Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

even if we had 45 million people out of work, still not acceptable.
There are about 48 million not in the Labor Force, more than half, who are disabled, over.64, or both.
You're saying they should all be working?
And the 13 million full time high school an college stud e Mrs not in the Labor Force?
even if we had 45 million people out of work, still not acceptable.
There are about 48 million not in the Labor Force, more than half, who are disabled, over.64, or both.
You're saying they should all be working?
And the 13 million full time high school an college stud e Mrs not in the Labor Force?
then why do i keep hearing about the 93 million people who arent working, but i am sure many of them are disabled, but still, Obama is making sure it stays that way!
even if we had 45 million people out of work, still not acceptable.
There are about 48 million not in the Labor Force, more than half, who are disabled, over.64, or both.
You're saying they should all be working?
And the 13 million full time high school an college stud e Mrs not in the Labor Force?
then why do i keep hearing about the 93 million people who arent working, but i am sure many of them are disabled, but still, Obama is making sure it stays that way!
You keep hearing about 93 million because Republicans have an issue with being intellectually dishonest.
even if we had 45 million people out of work, still not acceptable.
There are about 48 million not in the Labor Force, more than half, who are disabled, over.64, or both.
You're saying they should all be working?
And the 13 million full time high school an college stud e Mrs not in the Labor Force?
then why do i keep hearing about the 93 million people who arent working, but i am sure many of them are disabled, but still, Obama is making sure it stays that way!
New disability awards have been declining the last 4 years, in spite of the lies you are being told by GOP hate radio!
then why do i keep hearing about the 93 million people who arent working, but i am sure many of them are disabled, but still, Obama is making sure it stays that way!
Why didn't you hear about the 80 million who weren't working under Bush? And Bush had 12 million unemployed in addition to his 80 million not on labor force!
this was a little over a year ago. with only 280, 000 jobs added here nd there unemployment has pretty much: not Improved at all.

even with Obama stealing almost a trillion dollars from us. thatwas Supposed to give you THE little people a Slew of shovel ready jobs.

More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce
  • The share of Americans in the workforce has sunk to its lowest point in 35 years
  • Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.

many more
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The Bush years were just fine until they voted in Pelosi/Reid and the rest who purposely collapsed the economy.
Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.
More like dishonest expert partisans say-

Here is the truth:
Employment Situation Summary
Among the marginally attached, there were 563,000 discouraged workers
in May, down by 134,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.
Employment is a lagging indicator. I keep having to repeat that because the libtards just dont understand what that means.
Productivity is lagging, which means wages will likely stagnate. With incipient inflation the Fed will need to raise rates. Hello, recession.
Yes, jobs are a lagging indicator. They are always the last thing to recover. This is something which has had to be explained to your side of the table many times.

You are the one who does not seem to understand that. They are not a leading indicator we are heading for a recession.

And actually, if you had bothered know... READ my post, wages are increasing, not stagnating.

I still don't trust the administration numbers.

They've lied to us again and the only good indication they could report could have been fudged. At best it was just enough to keep from having to report an increase in unemployment.

I find it amazing that barely a word of this comes out of the media.
You need to become more well-rounded and exploratory in your search for truth. Don't just take one side's opinion into account. Listen to both sides then judge for yourself. Your own personal experience should tell you who is lying and who isn't.
Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.
More like dishonest expert partisans say-

Here is the truth:
Employment Situation Summary
Among the marginally attached, there were 563,000 discouraged workers
in May, down by 134,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.

oh really, and you are an EXPERT in what field? and where did you get your degree from?
or we are just suppose to take your word on it
please, no matter your fetish with numbers. the American people KNOW UNDER this man Obama. they are worst off than they were before and poll after poll they feel the country under Obama has been going in the wrong direction. You're just going to have live with that. or not
Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.
More like dishonest expert partisans say-

Here is the truth:
Employment Situation Summary
Among the marginally attached, there were 563,000 discouraged workers
in May, down by 134,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.
That could mean several things.

One of them could be they're making it harder to apply for disability.
The Bush years were just fine until they voted in Pelosi/Reid and the rest who purposely collapsed the economy.
Thanks for demonstrating you are fucking insane. Completely explains your other irrational posts. :thup:
Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.
More like dishonest expert partisans say-

Here is the truth:
Employment Situation Summary
Among the marginally attached, there were 563,000 discouraged workers
in May, down by 134,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.

oh really, and you are an EXPERT in what field? and where did you get your degree from?
or we are just suppose to take your word on it
please, no matter your fetish with numbers. the American people KNOW UNDER this man Obama. they are worst off than they were before and poll after poll they feel the country under Obama has been going in the wrong direction. You're just going to have live with that. or not
You don't need to be an expert to read the existing data.
Experts say it's a sign of both an aging population and of unemployed people who have given up on their dispiriting job hunts.
More like dishonest expert partisans say-

Here is the truth:
Employment Situation Summary
Among the marginally attached, there were 563,000 discouraged workers
in May, down by 134,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.

oh really, and you are an EXPERT in what field? and where did you get your degree from?
or we are just suppose to take your word on it
please, no matter your fetish with numbers. the American people KNOW UNDER this man Obama. they are worst off than they were before and poll after poll they feel the country under Obama has been going in the wrong direction. You're just going to have live with that. or not
You don't need to be an expert to read the existing data.
Steph's field of expertise is in joining 30,000,000 other soldiers to march through D.C. to run Obama out of office.

Ask her how that turned out... :mm:
Last edited:
280k jobs that's good, but we are still trying to claw back the jobs that were lost during the recession so I wouldn't declare victory. Are these good paying jobs or some shit jobs the left won't even work and leave to the illegals?
There are more people working now then ever in the history of this great country that the Right is trying to destroy.

You suck at math and well, thinking.
You suck at facts.
The most employed under Bush before his economic crash, 146,595,000
Total employed when Bush left office, 142,152,000
Employed now under the Obama recovery, 148,795,000
Obama got back all the jobs Bush lost plus an extra 2 million +.
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

You math fail libs are going to give me a brain tumor. I would ask you what 2 million / 72 months equals but I don't think you could manage it. Here's another question for your liberalism addled mind, who cheered for economic failure from 2006 to 2008? Yes Democrat politicians that's who.
why no answer...?

Of what significance is 2 million in 72 months? We've gained about 6.6 million in 76 months. How many jobs do you were added during Bush's 96 months?

" I made $28 an hour when the company I worked for closed in 2010, after searching for a job for 3 years I now make $9 an hour. Thank God for job growth!!!! This one is for you Obama!! "

" I graduated college 2 years ago with a Bacholer's Degree, due to the economy I didn't think I could find a job. But thanks to the recent job growth we all hear about - I found one! Sweeeeet!!! This one is on the house Obama, thank you! "
Strong Job Growth Data Eases Concerns After Winter Dip in Economy

Blunting worries about the American economy’s momentum after a stretch of lackluster growth this year, the government reported on Friday that employers added a hefty 280,000 jobs in May, well above the average monthly totals logged over the last year.

At the same time, hourly wages rose 0.3 percent last month, finally providing workers with some long-awaited gains.

“This is a confirmation that the economy is performing well and the first quarter was an aberration,” said Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist at Northern Trust.

U.S. Adds 280 000 Jobs in May Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 5.5 - WSJ

The unemployment rate, which is obtained from a separate survey of U.S. households, was 5.5% in May, up slightly from 5.4% the prior month. But the increase was for good reason: more people were looking for work last month, suggesting Americans are more confident about their job prospects.

Revisions showed employers added 32,000 more jobs in March and April than previously estimated.

The Labor Force Participation Rate has remained steady for over a year now. The 15 year decline which started long before Obama has been halted:
Since April 2014, the participation rate has remained within a narrow range of 62.7 percent to 62.9 percent

But the number of discouraged workers—people who were not looking for work because they believed no jobs were available for them—dropped sharply compared with a year ago, to 563,000 from 697,000 in May 2014.




"Right wing nut jobs refuse to accept the recent job growth. know?
There is plenty of opportunity. I started out working night shift drive thru, now after hard work and in just three years I am asst. manager!! Me...a boss!!
Thank you Obama!!"

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