Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy


" I made $28 an hour when the company I worked for closed in 2010, after searching for a job for 3 years I now make $9 an hour. Thank God for job growth!!!! This one is for you Obama!! "
You're in favor of raising the minimum wage then, right?
Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.
More like dishonest expert partisans say-

Here is the truth:
Employment Situation Summary
Among the marginally attached, there were 563,000 discouraged workers
in May, down by 134,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.
That could mean several things.

One of them could be they're making it harder to apply for disability.
But, but, the Right are claiming Obama made it easier.

July 03, 2012
RUSH: all it takes to qualify for a disability now is a half-decent lawyer to make the case for you
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Yeah, if only we could create 60 million jobs a year then we can all have two jobs just five years from now!
at 10 million jobs a year, many of us will be 70/80 years old before we see 0.0 unemployment. lol
You know we are at full employment now, right?


Closed 2012.

But no fear.......


THANK YOU OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!

Since 2009....the top 7% Wage Earners have lavished in a 33% earnings increase!!!!!!



The remaining 93% of working Americans....a 5% decline. But thank God g5000 tells us there was a .03% increase last month!!!
Lol USMB Rightwingers will do anything to find bad news in good news under Obama.
After an unprecedented 5 years of continuous growth under a Democrat president, what else can gney do but whine?

"All of my friends have made a lot more money since Obama came into office.
I don't know what everyone is complaining about! Wall Street is doing just awesome...making records in fact."
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Yeah, if only we could create 60 million jobs a year then we can all have two jobs just five years from now!
at 10 million jobs a year, many of us will be 70/80 years old before we see 0.0 unemployment. lol
You know we are at full employment now, right?

We are? 93 million who actually are capable of working...aren't. Those jobs they used to have are gone. Try dealing with real statistics and not your propaganda sometime.


FOR EVERYONE ELSE....uh... whoohoo?

Look very carefully here....get it??

JOB GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!

A typically misleading chart swallowed only by suckers.

PT jobs for economic reasons, which are the only PT jobs that are reflective of the strength or weakness of the economy, are DOWN from 8,046,000 when Bush left to 6,652,000 now.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
in this day of age, strong job growth is more like 5 million jobs a month.
Yeah, if only we could create 60 million jobs a year then we can all have two jobs just five years from now!
at 10 million jobs a year, many of us will be 70/80 years old before we see 0.0 unemployment. lol
You know we are at full employment now, right?

We are? 93 million who actually are capable of working...aren't. Those jobs they used to have are gone. Try dealing with real statistics and not your propaganda sometime.
Speaking of real statistics, capable or not, the vast majority of them don't want a job. Plus, a good number of them are working. And regardless of what you think, full employment is 5.5% or less unemployment.
If there are 93 Million Americans Unemployed, how many years will it take to put them back to work?
They'll never go back to work since the vast majority of them don't want to work.
of course, then lets see what happens when they are 65 and dont have a home to sell for retirement.
Over 43 million are already over 65.
i remember a while ago hearing on the news that a large per-centage of Americans barley have 1000.00 in the bank, now that is startling. in this day of age, u really need a five digit balance in savings. Like Me. yet even I dont feel secure with my 5 digit account. sooner or later I will have to sell my condo here in Naples, at least the market is still good here, then I will feel secure.
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it. Here's another question for your liberalism addled mind, who cheered for economic failure from 2006 to 2008? Yes Democrat politicians that's who.
why no answer...?

Of what significance is 2 million in 72 months? We've gained about 6.6 million in 76 months. How many jobs do you were added during Bush's 96 months?

Fortunately the world still needs janitors to clean toilets so your future is secure.
If there are 93 Million Americans Unemployed, how many years will it take to put them back to work?
They'll never go back to work since the vast majority of them don't want to work.
of course, then lets see what happens when they are 65 and dont have a home to sell for retirement.
Over 43 million are already over 65.
i remember a while ago hearing on the news that a large per-centage of Americans barley have 1000.00 in the bank, now that is startling. in this day of age, u really need a five digit balance in savings. Like Me. yet even I dont feel secure with my 5 digit account. sooner or later I will have to sell my condo here in Naples, at least the market is still good here, then I will feel secure.

5 digit account?
I hope you are young.

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