Study:MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, Fox News Has More Factual Reporting


Maddow is very good at presenting information from a left wing perspective.

Apparently, that's good enough for some.


It's business and I got no problems with it. After they faked her twitter followers and twitter deleted them all I stopped watching all together
Will you stop quoting me...I don't want mentions from you.

i was not aware that quoting someone was against the rules.
OP- Yup, MSNBC is almost all panel opinion and Maddow Show, etc- done on the cheap. Whereas Fox has more slanted news to keep the dupes entertained...Fox continues to be the only channel that actually makes viewers LESS informed.

If you want real news on cable, CNN. Where the Hell is Al-Jazeera? Supposed to be good and interesting, well financed. More outlets than anyone.

i was not aware that quoting someone was against the rules.

I didnt even quote him????? I quoted Mac lol

i still think its funny that he is going to "report you" for quoting him



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