Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

I've actually talked to people in my congressman's office who feel they are getting ripped, I won't give you names, have you talked to any in yours.
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

No, fascists/socialists do.

Even though the overwhelming evidence shows that government controlled medicine does not work the fascists continue to believe in fairy tales.


Just love that wingnut bitterness.





I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

No. Rightwinger is right. Not one single candidate has proposed a viable alternative, not even a sketch.


The Jindal Plan

You can read the full 21-page plan document here, the 3-page Executive Summary here, Gov. Jindal’s op-ed here, and overviews from Robert Costa and Amy Goldstein at the Washington Post and Benjy Sarlin at MSNBC.

Yes There s A Republican Health Care Plan Bobby Jindal s Plan RedState
Stop and think about the math.

Obamacrae has over 3000 pages, and it's complex because Healthcare is complex.

There is no way in creation that a 21 page document can be a valid plan that will work, and can be implemented.

It's probably got the same weak tea that includes tort reform and interstate competition

Jindal is not a virgin when it comes to healthcare, from the link I provided:

Jindal is already a veteran of the healthcare wars. In 1996, he was appointed – at age 24 – as Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, running the entire state hospital system, and in 1998 he served as Executive Director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare, a Clinton-created bipartisan commission. A bipartisan majority of the commission ended up recommending a “premium support” plan for Medicare reform based on a model that Jindal had originally put together as a Congressional intern – a plan that (in varying forms) has resurfaced in Paul Ryan’s annual budget proposals. Jindal went on to work as a policy advisor to Tommy Thompson in the Bush-era Department of Health and Human Services before his tenure as a Congressman and Governor, and he’s been engaged in healthcare issues in his two terms as Governor of Louisiana. So, his plan is not merely a thrown-together campaign document, but represents his long-term thinking about how to approach healthcare.

Of course there would be details that would need working out with congress and the States, congress at this point can do nothing with maobama in office.
Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

I've actually talked to people in my congressman's office who feel they are getting ripped, I won't give you names, have you talked to any in yours.

Yup, you definitely can't back it up.
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.
Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

I've actually talked to people in my congressman's office who feel they are getting ripped, I won't give you names, have you talked to any in yours.

Yup, you definitely can't back it up.

I won't give names so ingrate fuckers like you can harass them. Fuck off.
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.
Repeal is just a pipe dream for Republicans. They will lose the Senate and the Whitehouse in 2016

When are they going to be realistic about healthcare and do something to improve it rather than just spout bullshit about repeal and replace?
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.
What is even better is that the GOP will probably make this their central issue in the next presidential election. Not only is it a dead issue, people have caught on to the fact that ACA is a good thing. Therefore, the GOP will, once again, be marching backward in lockstep!
And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

I've actually talked to people in my congressman's office who feel they are getting ripped, I won't give you names, have you talked to any in yours.

Yup, you definitely can't back it up.

I won't give names so ingrate fuckers like you can harass them. Fuck off.

I'm not asking for names because anecdotes don't say shit.
Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

It's occurred to me that it's very enjoyable watching you nutbags thrash around.


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