Suppose they had an opt-out, or opt-in option for controversial school library books?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Suppose each school offered three options to each parent for books their child is allowed to access:

1) My child may access any book that the librarian, a professional educator, and member of the ALA, deems appropriate for them.

2) If my child requests access to a controversial book, I would like to be emailed for prior approval.

3) I want to be emailed for approval for any book my child checks out.

Question is how many parents would choose option 1)? I would guess close to zero. Remember that there are books such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Gone with the Wind, and The Words of Casar Chavez that woke parents would object to their child reading due to historically correct use of racist terms by fictional characters. They would want to control that for their children as much as typical parents want to avoid having their children sexualized.

Is it not odd that the option sure to be least popular is the current default in all public school libraries?

Time to give parents options besides appearing at school board meetings to be gaveled down and arrested if they do not immediately go silent.
I say that they should make the sacrifices necessary and send their kids to a private school.
So, the public school would only be filled with kids whose parents don't care what the school teaches them, and the parents making the sacrifices to send their kids to private school, also have to keep paying for the public indoctrination centers?
Suppose each school offered three options to each parent for books their child is allowed to access:

1) My child may access any book that the librarian, a professional educator, and member of the ALA, deems appropriate for them.

2) If my child requests access to a controversial book, I would like to be emailed for prior approval.

3) I want to be emailed for approval for any book my child checks out.

Question is how many parents would choose option 1)? I would guess close to zero. Remember that there are books such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Gone with the Wind, and The Words of Casar Chavez that woke parents would object to their child reading due to historically correct use of racist terms by fictional characters. They would want to control that for their children as much as typical parents want to avoid having their children sexualized.

Is it not odd that the option sure to be least popular is the current default in all public school libraries?

Time to give parents options besides appearing at school board meetings to be gaveled down and arrested if they do not immediately go silent.
Opting in or out implies choice, which is something republicans will never support for people.
If your kid brings home a book you don’t approve of, take it away

Don‘t take it away from every kid
The word, "curated" has crept into hundreds of different arenas over the past few years. Everyone wants a "curated" selection of wine, music, nuts, or what have you, so that "we" don't waste our time sifting through that which is not worthy of our time.

But the concept of curating the materials that we show to CHILDREN has suddenly become problematic. It has been done for GENERATIONS, with no objections. There are some concepts and even facts that serve no benefit when they are presented to CHILDREN. You don't tell children about the domestic slaves that George Washington brought with him during the Revolutionary War. You don't tell children about the tens of thousands of limbs that were sawed off by Civil War doctors, in the hope of saving the lives of wounded soldiers. You don't tell children how the biblical Lot's daughters schemed to get him drunk so he would fuck them to continue the family line.

Children are not equipped to deal with these realities. When they are more intellectually and emotionally mature, they can put them in context.

Honestly, the people who are fighting "censorship" of the materials IN SCHOOL LIBRARIES are either fantastically stupid or evil. Take your pick. There is no other possibility.
Opting in or out implies choice, which is something republicans will never support for people.
I'm asking what you think about it, not what you think others think about it.

Since it implies choice, you must be all for it, no?

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