely a word of this comes out of the media.
Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Blunting worries about the American economy’s momentum after a stretch of lackluster growth this year, the government reported on Friday that employers added a hefty 280,000 jobs in May, well above the average monthly totals logged over the last year.

At the same time, hourly wages rose 0.3 percent last month, finally providing workers with some long-awaited gains.

“This is a confirmation that the economy is performing well and the first quarter was an aberration,” said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust.
Perhaps you could tell her about the value of "school"?

U.S. Adds 280 000 Jobs in May Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 5.5 - WSJ

The unemployment rate, which is obtained from a separate survey of U.S. households, was 5.5% in May, up slightly from 5.4% the prior month. But the increase was for good reason: more people were looking for work last month, suggesting Americans are more confident about their job prospects.

Revisions showed employers added 32,000 more jobs in March and April than previously estimated.

The Labor Force Participation Rate has remained steady for over a year now. The 15 year decline which started long before Obama has been halted:
Since April 2014, the participation rate has remained within a narrow range of 62.7 percent to 62.9 percent

But the number of discouraged workers—people who were not looking for work because they believed no jobs were available for them—dropped sharply compared with a year ago, to 563,000 from 697,000 in May 2014.




This is great news but I wonder if inner city blacks still to this day suffering from high unemployment and no hope for the future view this as good news.
It isn't just them. My ex wife has been stuck in a part time position for some time now. She looks for other work all the time. When these bullshit stats start being reflected on main street I'll call them good. Until then I'll just mock the fools who take them at face value.

Perhaps you could explain to her the value of "school"?
Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Blunting worries about the American economy’s momentum after a stretch of lackluster growth this year, the government reported on Friday that employers added a hefty 280,000 jobs in May, well above the average monthly totals logged over the last year.

At the same time, hourly wages rose 0.3 percent last month, finally providing workers with some long-awaited gains.

“This is a confirmation that the economy is performing well and the first quarter was an aberration,” said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust.

U.S. Adds 280 000 Jobs in May Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 5.5 - WSJ

The unemployment rate, which is obtained from a separate survey of U.S. households, was 5.5% in May, up slightly from 5.4% the prior month. But the increase was for good reason: more people were looking for work last month, suggesting Americans are more confident about their job prospects.

Revisions showed employers added 32,000 more jobs in March and April than previously estimated.

The Labor Force Participation Rate has remained steady for over a year now. The 15 year decline which started long before Obama has been halted:
Since April 2014, the participation rate has remained within a narrow range of 62.7 percent to 62.9 percent

But the number of discouraged workers—people who were not looking for work because they believed no jobs were available for them—dropped sharply compared with a year ago, to 563,000 from 697,000 in May 2014.



Yet productivity was down 3.1% last quarter and went down again in May.

Why is that?

Productivity has been see-sawing for about a decade:


But don't let that interfere with knee jerk predictions of doom.

Doom, I tell you!

It's sad and telling that many on the right actually want the American people to suffer so that republicans might realize some perceived partisan gain.
Lol USMB Rightwingers will do anything to find bad news in good news under Obama.
If you're not determined to see the emperor's new clothes, you must admit that the Obama recovery has been the weakest and slowest in modern history, by far, and that there are some very troubling economic indicators staring us in the face.
If there are 93 Million Americans Unemployed, how many years will it take to put them back to work?
Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Blunting worries about the American economy’s momentum after a stretch of lackluster growth this year, the government reported on Friday that employers added a hefty 280,000 jobs in May, well above the average monthly totals logged over the last year.

At the same time, hourly wages rose 0.3 percent last month, finally providing workers with some long-awaited gains.

“This is a confirmation that the economy is performing well and the first quarter was an aberration,” said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust.

U.S. Adds 280 000 Jobs in May Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 5.5 - WSJ

The unemployment rate, which is obtained from a separate survey of U.S. households, was 5.5% in May, up slightly from 5.4% the prior month. But the increase was for good reason: more people were looking for work last month, suggesting Americans are more confident about their job prospects.

Revisions showed employers added 32,000 more jobs in March and April than previously estimated.

The Labor Force Participation Rate has remained steady for over a year now. The 15 year decline which started long before Obama has been halted:
Since April 2014, the participation rate has remained within a narrow range of 62.7 percent to 62.9 percent

But the number of discouraged workers—people who were not looking for work because they believed no jobs were available for them—dropped sharply compared with a year ago, to 563,000 from 697,000 in May 2014.




This is great news but I wonder if inner city blacks still to this day suffering from high unemployment and no hope for the future view this as good news.
It isn't just them. My ex wife has been stuck in a part time position for some time now. She looks for other work all the time. When these bullshit stats start being reflected on main street I'll call them good. Until then I'll just mock the fools who take them at face value.

Well that's because the recovery is no where near across the board and won't be until we stop waging all these bullshit wars we got conned into fighting after 9/11. Once the people finally figure that out and say enough, things will improve. And not before then.
If there are 93 Million Americans Unemployed, how many years will it take to put them back to work?
There are NOT 93 million "unemployed" there are 8,674,000 unemployed.
The 93 million do not want to work because they are retired, disabled, stay at home spouses, students, care givers, etc.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
yet the left is trying to convince us that the economy is booming in Illinois, California, Michigan, New York, Jersey, ect.
since 2009, i have yet to hear a leftist claim that thanks to Obama, anyone who wants to work can find a job.

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