student protest to being blm flags to class


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

racists messing with another school.
That's the way the Insane Ones are told to do it and the decent folks really are perplexed .

If good Americans cannot stick up for their principles, they deserve to be shat upon .
blm racists can go were the sun dont shine

racists messing with another school.
They appear to be the anti racists.
Protesting against racism is racist. Got it.

Most of the "racism" they are protesting against isn't racism, it's just non SJW viewpoints. Since they see everything through the lens of race, they are just as racist as the KKK morons they try to link to anyone to the right of Mitt Romney.
Most of the "racism" they are protesting against isn't racism, it's just non SJW viewpoints. Since they see everything through the lens of race, they are just as racist as the KKK morons they try to link to anyone to the right of Mitt Romney.
Moreover they literally try to redefine racism away from prejudice against someone for their ethnicity or skin color into a context of “privilege” and “systemic oppression” such that their own virulent and insane racism against white folks somehow doesn’t qualify.

It is also worth noting that their ideas about “privilege” are always just about “white privilege,” aka nonsensical garbage meant to gaslight white people into self-loathing for things they never did to feel obliged to perpetual victims they never wronged. They create systemic racism in every institution while complaining about fictional systemic racism.

If you argue against any of this nonsense, well, obviously that’s just “white fragility,” and evidence that you’re just a horrible racist.

Believe in meritocracy and that an ideal society is a colorblind melting pot? Racist. Treating everyone fairly, everyone the same in the eyes of the law? Racist.

“Anti-racists” are literally the worst, and they have actual institutional power to cause this harm whereas “white supremacists” are a fucking bogeyman that essentially don’t exist and have no power whatsoever. Which is why, of course, these retards label everyone under the sun a “white supremacist” - the supply doesn’t remotely meet the demand for their ideology to make any coherent sense.
Moreover they literally try to redefine racism away from prejudice against someone for their ethnicity or skin color into a context of “privilege” and “systemic oppression” such that their own virulent and insane racism against white folks somehow doesn’t qualify.

It is also worth noting that their ideas about “privilege” are always just about “white privilege,” aka nonsensical garbage meant to gaslight white people into self-loathing for things they never did to feel obliged to perpetual victims they never wronged. They create systemic racism in every institution while complaining about fictional systemic racism.

If you argue against any of this nonsense, well, obviously that’s just “white fragility,” and evidence that you’re just a horrible racist.

Believe in meritocracy and that an ideal society is a colorblind melting pot? Racist. Treating everyone fairly, everyone the same in the eyes of the law? Racist.

“Anti-racists” are literally the worst, and they have actual institutional power to cause this harm whereas “white supremacists” are a fucking bogeyman that essentially don’t exist and have no power whatsoever.

It's why they started using the term "Equity" instead of Equality.
Evidently you just don’t know what an “anti-racist” is. They are the worst racists around.

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