Suddenly, Repubs okay with Executive overreach

And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
And Obama was struck down by the federal and supreme court on the Executive orders that were not constitutional, the EO's that were, stood.

Trump needs to be sued, just like Republicans sued Obama's E/O's.

And he will be. California is going to be to Trump what Texas was to Obama. We're going to keep sueing and sueing and sueing.

Yes, executive overreach.

Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”
Just cognitive dissonance among lawmakers? The immigration and nationality act has not been repealed. It must be reconciled with any other statute.
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
for example?
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
And Obama was struck down by the federal and supreme court on the Executive orders that were not constitutional, the EO's that were, stood.

Trump needs to be sued, just like Republicans sued Obama's E/O's.

Good luck with that since Obama used the exact same law.
nope; just right wing special pleading, like usual.
And after eight years of it you left wingers suddenly have an issue with it. I don't care for governing by executive order not now with Trump nor when Obama did it we have a government with checks and balances for a reason there is hypocrisy on the right over this but those on the left who had nothing to say when Obama decided to govern with just his phone and pen have no room to talk about hypocrisy.
for example?
His changing immigration law with an executive order struck down by the courts.
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When Democrats become 'outraged', AFTER 8 YEARS OF THEIR PARTY PRESIDENT DOING THE SAME THING, over Trump doing something not one ounce of credibility or consideration should be heeded to the snowflakes.

The fact remains, however, that if something is proven to be going on that is illegal then it should be dealt with.

(Many / Most) Liberals are hypocritical douche bags - that being said, I don't care who is doing it, anything illegal should be stopped. During the last President's 'regime' it happened continuously - Democrats defended it every time, and cowardly GOP failed to step up and contest it. No more, no matter who it is.
When Democrats become 'outraged', AFTER 8 YEARS OF THEIR PARTY PRESIDENT DOING THE SAME THING, over Trump doing something not one ounce of credibility or consideration should be heeded to the snowflakes.

The fact remains, however, that if something is proven to be going on that is illegal then it should be dealt with.

(Many / Most) Liberals are hypocritical douche bags - that being said, I don't care who is doing it, anything illegal should be stopped. During the last President's 'regime' it happened continuously - Democrats defended it every time, and cowardly GOP failed to step up and contest it. No more, no matter who it is.
It will start up again the minute another Dim gets elected.

Has any Republican answered, honestly, without deflection? If so, can you point me to the the post?
Trump is making Obama's legacy a forgotten nightmare why would I complain?
There was no overreach in Trumps EO...completely legal and 100% within the powers of the office.

But tomorrow Dems will be hunky dory with blocking a presidents Supreme Court appointment indefinitely.

Yes, and I hope they can block it for four years, since the person making the appointment is a Russian loving, pus*y grabbing, idiot.
He is also, your president. So quit your bitchin.

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