Study:MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, Fox News Has More Factual Reporting

If you get drunk and watch Hannity, it makes a lot of sense.

Also -

Hahaha, c'mon. I'm not stupid. You cited the same chart I just posted. It says 55/45 for Fox News on opinion vs. fact.

The other thing is, opinion news isn't bad. In fact, I like opinion news better because it involves debate and discussion and gets you to think about the issues. However, the majority of Americans who are moderate or on the Left tend to believe the lie that Fox News is THE station that is biased and opinionated while MSNBC/CNN get a pass as objective, unbiased news with little opinion.

Fox has a good balance of opinion and factual reporting. However, I would note that Fox tends to always have a Leftist defend the other side on all the shows whereas MSNBC just gets to rant and rail against the Right unchallenged. MSNBC has one Conservative, S.E. Cupp and they never let her speak, she's just drowned out by the other 4 numbskulls on The Cycle. Fox News has lots of Liberal contributors, Juan Williams, Kyrsten Powers, Darrel Williams, Dennis Kucinich, etc. plus all the large number of guests from the Left.


MSNBC has a 3 hour morning show hosted by a conservative. Which show on Fox would offset that? Where are the 3 hours of programming hosted by a liberal on Fox?
At first glance it looks like Pew made some ridiculous conclusions on what is opinion and what is news. And of course the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks distorted the conclusions even more....

Do you know the difference between a "reporter" and a "commentator"?
A journalist and a columnist?

The MAJOR fraud perpetuated by the MSM is they pretend they aren't biased but their output is totally biased!
Please explain why 85% of ABC,CBS and NBC network employees gave to Democrats?
Do you think these donors are stupidly throwing their money away by NOT advancing Obama/Democrat agenda in their news?
Would you please refute these FACTS as the bias from the MSM.

MSM Professionals Are Liberal Because:
· 90% are pro-abortion and more than half are even for partial-birth abortion. (Source: Lichter & Rothman Surveys - 1981,1985,1986)
· 81% support affirmative action. (Source: LA Times - 1985)
· 67% are opposed to prayer in public schools. (Source: LA Times - 1985)
· 75% say the "government should work to reduce the income gap between rich and poor." (Source: Study of Media Elite, Rothman & Black - 1995)
· 78% feel that torture should rarely or never be used on suspected terrorists. (Source: Pew Research - 2005)
· They voted for the Democrat Presidential candidate:
1964-Johnson-94%, 1968-Humphrey-86%, 1972-McGovern-81%, 1976-Carter-81% (Source: Lichter & Rothman Surveys - 1981)
· 89% of the Washington DC news people supported Clinton in 1992. (Source: Freedom Forum Survey - 1996)
· Liberals outnumber Conservatives on a 4-1 basis for journalists and news executives. (Source: Pew Research - 2007) Quotes From Journalists
· "Those of us who went into journalism in the '50s or '60s, it was sort of a liberal thing to do. Save the world." Peter Jennings - ABC News (Source: Boston Globe - 2001)
· "It is not just Congress that is taking a sharp turn to the right. The surge to the right on Capitol Hill is making waves all over the country on openly politically partisan, and sometimes racist, radio." Dan Rather - NBC News. (Source: Media Research Center - Feb 2005)
· "We love good mayors because we love our cities and Giuliani is a city guy...I'm so sick of Southern guys with ranches running this country." Chris Matthews - MSNBC (Source: Imus in the Morning - Feb 2007)
· "We better all hope nothing happens to Arlen Specter, the Republican head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, because he might be all that's standing between us and a full-blown dictatorship in this country." Jack Cafferty - CNN (Source: The Situation Room - May 2008)

Love For Obama
· "I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg." Chris Matthews - MSNBC (Source: MSNBC - Feb 2008)
· A study that compared news coverage of Obama and his two immediate predecessors during their first 60 days found that Obama was favorably covered 42% of the time, compared to 22% for Bush and 27% for Clinton. (Source: Pew Research Center - 2009)
· Another study found that ABC News had aired 55 positive stories on Obama's health-care policy compared to just 18 negative stories. (Source: Business and Media Institute - Jun 2009)

News Media Bias
At first glance it looks like Pew made some ridiculous conclusions on what is opinion and what is news. And of course the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks distorted the conclusions even more....

Do you know the difference between a "reporter" and a "commentator"?
A journalist and a columnist?

The MAJOR fraud perpetuated by the MSM is they pretend they aren't biased but their output is totally biased!
Please explain why 85% of ABC,CBS and NBC network employees gave to Democrats?
Do you think these donors are stupidly throwing their money away by NOT advancing Obama/Democrat agenda in their news?
Would you please refute these FACTS as the bias from the MSM.

MSM Professionals Are Liberal Because:
· 90% are pro-abortion and more than half are even for partial-birth abortion. (Source: Lichter & Rothman Surveys - 1981,1985,1986)
· 81% support affirmative action. (Source: LA Times - 1985)
· 67% are opposed to prayer in public schools. (Source: LA Times - 1985)
· 75% say the "government should work to reduce the income gap between rich and poor." (Source: Study of Media Elite, Rothman & Black - 1995)
· 78% feel that torture should rarely or never be used on suspected terrorists. (Source: Pew Research - 2005)
· They voted for the Democrat Presidential candidate:
1964-Johnson-94%, 1968-Humphrey-86%, 1972-McGovern-81%, 1976-Carter-81% (Source: Lichter & Rothman Surveys - 1981)
· 89% of the Washington DC news people supported Clinton in 1992. (Source: Freedom Forum Survey - 1996)
· Liberals outnumber Conservatives on a 4-1 basis for journalists and news executives. (Source: Pew Research - 2007) Quotes From Journalists
· "Those of us who went into journalism in the '50s or '60s, it was sort of a liberal thing to do. Save the world." Peter Jennings - ABC News (Source: Boston Globe - 2001)
· "It is not just Congress that is taking a sharp turn to the right. The surge to the right on Capitol Hill is making waves all over the country on openly politically partisan, and sometimes racist, radio." Dan Rather - NBC News. (Source: Media Research Center - Feb 2005)
· "We love good mayors because we love our cities and Giuliani is a city guy...I'm so sick of Southern guys with ranches running this country." Chris Matthews - MSNBC (Source: Imus in the Morning - Feb 2007)
· "We better all hope nothing happens to Arlen Specter, the Republican head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, because he might be all that's standing between us and a full-blown dictatorship in this country." Jack Cafferty - CNN (Source: The Situation Room - May 2008)

Love For Obama
· "I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg." Chris Matthews - MSNBC (Source: MSNBC - Feb 2008)
· A study that compared news coverage of Obama and his two immediate predecessors during their first 60 days found that Obama was favorably covered 42% of the time, compared to 22% for Bush and 27% for Clinton. (Source: Pew Research Center - 2009)
· Another study found that ABC News had aired 55 positive stories on Obama's health-care policy compared to just 18 negative stories. (Source: Business and Media Institute - Jun 2009)

News Media Bias

I do understand the difference between reporter and commentator. Do you understand the two can be conflated.

But the question is does Pew understand the difference?
News reporting is easily made politically biased simply by behind the scenes editorial decisions on which stories you report. If for example you have ten 'factual' news stories in front of you, and five reflect badly on Democrats, five badly on Republicans,

and you decide to air only the five about the Democrats, you've injected bias into your reporting without expressing a single on-air opinion.

That is one reason why the Pew study isn't really meaningful.
I rest my case.

Yo.................Sloppy Jerkoff......................why is it that FAUX Nooze has been caught making a lot of mistakes?

Wanna talk about how well FAUX Nooze and Dick Morris were when it came to the elections?
You seem preoccupied with jerking off. Got a problem in that area?

When you don't leave your parents basement, I guess you have nothing else to do. Just read his post. Lol
so three days right before the sequester mess makes everything all fair huh?
So according to the OP, the best source of cable news, among the big three, is CNN.

So watch CNN and quit complaining.

CNN is operated by the CIA idiot. They've been caught putting out fake news. I'd rather watch a Bill O'Reilly rant over CIA psych warfare programming.

[ame=]CNN busted producing FAKE news from first Gulf War!!! - YouTube[/ame]

"True to its motto, MSNBC has been leaning forward. To the point that its opinionated programming far outweighs its “factual reporting,” according to a new Pew study. While Fox News, too, had more opinionated programming, the network had a much smaller discrepancy between opinion and straight reporting.

The study — which came as part of Pew Research Center’s annual “State of the Media” report — states that opinionated programming comprised 85 percent of MSNBC’s airtime (versus 15 percent of “factual reporting”). Meanwhile, Fox News had opinion 55 percent of the time, with 45 percent straight news."

[ame=]Bill Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bill Clinton on Fox News Sunday (Part 3 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]


If you get drunk and watch Hannity, it makes a lot of sense.

Also -

Hahaha, c'mon. I'm not stupid. You cited the same chart I just posted. It says 55/45 for Fox News on opinion vs. fact.

The other thing is, opinion news isn't bad. In fact, I like opinion news better because it involves debate and discussion and gets you to think about the issues. However, the majority of Americans who are moderate or on the Left tend to believe the lie that Fox News is THE station that is biased and opinionated while MSNBC/CNN get a pass as objective, unbiased news with little opinion.

Fox has a good balance of opinion and factual reporting. However, I would note that Fox tends to always have a Leftist defend the other side on all the shows whereas MSNBC just gets to rant and rail against the Right unchallenged. MSNBC has one Conservative, S.E. Cupp and they never let her speak, she's just drowned out by the other 4 numbskulls on The Cycle. Fox News has lots of Liberal contributors, Juan Williams, Kyrsten Powers, Darrel Williams, Dennis Kucinich, etc. plus all the large number of guests from the Left.


Tee hee. Do you understand the difference between Propaganda and Op-Ed? MSNBC (Now, NBC) is opinion most of the time. The opinions are 'out there' there, not slipped into 'reporting' as is the case in most of Fox programming.

BTW, and I know this is nit picking, there are no Liberals in the United States, except those registered in New York State in the Liberal Party there; liberal, small "l" denotes someone's ideology, as does conservative (small "c"). However both have become vague and ambiguous terms with little common understanding of their meaning.

A Liberal would be a member of a Liberal Party.

Dennis Kucinich (D), for example, isn't a liberal by any stretch of the word, he's little different than Rand and Ron Paul (R's both) - all three are on the fringe of their political parties and as such meet in the idiot fringe. Most Americans reject the majority of their ideas as dogmatic and impractical.
So according to the OP, the best source of cable news, among the big three, is CNN.

So watch CNN and quit complaining.

CNN is operated by the CIA idiot. They've been caught putting out fake news. I'd rather watch a Bill O'Reilly rant over CIA psych warfare programming.

[ame=]CNN busted producing FAKE news from first Gulf War!!! - YouTube[/ame]



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