Study Links Racism to Low IQ and Poor Education

I don't need to distract anyone from anything. The conservatives on this thread think the study points directly to them: it's pretty obvious it is a case of the shoe fitting. They did not notice it is a study of much broader breadth and depth than American culture. They immediately became defensive and went on the attack against American blacks, making their own racism crystal clear. No one is trying to use the study to reflect directly on American whites. That's the way you see it because you live in your own little American vacuum. There is a whole, wide world out there, with plenty of racism in it as well as that in the US. And it isn't junk sociology. If you liked the results of the study, you'd be heralding it as current, not stale, and truth personified, not junk. Just like you call anyone on here nasty names when they don't agree with you, you call any study names when it doesn't say what you want it to say. Being dismissive about it again points out the results.

I wonder why they even needed a study to prove this. All you have to do is question a racist and ultimately you will find they are willfully stupid and ignorant. They are easily led by the medias commercial of the week on who the boogey man is. They constantly demonstrate the inability to see beyond the spoonfed surface reasons or causes for societal issues.

LMAO It reminds of the song "You're So Vain." @ "I'll bet you think this thread is about you." Hilarious. :lol:
I don't need to distract anyone from anything. The conservatives on this thread think the study points directly to them: it's pretty obvious it is a case of the shoe fitting. They did not notice it is a study of much broader breadth and depth than American culture. They immediately became defensive and went on the attack against American blacks, making their own racism crystal clear. No one is trying to use the study to reflect directly on American whites. That's the way you see it because you live in your own little American vacuum. There is a whole, wide world out there, with plenty of racism in it as well as that in the US. And it isn't junk sociology. If you liked the results of the study, you'd be heralding it as current, not stale, and truth personified, not junk. Just like you call anyone on here nasty names when they don't agree with you, you call any study names when it doesn't say what you want it to say. Being dismissive about it again points out the results.
Since it came out, that silly, pseudo-intellectual, junk sociology study has been used countless times all over the interwebz, as a lame left-handed attempt to smear conservatives and libertarians as stupid racists.

Though I may have born at night, it wasn't last night.
I wonder why they even needed a study to prove this. All you have to do is question a racist and ultimately you will find they are willfully stupid and ignorant.

It's true, you are "willfully stupid and ignorant."
Notice how libs have orgasms over these types of studies? then chime in like they are Experts also? It's an echo chamber of, but of course it's true

pretty pathetic
Notice how libs have orgasms over these types of studies? then chime in like they are Experts also? It's an echo chamber of, but of course it's true

pretty pathetic
The enormous woodrow that the leftists keep getting over this particular piece of pseudo-scientific swill has become particularly obnoxious.

Seems you can't land on any site anymore without having this one get brought up again and again, as though nobody has encountered it in the nearly two years since its release.
Notice how libs have orgasms over these types of studies? then chime in like they are Experts also? It's an echo chamber of, but of course it's true

pretty pathetic
The enormous woodrow that the leftists keep getting over this particular piece of pseudo-scientific swill has become particularly obnoxious.

Seems you can't land on any site anymore without having this one get brought up again and again, as though nobody has encountered it in the nearly two years since its release.

yep, I don't how many time this has already been posted on this board...Many and it's the same thing every time like this boring and pathetic in my book
Well, this explains black on white crime perfectly then.
True, my black friends tend to be immigrants or ex-swabbies or from Alabama but I avoid black and white trash as much as possible. One thing I do find odd is that most of the black folks I like are country fans and I am into hard rock. Go figure.
Well if that's the case, what is Obama's excuse? The most brilliant educated man in the world
He probably is not racist but just playing to his political base. Being or at least pretending to be anti-white racist plays very well with the left.
It's not just racism. Ascribing a perceive characteristic, of a race, sex, culture, or religion to an individual(s) of the group is stereotyping.

Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also wrong. Even if the stereotype is correct in some cases, constantly putting someone down based on preconceived perceptions will not encourage them to succeed but rather to develop negative attitudes toward themselves and others.

Stereotyping can lead to bullying from a young age. Jocks and Preps pick on the Nerds and the Geeks; Whites pick on Blacks, so on and so forth. Stereotyping encourages bullying behavior that children carry into adulthood. It can also lead people to live lives driven by hate, and can cause the victims of those stereotypes to be driven by fear. For example, many gays and lesbians are afraid to admit their sexuality in fear of being judged. It is a lose-lose situation, both for those who are doing the stereotype and those who are victims.

The opposite of stereotyping is treating people as individuals, something we should all aspire to.
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In today's world, only uneducated people would admit to being a racist.
:lol:It's just too funny. All of you, and you know who you are, are just making the point of the OP, with bells on. Too, too funny.:lol:

Nothing in the OP says anything about whites being racist against blacks, or vice versa, but it is the only thing you lock onto. Hilarious. Tripping over yourselves trying to make it look like you aren't the ones who are the racists, and yet painting it in neon colors that you are.
It's implied, as "conservatives" is often used synonymously with "whites".

Or are we just supposed to ignore that liberals very often point to the dearth of black conservatives, as some sort of left-handed proof that they're racist?

Did any of you not low IQ 'conservatives' on this thread notice the study was done in the UK where issues of racism are not focused on black/white but on people of varying races from around the former British Empire? You latched onto it as focusing on yourselves, which is very, very telling.
You can try to claim the OP wasn't trying to paint American conservatives with the racist brush (exactly like you've been doing), but you can't do so credibly.
I don't need to distract anyone from anything. The conservatives on this thread think the study points directly to them: it's pretty obvious it is a case of the shoe fitting. They did not notice it is a study of much broader breadth and depth than American culture. They immediately became defensive and went on the attack against American blacks, making their own racism crystal clear. No one is trying to use the study to reflect directly on American whites. That's the way you see it because you live in your own little American vacuum. There is a whole, wide world out there, with plenty of racism in it as well as that in the US. And it isn't junk sociology. If you liked the results of the study, you'd be heralding it as current, not stale, and truth personified, not junk. Just like you call anyone on here nasty names when they don't agree with you, you call any study names when it doesn't say what you want it to say. Being dismissive about it again points out the results.
Well, that's an interesting line of "logic": If you object to a charge, it means you're guilty.

Liberal: Conservatives are racist!!

Conservative: No, we're not.

Liberal: See? SEE?!! TOLD YOU SO!!

Let's see if it works both ways, shall we?

Liberals lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

Dood. That's nasty. Cut that out.

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