Supporting Kurdish independence

Turks dare to call ppk and kurds "terrorists" - look now what they did to this Kurdish family with little kids last year same day as today in iraqi Kurdistan. Even animals dont do things like that. WHO is the TERRORIST now ?

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Ekrem -

I agree that Turkey is genuinely democratic, but the majority do not have the right to crush minorities in any country.

The Turkish army have used chemical weapons, have kidnapped, tortured and killed civilians. Do you support this?

As a signatory to the Chemical-Weapons-Convention we don't possess any Chemical-Weapons, and the OPCW in the Hague (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) makes International inspections to the signatory countries.
Countries in the region who didn't sign the Convention (and where no International inspections take place) are Israel and Syria.
As a signatory to the Chemical-Weapons-Convention we don't possess any Chemical-Weapons, and the OPCW in the Hague (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) makes International inspections to the signatory countries.
Countries in the region who didn't sign the Convention (and where no International inspections take place) are Israel and Syria.

The Organization which enforces the Chemical-Weapons-Convention is currently headed by a Turk.
Rest of the world would hardly make a Turk head of that organization if Turkey would possess any Chemical-Weapons.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello from istanbul,

Firstly i am turkish and i've a lot of kurdish friends and relatives and none of
them supporting pkk however they hate from terrorists.Also i don't care about race
it's not important for me becoz i'm not a racist and terrorist.

And in Turkey all citizens have equal rights and is getting better more and more except coup times.
Last 10 ten years always improved. In the past some mistakes may have been , it doesn't change a wrong thing to right. Of course Turkey have racist people and bad people as all over the world .

Besides most of kurdish people don't vote for pkk's party although they jeopardize their lifes , i would like to denote that some people living in east just votes by violence to pkk's party , because if they don't, they know that pkk will fire their villages ( my kurdish friends saying) I think it's all about education , we all abviously see that The East don't have education so they can easily be deceived AND THIS IS WHY pkk destroy schools in east of Turkey.
What the Kurds have to do is to declare themselves Jewish, that way the US will support their efforts to take land by force, and you can yell "HOLOCAUST" anytime someone wants to stop you.
What the Kurds have to do is to declare themselves Jewish, that way the US will support their efforts to take land by force, and you can yell "HOLOCAUST" anytime someone wants to stop you.

i want to denote that kurdish people in Turkey don't want to be divided , however Turkey supports all syrian people againts to Bassar Essad
Hello from istanbul,

Firstly i am turkish and i've a lot of kurdish friends and relatives and none of
them supporting pkk however they hate from terrorists.Also i don't care about race
it's not important for me becoz i'm not a racist and terrorist.

And in Turkey all citizens have equal rights and is getting better more and more except coup times.
Last 10 ten years always improved. In the past some mistakes may have been , it doesn't change a wrong thing to right. Of course Turkey have racist people and bad people as all over the world .

Besides most of kurdish people don't vote for pkk's party although they jeopardize their lifes , i would like to denote that some people living in east just votes by violence to pkk's party , because if they don't, they know that pkk will fire their villages ( my kurdish friends saying) I think it's all about education , we all abviously see that The East don't have education so they can easily be deceived AND THIS IS WHY pkk destroy schools in east of Turkey.

i am yet to meet one of these kurds so far where are they ? on #twitterkurds , youtube, Kurdish forums !!!??? where please ? let me speak to them directly via skype !!?? lol all you turks say that but reality says otherwsie, there has been surveys even those who voted for AKP want (self-rule) like KRG, soon or later turkey will have no choice but to give north Kurdistan autonomy.


they dont "need land" these are living on their ancestral land it was just taken over by ataturk by betraying kurds in the fight against armenians , turks are not made for co-existence we have tried that for 80+ years, time is out and we want out.

Its not about one Praty, ist about the people, and they want the right of self-determination, and in a free Kurdistan they can select which party they want. A election is not a referendum. The Kurds who give AKP their vote are also for self-determination.

20 Million Kurds in Anatolia have the right of self-determination and they will fight for it.
Majority of Kurds support self-determination and only that is importan. Its like not all kurds in south Kurdistan support KDP but they support Kurdistan.

Also Turkey has still not held any1 responsible for Roboski massacre on 28th dec 2011, but the Gaziantep bomb few days ago was resolved within hours.
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Hello from istanbul,

Firstly i am turkish and i've a lot of kurdish friends and relatives and none of
them supporting pkk however they hate from terrorists.Also i don't care about race
it's not important for me becoz i'm not a racist and terrorist.

And in Turkey all citizens have equal rights and is getting better more and more except coup times.
Last 10 ten years always improved. In the past some mistakes may have been , it doesn't change a wrong thing to right. Of course Turkey have racist people and bad people as all over the world .

Besides most of kurdish people don't vote for pkk's party although they jeopardize their lifes , i would like to denote that some people living in east just votes by violence to pkk's party , because if they don't, they know that pkk will fire their villages ( my kurdish friends saying) I think it's all about education , we all abviously see that The East don't have education so they can easily be deceived AND THIS IS WHY pkk destroy schools in east of Turkey.

Interesting comments, FA, and thanks for posting.

I definitely agree that the level of education and infrastructure in the east could be improved.

That said, cities like Sanli Urfa are very well developed, and seem to have good facilities.
Kirkuki -

I don't think it is possible for either of you to say what ALL Kurds want.

I am sure many do not want Turkey to be divided - and I am sure some do want it to be divided.

My guess would be that the majority of Kurds want a homeland, but also realise that it can not be a massive country which leaves Syria, Turkey and Iraq half of the size they are now. That will never happen.

But for many Kurds the best solution may be to continue to live in Turkey, but with their rights respected.
Kirkuki -

I don't think it is possible for either of you to say what ALL Kurds want.

I am sure many do not want Turkey to be divided - and I am sure some do want it to be divided.

My guess would be that the majority of Kurds want a homeland, but also realise that it can not be a massive country which leaves Syria, Turkey and Iraq half of the size they are now. That will never happen.

But for many Kurds the best solution may be to continue to live in Turkey, but with their rights respected.

thank you man . I just wanted to show what i see and live , ' The Truth ' ..

I don't take notice of that guy being support terrorism and we should not .. of course we should consider this group of people is terrorist or not, what is their aim , they are fighting for saving their lifes , defensing their family . And if you look pkk is abviously terror group which is defined by EU , and US . Kurdish people have all rights in Turkey , actually i don't wanna talk like that Turkish , Kurdish , American , Czech , Spanish , Greek , it's so racist . In Turkey We have a lot of nations that we lived 1000 years together how can you spare these people .. and they don't want too

If someone who thinks that they don't have right , can easly take that right by parliamentary , and it doesn't mean that if you cannot a right you will be terrorist . Of course i cannot say that Turkey have ultimate democracy . For example in Turkey even some muslim people doesn't have right for their belief but none of them being terrorist .

We are supporting middle east people for their freedom , and i wish they will choose to be like Turkey not like pkk , basshar assad or like Iraq . And US and EU should give the east education not gun .
And US and EU should give the east education not gun .

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.
And US and EU should give the east education not gun .

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

So what do you do? Traffic underage girls?
Hello from istanbul,

Firstly i am turkish and i've a lot of kurdish friends and relatives and none of
them supporting pkk however they hate from terrorists.Also i don't care about race
it's not important for me becoz i'm not a racist and terrorist.

And in Turkey all citizens have equal rights and is getting better more and more except coup times.
Last 10 ten years always improved. In the past some mistakes may have been , it doesn't change a wrong thing to right. Of course Turkey have racist people and bad people as all over the world .

Besides most of kurdish people don't vote for pkk's party although they jeopardize their lifes , i would like to denote that some people living in east just votes by violence to pkk's party , because if they don't, they know that pkk will fire their villages ( my kurdish friends saying) I think it's all about education , we all abviously see that The East don't have education so they can easily be deceived AND THIS IS WHY pkk destroy schools in east of Turkey.

Interesting comments, FA, and thanks for posting.

I definitely agree that the level of education and infrastructure in the east could be improved.

That said, cities like Sanli Urfa are very well developed, and seem to have good facilities.

We still can't forgive Turkey for Midnight Express. :D
And US and EU should give the east education not gun .

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

And US and EU should give the east education not gun .

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

Always welcome to Turkey :) we should be sensitive for all humans not just for priviled one or according to your interest :) I wish all bad things had not happened . But as I said before every country have racist people , they may have been something bad it doesn't make terrorism is okay .. also USA may have been lots of mistakes in the past can we say now divide USA and make terror in there ?

P.S. Armenians have killed a lots of People in Turkey but it's not so important .. ! Turkey had revealed all historical documents about it there is nothing that is hided
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter, Siagon.

Few Americans really know enough about the fate of the Kurds, their history or the state of their lives now, to really weigh in on this question.

The Kurds are a unique people with their own language and customs and have been so for at least as long as Islam has existed.

They have had their own nations and or city states and once were independent.

But they are victims of geography and history and have usually be under the yoke of some foreign power or culture.

I think they deserve recognition both as a people and a culture as therefore deserve a nation state.

Of course Turkey Iran and Iraq aren't much into the idea of granting these people the right to control the land they have been living on and associated with for at least the last 1400 years.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter, Siagon.

Few Americans really know enough about the fate of the Kurds, their history or the state of their lives now, to really weigh in on this question.

The Kurds are a unique people with their own language and customs and have been so for at least as long as Islam has existed.

They have had their own nations and or city states and once were independent.

But they are victims of geography and history and have usually be under the yoke of some foreign power or culture.

I think they deserve recognition both as a people and a culture as therefore deserve a nation state.

Of course Turkey Iran and Iraq aren't much into the idea of granting these people the right to control the land they have been living on and associated with for at least the last 1400 years.

According to you we can divide Turkey maybe 30 part , and we divide America 50

lets every race have a new country ... what a solution .. as i said before just a little group support pkk in Turkey and Kurdish people and Turkish people will live together forever because Turkey have democracy but i cannot say it for Syria , this is why Turkey support Kurdish , Turkish ,Arab and other people in Syria.

Why Syria would not be like Turkey , US , Germany , Italy , Czech Republic , Spain ... ? Turkey support Syrian people against Bassar Essad and i appreciate it .. and we should not let that pkk have a place in middle east , but if you want middle east with terrorism with people like Essad , Saddam , you can support terrorists ..
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And US and EU should give the east education not gun .

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

And US and EU should give the east education not gun .

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

Always welcome to Turkey :) we should be sensitive for all humans not just for priviled one or according to your interest :) I wish all bad things had not happened . But as I said before every country have racist people , they may have been something bad it doesn't make terrorism is okay .. also USA may have been lots of mistakes in the past can we say now divide USA and make terror in there ?

P.S. Armenians have killed a lots of People in Turkey but it's not so important .. ! Turkey had revealed all historical documents about it there is nothing that is hided

Turkey looks nice, but you folks should shave.

The men as well. :D
I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

I do agree with that!!

btw, I really love Turkey and spend a lot of time there. Istanbul is my base when I work in the Middle East and East Africa, so I have been there a good 15 - 20 times. I've been right along the Black Sea Coast, east as far as Diyabakir, and through Cappadocia and the inland areas, too.

I think what has been done to the Armenians and Kurds is unacceptable, but I really enjoy Turkey and the wonderful Turkish people.

Always welcome to Turkey :) we should be sensitive for all humans not just for priviled one or according to your interest :) I wish all bad things had not happened . But as I said before every country have racist people , they may have been something bad it doesn't make terrorism is okay .. also USA may have been lots of mistakes in the past can we say now divide USA and make terror in there ?

P.S. Armenians have killed a lots of People in Turkey but it's not so important .. ! Turkey had revealed all historical documents about it there is nothing that is hided

Turkey looks nice, but you folks should shave.

The men as well. :D

any other order ? :)

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