Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.
The end of Scalia's Dissent. I could not agree more.

Perhaps the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will attain the enduring status of the Social Security Act or the Taft-Hartley Act; perhaps not. But this Court’s two decisions on the Act will surely be remembered through the years. The somersaults of statutory interpretation they have performed (“penalty” means tax, “further [Medicaid] payments to the State” means only incremental Medicaid payments to the State, “established by the State” means not established by the State) will be cited by litigants endlessly, to the confusion of honest jurisprudence. And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites. I dissent.

Scalia is such an upset old drag queen.

While I really don't care about the decision itself, I think your statement is nothing more than little-man's bravado.

While I don't care for pure conservative points of view, he isn't wrong on his assesment of this one.

What is more difficult to fathom is the depths to which the court went to reach a particular conclusion.

I love the Constitution. Regardless of how I feel about Scalia (and it isn't great).....he pretty much nailed it.

I mourn for the day a conservative court would twist things to strike down gay marriage which now seems more likely given the poor decisions they have handed down.

I can take or leave Obamacare. It's the court I worry about.

Your analysis is cat piss.

Fortunately for me, I couldn't give a fuck what you think of my "analysis", which was actually only a short opinion.

Nappy time for you, I think
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

OK ...let's go there
Kicking ten million off their insurance
Kicking 26 year olds off their parents policy
Sending people with prexisting conditions back in the open marked
Kicking people off of Medicaid and ending subsidies

Is that what Republicans are willing to run on?

I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

I just love your example of a liberal education!!!!!!

Since when did a clear minority win an election????
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

OK ...let's go there
Kicking ten million off their insurance
Kicking 26 year olds off their parents policy
Sending people with prexisting conditions back in the open marked
Kicking people off of Medicaid and ending subsidies

Is that what Republicans are willing to run on?

I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

No. Rightwinger is right. Not one single candidate has proposed a viable alternative, not even a sketch.
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

They're running out of talking points, I'm guessing.
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

OK ...let's go there
Kicking ten million off their insurance
Kicking 26 year olds off their parents policy
Sending people with prexisting conditions back in the open marked
Kicking people off of Medicaid and ending subsidies

Is that what Republicans are willing to run on?

I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

No. Rightwinger is right. Not one single candidate has proposed a viable alternative, not even a sketch.
It's what I have been saying here for years.

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!

This is where the bag of dicks fall on their bulbous faces. This is the dead giveaway the GOP abdicated on health care and sold us all down the single payer river decades ago.

I just love your example of a liberal education!!!!!!

Since when did a clear minority win an election????
What the fuck are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your meds today?
Also to note is that you are too cowardly to actually quote what you question.

Face it, the polls indicate that a majority of Americans wish the ACA had never been passed.

I just love your example of a liberal education!!!!!!

Since when did a clear minority win an election????
What the fuck are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your meds today?
Also to note is that you are too cowardly to actually quote what you question.

Face it, the polls indicate that a majority of Americans wish the ACA had never been passed.

What are the numbers for repeal?
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

OK ...let's go there
Kicking ten million off their insurance
Kicking 26 year olds off their parents policy
Sending people with prexisting conditions back in the open marked
Kicking people off of Medicaid and ending subsidies

Is that what Republicans are willing to run on?

I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

Excuse me then......could you please provide me with the official Republican plan? It has only been six years

I just love your example of a liberal education!!!!!!

Since when did a clear minority win an election????
What the fuck are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your meds today?
Also to note is that you are too cowardly to actually quote what you question.

Face it, the polls indicate that a majority of Americans wish the ACA had never been passed.
And your link to these polls is forthcoming, I'm sure...

I just love your example of a liberal education!!!!!!

Since when did a clear minority win an election????
What the fuck are you babbling about? Did you forget to take your meds today?
Also to note is that you are too cowardly to actually quote what you question.

Face it, the polls indicate that a majority of Americans wish the ACA had never been passed.

Excuse me for not understanding your mind-boggling stupidity right away. You wrote:

"Since when did a clear minority win an election????"

But you see, passing legislation through the US Congress is not like an election where voters go to the polls and vote. Citizens of the USA who are not actually elected to Congress (that would be most all of us) do not vote on the actual legislation.

Here, I will help your two remaining brains cells out:

A proposal is made; it is drafted into a document called a "Bill". Said bill will probably go through a number of conferences and probably be amended a number of times along the way.

Depending on the nature of the bill, it starts either in the House or the Senate, but the long and short of it is that both Houses have to pass said Bill, in identical form, with a MAJORITY vote from those who are duly elected to the Congress for the congressional term in which said bill is up for a vote. Once that is achieved, the legislation then goes to the US President, who then either signs the bill into law, or through a number of possible methods, vetos said bill.

You see, the polling on public opinion on any legislation is not what decides whether is passes. The ACTUAL VOTES on the floor of the House and the Senate decide this. So, whether you think a poll shows only minority support for Obamacare or not is totally irrelevant.

The bill passed and was signed into law, exactly according to the law of the land.

I am so sorry to hear that you dropped out of school in the 3rd grade and therefore did not learn even the most basics of civics.

But it looks like you passed a couple of trolling courses with flying colors.

So the Supreme Court says....
Hey Republicans pass your own version of HealthCare....
But when it comes to us....
We will do whatever we feel like to uphold O'Care...
Even though we probably shouldn't....

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