Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

I think Trump will tone down some of his tweets, but I hope not to the point it changes his direction which I think is positive.

Suburban, Soccer Mom's are easily manipulated, offended, and overly emotional. I don't think Trump got many of their votes in 2016 anyway. Suburbs, now mostly mirror the cities and are largely Democrat controlled. This is a long term problem for the Republican Party as suburbs are growing in population.

One also has to divide up the suburbs into the more urban ones, and the so called exburbs, which have a more rural tone.

Exburbs are the growth area because the suburbs have filled up mostly.

I grew up in a relatively close in suburb to a major city. It was Republican when I lived there forty years ago, but has turned solidly Democrat over the last twenty years.

I now live in a former Ex-Burb of the same metro area (after living in other places in the U.S. for company moves). My Ex-Burb is growing exponentially, and is now a full blow suburb full of homes, and businesses. This has occurred in the twenty or so years that I have owned the property.

Our former Republican representatives were all replaced during the last midterm election by First Time, Women, Democrats. All of them. That has been the trend in ALL of the suburbs and ex-burbs in this metro area. The city and all surrounding counties are Democrat majorities.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

The Republican party has registered almost 7 Million more voters since Trump's election. They are killing the Democrats with donations. Socialism isn't as popular as the nutcases think it is.

Trump's brash approach is what the silent majority wants because if you're critical of Democrats you're racist.

Now with the collusion delusion's put to bed, Democrats just look like fools. Social media has given minorities a voice and movements like Blexit and Walkaway are growing. And the more Trump bashes the loons the more he gives voice to those who are finally realizing they've been duped for decades.

"Since 2016, the Republican Party has trained more than 50,000 new volunteers and registered nearly 7 million new Republican voters. The RNC and the Trump campaign are hard at work all over the country, recruiting, training, and energizing the next generation of Republicans to win big in 2020.

President Trump’s record of keeping his promises has also fueled historic fundraising numbers, including raising $26 million in the first 24 hours after his re-election announcement and $105 million in the first quarter of 2019. The Trump campaign’s impressive fundraising is being driven by a massive influx of small-dollar donors – more than 957,000 individual donations averaging just $41.48.

Those efforts mean that in 2020, President Trump will not just be relying on his 2016 “base” – he will expand the map and engage with an entirely new, and previously untapped, pool of voters.

Opinion: The numbers don't lie – Trump movement growing by putting America first
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics
The Democrats are very proud that they hate suburban white voters and that is why they continuously call them names such as racist, uneducated and deplorable. Their 2020 campaign strategy is to scream racist at mainstream middle class Voters...…….. good luck with that LOL
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Yeah and Trump has no path to victory.

He isn’t saying or doing anything worse than when he won in 2016. I live in the suburbs, I’m married to a suburban woman, I know plenty of them. That poll is bull shit.
The loss of support from suburban women is what cost the Republicans the House in these last midterm elections. If the president can't start behaving like an adult why even bother to run for reelection?

Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

With the House changing there was no risk of actual change for them. Electing a far left Dem would result in actual harm for them.

With a House Election they could virtue signal with minimal risk. With the Presidency up (and the Senate) there is more on the line, and I believe they will see that.

Perhaps. If the Dems nominate a far left loon like Bernie, people might go with Trump again just to be safe, but does the GOP really want to risk that? Think of how much easier it would be to secure a reelection if he wasn't such an asshole. Plus, do you really think he could beat someone like Biden with this behavior?
The Democratic Party will never nominate a straight white Christian male to run for president again because they are who the Troglocrat voters hate the most.
I think Trump will tone down some of his tweets, but I hope not to the point it changes his direction which I think is positive.

Suburban, Soccer Mom's are easily manipulated, offended, and overly emotional. I don't think Trump got many of their votes in 2016 anyway. Suburbs, now mostly mirror the cities and are largely Democrat controlled. This is a long term problem for the Republican Party as suburbs are growing in population.

One also has to divide up the suburbs into the more urban ones, and the so called exburbs, which have a more rural tone.

Exburbs are the growth area because the suburbs have filled up mostly.

I grew up in a relatively close in suburb to a major city. It was Republican when I lived there forty years ago, but has turned solidly Democrat over the last twenty years.

I now live in a former Ex-Burb of the same metro area (after living in other places in the U.S. for company moves). My Ex-Burb is growing exponentially, and is now a full blow suburb full of homes, and businesses. This has occurred in the twenty or so years that I have owned the property.

Our former Republican representatives were all replaced during the last midterm election by First Time, Women, Democrats. All of them. That has been the trend in ALL of the suburbs and ex-burbs in this metro area. The city and all surrounding counties are Democrat majorities.
When the Democratic Party runs the local government they drive-out the middle class taxpayers and the good employers.
No worries folks. The women who voted for Trump in 2016 will be told how to vote again by their husbands, fathers, sons, etc... in 2020. Nothing to worry about.
Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Once again another example of how the MSM biases the news and WHY the majority of Trump supporters
like me continue to point this out to those people like these suburban women!

“I just don’t like the way he talks about other people,” Evans, a 79-year-old retired data entry supervisor, said recently as she walked through a shopping mall in Brookfield, Wisconsin, days after Trump fired off a racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen.
Many professional, suburban women — a critical voting bloc in the 2020 election — recoil at the abrasive, divisive rhetoric, exposing the president to a potential wave of opposition in key battlegrounds across the country.

BUT do these "many professional, suburban women" really understand how their "emotions" are manipulated by the MSM like AP?
For example... what was the "racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen."
This is exactly the supposedly "racist" tweet:
"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

A) NO where did he talk about SENDING!!! He said why don't they go back... freely... no forcing..
B) Why don't they fix their places from which they came...Detroit, Somalia...etc...
C) HE asked them to come back and show us how it is done!

So where is the "RACISM" in that tweet? NO WHERE! Trump was being an honest person who was pointing out what the Bible said in Matthew 7:5.
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "
Hey look, the 3rd thread on this topic this morning!

Thank goodness you started a new thread on this vital topic!
But they will still vote for him....their kitchens are flush with food their bills are paid and the kids are in new school more hand me downs or goodwill clothing for the first day of school....women are happy even if Trump's words are not their favorite words....I see him as fighting the liars and thieves that have made life so difficult in the past....and I encourage him to keep on exposing our nations worst....
Notice how everything Democrats say involves race and sex baiting?

This thread is just another example

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