Study:MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, Fox News Has More Factual Reporting

I used to watch MSNBC. I just can't deal with all the hate they spew now.

I will still watch MSNBC or Fox when I am bored. They are good for entertainment, and nothing more. Think of it like pro wrestling. Neither MSNBC or Fox are different. They are parts of corporations, chasing the almighty dollar.
I only watch the news long enough to see what's happening. I don't let anyone shape my opinion, I'm intelligent enough to do that myself. I occasionally watch the discussions but not for purposes of information. I never watch MSNBC to get my news because they've been caught lying too many times, and it only takes a minute to see that they no interest in reporting the news.
Fox may be slanted toward conservatism but the other networks are nothing more than a mouthpiece for liberals.
I wonder where NPR is on that spectrum. I have a hard time listening to NPR due to the incredible amount of half stories and opinionated reporting.
Study Not Needed:MSNBC Coverage On News Almost Entirely Opinionated, There haven't been any real journalists for 20 years

Fixed it for ya.
So you are one of her 9 viewers....

Somethings are too high brow for the masses; Fox appeals to the T & A guys for obvious reasons and Hannity for his low brow (shall we say Neanderthal) approach.

The only ones I ever really watch are Bill and Greta and occasionally The Five

And HATE isn't highbrow. She regularly traffics in hate

Hate? Hardly, unless exposing others hypocrisy and bigotry is what you consider hate. Rachel Maddow has an open door policy for debate with all of those she chooses to expose. Only a few have made the mistake of taking her up on her challenge, and those that have haven't fared well.
I wonder where NPR is on that spectrum. I have a hard time listening to NPR due to the incredible amount of half stories and opinionated reporting.

What an absolutely ridiculous post; you should be ashamed.

Morning Addition, Fresh Air, All Things Considered, Science Friday, Talk of the Nation, etc. are top notch informative programs, well researched and broad based. Call in sometime and express you opinion, you will be given that opportunity without editorial follow up.
Unlike Limbaugh and the rest of talk radio who pretend they haven't disconnected the caller while they continue to talk and pretend they have rendered the original speaker thoughtless.
Somethings are too high brow for the masses; Fox appeals to the T & A guys for obvious reasons and Hannity for his low brow (shall we say Neanderthal) approach.

The only ones I ever really watch are Bill and Greta and occasionally The Five

And HATE isn't highbrow. She regularly traffics in hate

Hate? Hardly, unless exposing others hypocrisy and bigotry is what you consider hate. Rachel Maddow has an open door policy for debate with all of those she chooses to expose. Only a few have made the mistake of taking her up on her challenge, and those that have haven't fared well.

Nonsense. I've watch her a fair amount. She is nicey nicey to the oppositions face and then harpoons them to their back. She is also very condescending. She does occasionally challenge her side which is the onlything that gives her cred.
Somethings are too high brow for the masses; Fox appeals to the T & A guys for obvious reasons and Hannity for his low brow (shall we say Neanderthal) approach.

The only ones I ever really watch are Bill and Greta and occasionally The Five

And HATE isn't highbrow. She regularly traffics in hate

Hate? Hardly, unless exposing others hypocrisy and bigotry is what you consider hate. Rachel Maddow has an open door policy for debate with all of those she chooses to expose. Only a few have made the mistake of taking her up on her challenge, and those that have haven't fared well.

lol, she has a open door policy for debate..just have the person say they think she is wrong, all hell will rain down on you.

but don't they love throwing out that study that says fox news viewers are least informed..
I don't watch either, but I'm obliged to note that only one of them advertises itself as "news"

Let me get this straight, when MSNBC says that it is "The premier cable destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives – 24/7. MSNBC defines news for the next generation with world-class reporting and a full schedule of live news coverage, political analysis and award-winning documentary programming – 24 hours a day, seven days a week." It isn't advertising itself as news Gotta admit, I didn't see that logic coming.

About ? MSNBC

It's hardly contradictory. Of the six activities I've bolded only one his hard news coverage. The other five are commentaries of one form or another. Unless you're being sarcastic, you're absolutely right in that they're not "advertising itself as news". 15% is 9 minutes of news an hour or about 3 1/2 hours every 24. That's definitely a lot more than traditional network channels, when you discount purely local news.

MSNBC is a news channel, that is how they advertise themselves. End of discussion.
I don't watch any of the Big 3 cable news networks and I would bet I'm more informed than their regular viewers.

Maddow is very good at presenting information from a left wing perspective.

Apparently, that's good enough for some.


Maddow is very good at presenting information from a left wing perspective.

Apparently, that's good enough for some.


It's business and I got no problems with it. After they faked her twitter followers and twitter deleted them all I stopped watching all together
"True to its motto, MSNBC has been leaning forward. To the point that its opinionated programming far outweighs its “factual reporting,” according to a new Pew study. While Fox News, too, had more opinionated programming, the network had a much smaller discrepancy between opinion and straight reporting.

The study — which came as part of Pew Research Center’s annual “State of the Media” report — states that opinionated programming comprised 85 percent of MSNBC’s airtime (versus 15 percent of “factual reporting”). Meanwhile, Fox News had opinion 55 percent of the time, with 45 percent straight news."

MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, While Fox News Includes More Factual Reporting, Study Says | Mediaite




MSNBC is driven by liberal interviews and talk shows. FOX uses selective right-leaning bias to report news items and worse: They alter photos and deliberately misrepresent because they know their audience, a bunch of old white people who spend their days in strato-loungers, are too fucking lazy to read or don't own computers.

I probably watch Fox about a total of 1 hour a day intermittently.
Hardly ever watch 3 network news.
I get news from Drudge Report.
Then most of the time on this forum I get such pieces of misinformation, I then check the internet and find the gross inaccuracies!
For example EVERY ONE has heard there are 50 million "uninsured".
After I found out 10 million per the census were not citizens and per a study by BCBS that 14 million were ALREADY covered by Medicaid , did some subtraction and found there were 26 million.
THEN after further internet searches found out of the 26 million -- 18 million of the supposedly "uninsured" Never wanted to be insured!
They were under 34, made over $50k and paid their annual health visits,etc. about $1,000 out of pocket and THERE FORE never wanted
to be insured!
YET the MSM and Obama and anyone who wanted to pass obamacare said "50 million" when in reality less then 8 million!
I then started to find out why Obama was so happy to ignore the "$850 billion" in defensive medicine caused by the ambulance chasing lawyers.
Obama/Congress dems received $300 million from lawyers!
NONE of that came from Fox and much less the other MSM!
Well this doesn't surprise me at all.
For years people have slammed FOX NEWS for being biased, and I've been saying for quite a while now that MSDNC is even worse.

Maddow is very good at presenting information from a left wing perspective.

Apparently, that's good enough for some.


It's business and I got no problems with it. After they faked her twitter followers and twitter deleted them all I stopped watching all together
Will you stop quoting me...I don't want mentions from you.

So you have two accounts?

Lol what the hell is wrong with you folks?
"True to its motto, MSNBC has been leaning forward. To the point that its opinionated programming far outweighs its “factual reporting,” according to a new Pew study. While Fox News, too, had more opinionated programming, the network had a much smaller discrepancy between opinion and straight reporting.

The study — which came as part of Pew Research Center’s annual “State of the Media” report — states that opinionated programming comprised 85 percent of MSNBC’s airtime (versus 15 percent of “factual reporting”). Meanwhile, Fox News had opinion 55 percent of the time, with 45 percent straight news." than even people who watch no news at all.

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