Suddenly, Repubs okay with Executive overreach

And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
And Obama was struck down by the federal and supreme court on the Executive orders that were not constitutional, the EO's that were, stood.

Trump needs to be sued, just like Republicans sued Obama's E/O's.

And he will be. California is going to be to Trump what Texas was to Obama. We're going to keep sueing and sueing and sueing.
Y'all are to busy trying to succeed lol.
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
for example?
His changing immigration law with an executive order struck down by the courts.

I see; and, the national socialist right wing, complained about this:

There is little doubt that the Executive adopted the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (“DAPA”) program as part of an explicit effort to circumvent the legislative process.

But is ok with conflicts of interest regarding "terrorist" States.
Obama and his five presidential predecessors all used their executive powers to temporarily ban certain immigrants, including Muslims from entering the United States.


— July 25, 2011. Barred those under a UN travel ban, or who broke 29 executive orders covering transactions with terrorists.

— Aug. 4, 2012. Banned anybody involved in war crimes, or just about any other crime including human rights violations.

— April 23, 2012. Barred those helping Syria or Iran, or involved in human rights abuses for those governments.

— May 1, 2012. Another block on those helping Iran and Syria.

— April 3, 2014. Banned anyone known to threaten South Sudan.

— March 6, 2014 . Barred entry of those claiming government authority in the Crimea region of Ukraine, presumably on behalf of Moscow.

He cited the very same section of law that many critics of his policies have asked him to use, “section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.” It says, “Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrant’s or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

He used the same provision five other times, one more in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014. In those, he targeted people aiding Iran, Syria, Crimea, and those involved in war crimes.
'Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Esty from Connecticut launched a tweetstorm Monday afternoon against President Donald Trump’s travel ban, but quickly backtracked after followers confronted her on her visa-related voting history.

co-sponsored H.B. 158 on Dec. 3 2015, a bi-partisan bill that enabled the executive branch led by the the Department of Homeland Security to severely limit or curtail visas from countries like Iran and Iraq.

Trump’s list of seven countries came primarily from the text of H.B. 158, but the executive order allows Trump to place a travel ban from any resident of those countries, excluding those with current green cards or legal residents of the United States.'

Dem Congresswoman Forced To Face Her Own Voting History After Calling Trump’s Travel Ban ‘Horrifying’

Has any Republican answered, honestly, without deflection? If so, can you point me to the the post?

Honestly....because we don't have any problem with lawful executive orders. Trump isn't circumventing Congress with his EOs. He doesn't need to go through Congress to set policy for immigration. It is clearly defined in the Constitution that it falls under the executive branch.
Wait and see what WE can do with the "nuke" option YOUR group invented.

Invented for what reason? Just to be dicks or break through unprecedented obstruction and assist the President in fulfilling his constitutional duty?
Do you know?
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
for example?
His changing immigration law with an executive order struck down by the courts.

I see; and, the national socialist right wing, complained about this:

There is little doubt that the Executive adopted the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (“DAPA”) program as part of an explicit effort to circumvent the legislative process.

But is ok with conflicts of interest regarding "terrorist" States.
The courts will decide that it has been done before Jimmy Carter with Iran during the 79 hostage crisis and Obama in with Iraq in 2011 I believe with ISIS running wild there.
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
for example?
His changing immigration law with an executive order struck down by the courts.

I see; and, the national socialist right wing, complained about this:

There is little doubt that the Executive adopted the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (“DAPA”) program as part of an explicit effort to circumvent the legislative process.

But is ok with conflicts of interest regarding "terrorist" States.
The courts will decide that it has been done before Jimmy Carter with Iran during the 79 hostage crisis and Obama in with Iraq in 2011 I believe with ISIS running wild there.
Didn't those action result from some "injury"?

Mr. Trump's actions seem, "proactive" with no actual, "injury" to the People.

Is our current President, merely "making good on his pander".
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
And Obama was struck down by the federal and supreme court on the Executive orders that were not constitutional, the EO's that were, stood.

Trump needs to be sued, just like Republicans sued Obama's E/O's.

And he will be. California is going to be to Trump what Texas was to Obama. We're going to keep sueing and sueing and sueing.
Y'all are to busy trying to succeed lol.

You mean like Texas? Didn't work for TX, not going to for CA.

It would be incredibly difficult for California to pull off a 'Calexit' and secede from the US
No overreach for Trump. You're thinking of "reacharound" like you libs did with Barack.
it's President Trump that likes to do the "reach around" and grabbing the pussies of beautiful, unwilling, women.
Tell me who he grabbed?

What, is the count up to about 12 now?
Grow up libs. Donald Trump is President and all the whining about hypocrisy only makes y'all look small and foolish.

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