Study:MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, Fox News Has More Factual Reporting

The other thing is, opinion news isn't bad...
MSNBC has one Conservative, S.E. Cupp and they never let her speak, she's just drowned out by the other 4 numbskulls on The Cycle. Fox News has lots of Liberal contributors, Juan Williams, Kyrsten Powers, Darrel Williams, Dennis Kucinich, etc. plus all the large number of guests from the Left.

I watch all of the stations equally in my spare time (as in eating lunch/dinner/snack time). I have noticed the exact same thing. I also want to bang S.E Cupp.

Speaking of S.E. Cupp, she gets a lot more talking time these days, you'll be surprised.

I prefer Rachael Maddow, Al Sharpton, and Ed Scultz when they are discussing education, racial divides and labor unions.

When it comes to Taxation, the Second Amendment, NDAA, Patriot Act, etc, I prefer Fox news opinions.

When it comes to simply reporting Congressional votes and procedures and international news, I prefer CNN.

Keep in mind that the Republican and Democratic Party alternate between "Good Cop, Bad Cop," on practically every issue, I tend to listen to which side is playing Good Cop on any particular issue. It's this illusion and charade that allows the International Bankers (who own all of the mainstream media, yes three corporations OWN ALL THE MEDIA), that allows them to control who wins the elections overall (save a few wildcats).

So don't be fooled. Both parties are engines of destruction --- demolishing your civil and economic liberties.
Again, I'm not bashing opinion news, I support opinion news as it contains debate and discussion that provokes critical thought.

My point is: 1. The Left demonizes Fox News for being THE station of opinion and bias. 2. The Left doesn't realize that their own favorite stations contain even more opinion and bias. 3. The Left doesn't even understand that opinion news is a good thing.


Exactly. It seems like all they do is bag on FOX for their editorial content when editorial content is all they do on MSNBC. In fact, if you want to talk about brainwashing idiots to believe your ideas, MSNBC's approach is way more hamfisted than FOX ever has been.
Exactly. It seems like all they do is bag on FOX for their editorial content when editorial content is all they do on MSNBC. In fact, if you want to talk about brainwashing idiots to believe your ideas, MSNBC's approach is way more hamfisted than FOX ever has been.

MSNBC had me under their control for about (23-16 = 7) years.

Thankfully, my grandfather taught me long ago (WWII veteran) about the importance of the 2nd Amendment, and how vital it was to the protection of our liberties.

Then MSNBC decided to rapaciously assault the 2nd Amendment, and I woke up.

I'd say that I'm ashamed for voting for Obama twice, but voting for Mitt Romney was not an option.
The other thing is, opinion news isn't bad...
MSNBC has one Conservative, S.E. Cupp and they never let her speak, she's just drowned out by the other 4 numbskulls on The Cycle. Fox News has lots of Liberal contributors, Juan Williams, Kyrsten Powers, Darrel Williams, Dennis Kucinich, etc. plus all the large number of guests from the Left.

I watch all of the stations equally in my spare time (as in eating lunch/dinner/snack time). I have noticed the exact same thing. I also want to bang S.E Cupp.

Speaking of S.E. Cupp, she gets a lot more talking time these days, you'll be surprised.

I prefer Rachael Maddow, Al Sharpton, and Ed Scultz when they are discussing education, racial divides and labor unions.

When it comes to Taxation, the Second Amendment, NDAA, Patriot Act, etc, I prefer Fox news opinions.

When it comes to simply reporting Congressional votes and procedures and international news, I prefer CNN.

Keep in mind that the Republican and Democratic Party alternate between "Good Cop, Bad Cop," on practically every issue, I tend to listen to which side is playing Good Cop on any particular issue. It's this illusion and charade that allows the International Bankers (who own all of the mainstream media, yes three corporations OWN ALL THE MEDIA), that allows them to control who wins the elections overall (save a few wildcats).

So don't be fooled. Both parties are engines of destruction --- demolishing your civil and economic liberties.

Do you realize that everyone here knows that you are full of shit? Can't even be honest when discussing your fucking television habits.

Snack time? Are you in kindergarten or rehab? Fucking tool.
Do you realize that everyone here knows that you are full of shit? Can't even be honest when discussing your fucking television habits.

Snack time? Are you in kindergarten or rehab? Fucking tool.

You've never had a snack after dinner before going to bed?

Do you ever argue the content, or always resort to ad hominen attacks?

Here's a link to a slideshow I made ONE MONTH prior to the 2012 Elections (you can check the date)

I'll go comment on it right now to prove it was me. Does that end your doubts that I was far left just five months ago?

I just applied the following comment on youtube to that video:
"Lonelaugher is about to get owned when he's read's this comment."

Feel free to read the last slide (who made it).

Btw, I stand by everything made in that video even now (except the Rand Paul stuff, which weren't even quotes [or in quotes]) The Republican Party feeds on anti-muslim, anti-black, anti-woman, anti-gay vitriol. Although most Republicans do not harbor these feelings, a large enough portion of them do for their pandering to mobilize their base more than it demoralizes their base.

Take time to pause each slide and have a laugh, read everything. Notice the Fox News Headlines I choose in each slide.
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You go to great lengths. Twenty-three minus sixteen equals seven.

You are not believed.

Not sure why this study would surprise anyone. MSNBC starts with hardcore partisan hosts earlier in the day than does Fox.

It really is a shame to see American "news" devolve into advocate journalism. The decision has been made -- and apparently it's correct -- that we don't want to be given the whole story and then exert the effort to make up our own minds, we're comfy just hearing part of the story and running with it, pretending it's "the truth". Personal analytical thought is just a little bit too much work.

Just another symptom of our cultural decline.


I don't watch either, but I'm obliged to note that only one of them advertises itself as "news"

Let me get this straight, when MSNBC says that it is "The premier cable destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives – 24/7. MSNBC defines news for the next generation with world-class reporting and a full schedule of live news coverage, political analysis and award-winning documentary programming – 24 hours a day, seven days a week." It isn't advertising itself as news Gotta admit, I didn't see that logic coming.

About ? MSNBC

It's hardly contradictory. Of the six activities I've bolded only one his hard news coverage. The other five are commentaries of one form or another. Unless you're being sarcastic, you're absolutely right in that they're not "advertising itself as news". 15% is 9 minutes of news an hour or about 3 1/2 hours every 24. That's definitely a lot more than traditional network channels, when you discount purely local news.
As expected CNN is the most balanced of the Big Three. FOX and MSNBC are carrying banners for their related agendas...not a surprise.
These debates about the main stream media crack me up.

I honestly do not believe you people can possibly be so gullible.

MSNBC starts with hardcore partisan hosts earlier in the day than does Fox.

A conservative one.

All media is corporate, period. They don't care about reporting the news, they care about their bottom line.
FOX is the ONLY television network that's even close to being accurate. ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, are ALL in the tank for Obama and the Democratic Party. No honest person would dispute this.

Takes some world class stupidity to make a post like this Super Jackoff.

OK then please explain these comments and study:
Donations mean the donor has an interest in who wins right??

Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Now If 1,160 (85%) of 1,353 employees of ABC,CBS & NBC NOT FOX ok.. gave $1.02 million (88%) to Democrats do you think
they are stupid? If you don't think they are stupid, then do you think they want the Democrats to win? If they want them to win
would they put news favorable or unfavorable to democrats i.e. Obama?

LETS see the facts:
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election | Women of Grace

"Most voters think President Obama has gotten better treatment from the media than Mitt Romney has, and they expect that biased coverage to continue.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that
59% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Obama has received the best treatment from the media so far.
Just 18% think his Republican challenger has been treated better.
Twenty-three percent (23%) aren’t sure.
51% Expect Most Reporters To Help Obama; 9% Predict Most Will Help Romney - Rasmussen Reports?

So we have hard dollars showing 85% of 3 network news employees donating to Democrats/Obama.
We have 71% of stories negative about Romney.
We see 51% of the people think the Media favored Obama and 18% thought Romney.. still about same ratio,
But let's have the personal opinion of a MSM publication's Editor!

Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

OK Mr. Thomas that sounds about right FAIR and Balanced Right ! Objective reporting!

So what about Obama this same Bush Bashing Editor of NewsWeek.... Evan Thomas calls Obama god!

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

Or recently this "reporter"...
MSNBC host Chris Matthews just can’t say enough nice things about President Obama.
Already remembered for 2008 remarks about Mr. Obama’s speech sending a “thrill” up his leg, Mr. Matthews has now suggested the president may be “the perfect American.”

Mr. Matthews‘ comments on Wednesday’s episode of “Hardball” came in context of discussion of Southern Poverty Law Center findings of a correlation between White House pushes for gun control and a rise in patriot group memberships.

“I look at Obama as perfect American,” Mr. Matthews said, according to the show’s transcript. “I don’t mean politically. … But as a citizen. The guy went to school, he never broke a law{{{CHRIS He smoked POT and did Cocaine don't you know that???}}}}}. THe did everything right. He raised a wonderful family. He’s a good husband, a good father. My God, I don’t think he’s ever gotten a speeding ticket. The guy does everything right.”

Mr. Matthews made similar comments in July, calling Mr. Obama “the perfect father, the perfect husband, the perfect American” and implying that only racists could possibly fear his policies.
Read more: MSNBC's Chris Matthews calls Obama the 'perfect American' ? again - Washington Times

President Obama admitted to felony use of marijuana and cocaine use in his book "Dreams from My Father" perfect citizen/father...
If Fox does the most "reporting" of the News, why are their viewers the least knowledgeable about current events? Seems counter intuitive.
"True to its motto, MSNBC has been leaning forward. To the point that its opinionated programming far outweighs its “factual reporting,” according to a new Pew study. While Fox News, too, had more opinionated programming, the network had a much smaller discrepancy between opinion and straight reporting.

The study — which came as part of Pew Research Center’s annual “State of the Media” report — states that opinionated programming comprised 85 percent of MSNBC’s airtime (versus 15 percent of “factual reporting”). Meanwhile, Fox News had opinion 55 percent of the time, with 45 percent straight news."




At first glance it looks like Pew made some ridiculous conclusions on what is opinion and what is news. And of course the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks distorted the conclusions even more....

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