Supreme Court allows more private money in election campaigns

SCOTUS has just ruled that the rich can try to buy the government.

A very different situation from what it was until now. Until now, only the media could buy the government, running all the campaign ads they wanted for or against any candidate or issue they wanted, under the guise of reporting "news", which was not restricted at all. Most everybody else was restricted.

No wonder the liberals are screaming about it. No longer do they have their monopoly where the media can run 100 stories showing conservatives in a bad light and only 4 showing them in a good light, while vice-versa for liberal candidates.

Now other people who might not feel the way the media does, can run lots of ads too! OH MY GOD!!!

Jokes on them since the media outlets aren't required to run anyone's ads! :eusa_clap:

I almost wonder if it wouldn't be worthwhile to simply not allow candidate ads on TV and radio. The vast amount of money spent in a campaign is on tv spots, so if a campaign's costs went down that might mean there would be less incentive for a politician to suck up to a special interest.
This is interesting:

Yes, Really: Schumer Upset Supreme Court Ruling Means IRS Can’t Be Used As Effectively To Silence Conservatives…


Does Upchuck think before he speaks or does he just not care?

Via Washington Examiner:

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., argued Wednesday that the Supreme Court’s latest campaign finance decision makes the threat of an IRS investigation into 501(c)(4) groups less of a deterrent to Republican donors.

Schumer discussed “the damage” of the McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission ruling – in which the court ruled that individuals can donate to as many candidates as they like, as long as they respect the limits imposed on how much they can give to those candidates — during a press briefing at the Capitol.

“Let’s say you’re a person who doesn’t believe in undisclosed money; let’s say you’re a person who doesn’t want to go to a 501(c)(4) because you’re worried maybe there’ll be an IRS investigation sometime down the road,” Schumer told reporters. “You can write one check to a joint committee of 232 House members and give them each the maximum.”

Yeah, I'm shocked too.

scumbags. all of them
For the last election, Koch PACs spent $4.9 million in disclosed contributions (figures that appear on the chart referenced by Strassel). But they also spent over $407 million on undisclosed campaign entities

You mean, the Koch brothers obeyed the law completely, and told the truth about Democrats?

I can see where they would drive the poor demmies into fits of rage.
Government for sale.

and it wasnt before? How naive, i do think they should disclose any total amount over $50. Outside of this i dont care how much people give. I see $26k/plate fundraisers in hollywood, liberals never bitch about those because theyre hypocrites
There is no liberal media.

Poor liberals. All they can do is deny, deny, deny, and repeat their fibs over and over, hoping the tooth fairy will make them come true. :D

If there was a liberal media I would be able to turn on the TV and see in-depth investigative reporting on things I give a shit about, so what's on there? Celebrity news and puff pieces guaranteed not to piss anyone off. When conservatives bitch about "liberal media" they are really just pissed that all of them do not run Obama conspiracy theories as real news like a certain cable channel that will remain nameless.
Between this and Citizens United, private entities are now on the same level as unions and non-profits when it comes to bribing lawmakers, I mean contributing to re-election funds. Given that it's now okay to write a check to a politician, I can at least take some level of consolation in knowing it's above board now.

You want to get rid of the corruption, then get rid of allowing anyone to write a check to a politician entirely and have only public funding of elections. Get rid of political action committees, get rid of private donations, get rid of lobbyists and their tit-for-tat deals with politicians and regulatory entities, just take money out of the whole process.

Why do you want only rich people to be elected?
Between this and Citizens United, private entities are now on the same level as unions and non-profits when it comes to bribing lawmakers, I mean contributing to re-election funds. Given that it's now okay to write a check to a politician, I can at least take some level of consolation in knowing it's above board now.

You want to get rid of the corruption, then get rid of allowing anyone to write a check to a politician entirely and have only public funding of elections. Get rid of political action committees, get rid of private donations, get rid of lobbyists and their tit-for-tat deals with politicians and regulatory entities, just take money out of the whole process.

Why do you want only rich people to be elected?

I don't. The system is broken, but nobody has a solution on how to fix it. Let anyone write a check and we're open to bribery in the form of campaign contributions. No contributions and only the rich run. Public funding of elections has it's own issues concerning how to pay and keeping third parties out (nevermind the ballot laws on the books now that favor the Dems and Repubs).

It's a huge quagmire of a problem but no one seems to have any idea what to do except bash everyone else. :doubt:
Let's try disclosure. And actually public funding worked so well in Arizona that it pissed off the rich.
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Between this and Citizens United, private entities are now on the same level as unions and non-profits when it comes to bribing lawmakers, I mean contributing to re-election funds. Given that it's now okay to write a check to a politician, I can at least take some level of consolation in knowing it's above board now.

You want to get rid of the corruption, then get rid of allowing anyone to write a check to a politician entirely and have only public funding of elections. Get rid of political action committees, get rid of private donations, get rid of lobbyists and their tit-for-tat deals with politicians and regulatory entities, just take money out of the whole process.

Why do you want only rich people to be elected?

I don't. The system is broken, but nobody has a solution on how to fix it. Let anyone write a check and we're open to bribery in the form of campaign contributions. No contributions and only the rich run. Public funding of elections has it's own issues concerning how to pay and keeping third parties out (nevermind the ballot laws on the books now that favor the Dems and Repubs).

It's a huge quagmire of a problem but no one seems to have any idea what to do except bash everyone else. :doubt:

With only public funding allowed you can't keep a candidate from spending his/her own money.
The ruling is perfectly appropriate, consistent with Citizens United and First Amendment jurisprudence overall.

However well intentioned a law might be, seeking to limit political speech as a ‘solution’ to ‘too much money’ in politics is indeed un-Constitutional.
After the weirdly unconstitutional rulings in Kelo and the Obamacare decision, this is finally a breath of fresh air.

Liberals are in a paroxysm of rage over this one. Letting conservatives say whatever they want, as much as they want, does more harm to the leftist agenda than anything else possibly could. Leftist Stephen Breyer even stopped court proceedings to read a protest aloud from the bench.

When liberals get that steamed, you know you've done something right.

Clearly bought politicians doing what is best to get the money is democracy, right?
The ruling is perfectly appropriate, consistent with Citizens United and First Amendment jurisprudence overall.

However well intentioned a law might be, seeking to limit political speech as a ‘solution’ to ‘too much money’ in politics is indeed un-Constitutional.

They're not limiting political speech. Money doesn't make speech. Speaking makes speech.

In fact with all the advertising that goes on with this money, reducing the impact of money towards actual speaking would be a good thing.
I hate this ruling. If a man you elect is driven more by money than his convictions or by his constituents, what would be the point of having elections if your candidate was already bought and paid for before the first vote is cast?

I always knew you were a leftist! Exposed as the moron you are.
How political campaigns are financed and by whom is an issue only in the context of voters abdicating their civic responsibilities.

If each voter researched the candidates and issues on their own, seeking out objective facts and information, and voted accordingly, that corporate entities or wealthy individuals might spend billions on politicians and causes would be irrelevant.
After the weirdly unconstitutional rulings in Kelo and the Obamacare decision, this is finally a breath of fresh air.

Liberals are in a paroxysm of rage over this one. Letting conservatives say whatever they want, as much as they want, does more harm to the leftist agenda than anything else possibly could. Leftist Stephen Breyer even stopped court proceedings to read a protest aloud from the bench.

When liberals get that steamed, you know you've done something right.

Clearly bought politicians doing what is best to get the money is democracy, right?

Clearly, you lack a brain. There is still a limit on how much money a person can give to each candidate. If you think $2,600 per election is going to cause them to sell out feel free to have Congress lower the limit.

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