Study:MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, Fox News Has More Factual Reporting

Simple truth is CNN, and FOX are a combination of news and opinion split pretty equally where as MSNBC is largely opinion with some news sprinkled in usually only when it's breaking news.
Simple truth is CNN, and FOX are a combination of news and opinion split pretty equally where as MSNBC is largely opinion with some news sprinkled in usually only when it's breaking news.

yep..that is why their ratings are in the toilet, thankfully not many watch the hate and lies they put out from people like, Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, etc

Football metaphor! I'd put...
  • CNN on the 35 yard line to the left
  • Fox on the 30 yard line to the right
  • MSNBC on the 15 yard line to the left
Woot! Go Broncos!


Last edited:

Football metaphor! I'd put...
  • CNN on the 35 yard line to the left
  • Fox on the 30 yard line to the right
  • MSNBC on the 15 yard line to the left
Woot! Go Broncos!



Rachel Madcow in for the touchdown! Extra point by Sean Hannity............................ Score is now tied - MSNBC 7 - FAUX News 7



LOL [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION]

Another liberal meltdown, reporting people for quoting them?

This the kind of ugly crap you get from Pmsnbc, they investigated and studied it, sure they did


Matthews And Guests Utterly Perplexed That Blacks Could Support ‘Pure Racism’ Of The Tea Party
by Noah Rothman | 6:54 pm, March 20th, 2013video» 373 comments

MSNBC host Chris Matthews and two guests on Wednesday investigated what they identified as strains of homophobia, xenophobia, and racism within the tea party. One of the guests was a filmmaker who is investigating the phenomenon of African-American conservatives who sympathize with the tea party. Matthews was vexed by the existence of black conservatives. He expressed surprise that African-Americans, who were dependent on the federal government for civil rights legislation, would support an ideology that backs state’s rights.

Matthews opened the segment congratulating MSNBC for their efforts at trying to show “the real face of the tea party” which he said was characterized by racial rhetoric and outright racist imagery.

“My study suggests that there is a strain of racism in the tea party,” said University of Washington assistant professor Christopher Parker. “There’s definitely a racist strain, but it goes beyond racism. It goes to homophobia and xenophobia as well, Chris.”

Matthews asked if tea partiers longed for a “dreamy nostalgia” of a time when there were “no gays, where blacks were slaves, where Mexicans were in Mexico.” can you friggen believe this? Matthews is a pos and anyone who buys into this is too as far as I'm concerned

all of this disgusting crap if you can stomach it here
Matthews And Guests Utterly Perplexed That Blacks Could Support ?Pure Racism? Of The Tea Party | Mediaite
three days of coverage is all this is based on.

three separate days right before the fiscal cliff debate with one day in Nov and two separate dates in Dec of 2012.

This study is NOT deep enough to determine anything.
I would note that Fox tends to always have a Leftist defend the other side on all the shows...
This is bullshit!

During the healthcare debate, Fox had a panel of 5 guests, on a weekly basis, discuss the status of the healthcare debate in Washington. Of the 5 panel guests, not one was for the bill! That's not giving both sides of the issue.

And of the liberal guests Fox does have for "some" of their broadcasts, they are usually right-wing appeasing pussy's, who couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag.

You wanna be "fair and balanced", put real liberals on there like Noam Chomskey, Cindy Sheehan or myself. Put real liberals on there who don't take any shit from right-wing fuckheads!
Simple truth is CNN, and FOX are a combination of news and opinion split pretty equally where as MSNBC is largely opinion with some news sprinkled in usually only when it's breaking news.

yep..that is why their ratings are in the toilet, thankfully not many watch the hate and lies they put out from people like, Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, etc

Actually the Pew piece says that the networks put out X amount of news programming and Y amount of opinion programming.


The truth there is that Faux is rarely factual. MSNBC usually is factual.

The reason that the piece was written, that the study was done, is because years back Faux promoted itself as a "news" channel. Not news and opinion, but just news. At that time nearly all of the programming on Faux was opinion. They wound up getting sued over it. (I forget the details of the case.) They lost the case, but a couple years later won the appeal.
Simple truth is CNN, and FOX are a combination of news and opinion split pretty equally where as MSNBC is largely opinion with some news sprinkled in usually only when it's breaking news.

yep..that is why their ratings are in the toilet, thankfully not many watch the hate and lies they put out from people like, Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, etc

Actually the Pew piece says that the networks put out X amount of news programming and Y amount of opinion programming.


The truth there is that Faux is rarely factual. MSNBC usually is factual.

The reason that the piece was written, that the study was done, is because years back Faux promoted itself as a "news" channel. Not news and opinion, but just news. At that time nearly all of the programming on Faux was opinion. They wound up getting sued over it. (I forget the details of the case.) They lost the case, but a couple years later won the appeal.

sorry but that made laugh... I don't watch any of them..I got that ugly piece with Matthews from the Internet..and as far as I'm concerned that is pretty much all you get from that station
So you're basing your argument on a single video?

Way to go, shill.

I read a lot of stuff that comes from that station on THE INTERNET and that is what I base my oponion on

talk about who is a shill, sheesh

see ya

Football metaphor! I'd put...
  • CNN on the 35 yard line to the left
  • Fox on the 30 yard line to the right
  • MSNBC on the 15 yard line to the left
Woot! Go Broncos!



I would put CNN on 45 and FOX on the 40 MSNBC at 15 sounds right.
We all bicker while they rake in the dougg. Mission accomplished

Who cares in the end? You can't take your tv with you.

As someone who has traversed from the far right to the left, I can say, they are giving us what we want.

You don't watch these stations so much to be informed as to get validation for your worldview. You get what you want. YOu get affirmation. A nicely dressed person tells you that you are justified in holding your point of view.

Incidently, when I was Right Wing, I read left wing stuff, and I read right wing stuff now that I am more liberal. I at least try to understand the other side's point of view.
Simple truth is CNN, and FOX are a combination of news and opinion split pretty equally where as MSNBC is largely opinion with some news sprinkled in usually only when it's breaking news.

yep..that is why their ratings are in the toilet, thankfully not many watch the hate and lies they put out from people like, Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, etc

Actually the Pew piece says that the networks put out X amount of news programming and Y amount of opinion programming.


The truth there is that Faux is rarely factual. MSNBC usually is factual.

The reason that the piece was written, that the study was done, is because years back Faux promoted itself as a "news" channel. Not news and opinion, but just news. At that time nearly all of the programming on Faux was opinion. They wound up getting sued over it. (I forget the details of the case.) They lost the case, but a couple years later won the appeal.
MSNBC usually is factual.
yep..that is why their ratings are in the toilet, thankfully not many watch the hate and lies they put out from people like, Matthews, Schultz, Maddow, Sharpton, etc

Actually the Pew piece says that the networks put out X amount of news programming and Y amount of opinion programming.


The truth there is that Faux is rarely factual. MSNBC usually is factual.

The reason that the piece was written, that the study was done, is because years back Faux promoted itself as a "news" channel. Not news and opinion, but just news. At that time nearly all of the programming on Faux was opinion. They wound up getting sued over it. (I forget the details of the case.) They lost the case, but a couple years later won the appeal.
MSNBC usually is factual.

I know that made laugh too
Actually the Pew piece says that the networks put out X amount of news programming and Y amount of opinion programming.


The truth there is that Faux is rarely factual. MSNBC usually is factual.

The reason that the piece was written, that the study was done, is because years back Faux promoted itself as a "news" channel. Not news and opinion, but just news. At that time nearly all of the programming on Faux was opinion. They wound up getting sued over it. (I forget the details of the case.) They lost the case, but a couple years later won the appeal.
MSNBC usually is factual.

I know that made laugh too

I haven't a clue why that should make anyone laugh. I love listening to Rachel Maddow....not since Peter Jennings has any news anchor channeled such integrity, and moxie. Is it anyone wonder why Fox News is a laughing stock? WND? Don't get me started. LOL.

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