Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge
The scotus again rewrites the law and sucks obutholes dick. They failed their duties. Retard.
Mindless zombie-like Liberals continue adding more levels to their house of cards, and will no doubt place blame on Republicans when it eventually all comes crashing down. Just like the housing market collapse that they still blame on Bush. In the first case, the SC declared that the US gov't had the right to tax a person *simply for existing*. And in today's ruling, they declared that words do not mean what they actually mean. Like Padme said, 'this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause.'
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Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

It's occurred to me that it's very enjoyable watching you nutbags thrash around.


You are then in for a treat.

Wait until you are severe distress and need medical about a nut bag thrashing around. Make sure your folks upload the video to YOU tube

No doubt. Next time you're in the DMV, think about having these same people in charge of your healthcare. Thanks Obama...
Are you old or terminally ill?

If so, nice know'in ya!!
Speaking of. They are voting on death panels too pretty soon at the state level.

Don't worry! Sarah will save you!

I pay for my own healthcare. I'm not worried.

Then you must not need health care. As a health insurance underwriter, it was my job to decline application from anyone for health care who was ill, or pregnant.
I agree with denying for pre existing. I cant wait till I have an accident before I buy car insurance. Why should someone else get to do it with health insurance.

The problem with your statement is that a preexisting condition is considered anything you had in your past.

For example. A friend of mine had a non cancerous lump removed from one of her breasts in the 1970s.

In 2005 she lost her health insurance because she got divorced.

She was never able to get insurance because 30 years ago a non cancerous lump was removed from one of her breasts.

She went without insurance until Obamacare last year.

In that time before she was able to get Obamacare last year she ended up in the hospital near death because she didn't have insurance and when she started to feel bad, she said she would "ride it out again." The problem is that she had severe diverticulitis along with a massive infection.

She had 3 surgeries and was in the hospital for a couple of months off and on.

She ended up with a bill that was over 200 thousand dollars. She will spend the rest of her life paying that bill off. If she dies the money will be taken from her estate.

She got Obamacare when it was first made available and has not had any problems with paying for health care or prescriptions since.

Oh and when she was in the hospital for the diverticulitis the doctors found out she had a heart problem with high blood pressure. She would have died if that wasn't found and all it took was a simple pill and change of diet to correct the problem but she didn't see a doctor because she didn't have insurance nor could pay the medical bills herself.

If I were to lose my insurance and Obamacare wasn't the law of the land I would never be able to get it because I did have cancer in both of my breasts. It's gone now and I will hit the magic 5 year mark of beating cancer this coming January. But without Obamacare if I lost my insurance, no one would ever cover me.

My friend didn't cause her medical condition. I didn't cause breast cancer. But you want us to never be able to get health care again in our lives because we overcame life threatening medical conditions.

You want the same for millions of Americans. Which I believe you hate America and our citizens because you want us to never be able to see a doctor because we once beat life threatening medical conditions.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.
I'm going to have to stoop to talk radio for my gloating needs.

I was all excited about watching Bill O'Reilly lament, but he has that horribly annoying Jesse Waters hosting his show tonight. I wouldn't at all be surprised if Rush takes the day off tomorrow.

But I work at that time anyway.

Fox is talking about Confederate flags, and how black families have fewer Dads.

I'm confident that Rove and Co, Rupert Murdock, and Reince Priebus, will come up with some kind of unified message, and the fun will be on again.

All the righties I know, are acting just like SF 49ers fans did last year, tired of losing, with fond memories of recent times when they did win
Riiiight because Obamatardcare has been such a winner for Dem's at the polls lmao, you libs are hilarious. Own this turd libs own it, I'm perfectly fine using Obamatardcare to continue destroying the Democratic party for as long as this party lasts. :eusa_dance:
Riiiight because Obamatardcare has been such a winner for Dem's at the polls lmao, you libs are hilarious. Own this turd libs own it, I'm perfectly fine using Obamatardcare to continue destroying the Democratic party for as long as this party lasts. :eusa_dance:

Naive. You should know by now that this isn't how liberals are capable of thinking - libs own the ideas, but ignore the failures that follow.
Riiiight because Obamatardcare has been such a winner for Dem's at the polls lmao, you libs are hilarious. Own this turd libs own it, I'm perfectly fine using Obamatardcare to continue destroying the Democratic party for as long as this party lasts. :eusa_dance:

Naive. You should know by now that this isn't how liberals are capable of thinking - libs own the ideas, but ignore the failures that follow.

True, only one problem this time they couldn't garner a single GOP vote on this turd they own it 100%. Dem's in the last election were getting beat to hell by their constituents on Obamacare so they bitched to their leadership and Obama and forced Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for it, hilarious. It didn't save them they got the shit kicked out of them at the polls anyway.
Another piss-poor decision from the Roberts court. They find ambiguity where none exists, then correct the ambiguity.

Scalia's dissenting opinion is dead-on.


Nope. Was fully expected.

Sure...tell us another lie.

Perhaps you could explain in detail how it's a lie. Use references from the suit and the decision.
Riiiight because Obamatardcare has been such a winner for Dem's at the polls lmao, you libs are hilarious. Own this turd libs own it, I'm perfectly fine using Obamatardcare to continue destroying the Democratic party for as long as this party lasts. :eusa_dance:

Naive. You should know by now that this isn't how liberals are capable of thinking - libs own the ideas, but ignore the failures that follow.

True, only one problem this time they couldn't garner a single GOP vote on this turd they own it 100%. Dem's in the last election were getting beat to hell by their constituents on Obamacare so they bitched to their leadership and Obama and forced Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for it, hilarious. It didn't save them they got the shit kicked out of them at the polls anyway.

I just realized that my earlier response was not correct, and I acknowledge it and would like to apologize. What I should have said was 'libs own the ideas, but then blame the failures that follow on republicans/Bush.'
Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

It's occurred to me that it's very enjoyable watching you nutbags thrash around.


You are then in for a treat.

Wait until you are severe distress and need medical about a nut bag thrashing around. Make sure your folks upload the video to YOU tube

No doubt. Next time you're in the DMV, think about having these same people in charge of your healthcare. Thanks Obama...
Let ne be completely honest, about the good and bad things about Obamacare.

Consider this a communique from the trenches, written by me, someone who spends the day on the phone, talking with people in a red state, who have Obamacare plans, and problems that people actually have.

By far the biggest problem...the customer service people at the federal healthcare exchange, and the half remedied enrollment procedures 75% of them perform poorly.

When you call the exchange, not one single representative uses their real names, and nobody has a direct phone number to call back. That means every time you call, you get a different person. I have made calls with our policy holders, and taken copious notes, and when I call back, the next rep will say they can't find any details noted by the rep I heard with my own ears...usually to the detriment of the issue the policy holder is trying to resolve.

Worse yet, if the exchange rep misinforms you, and that causes cancellations, and rate corrections resulting in higher premiums, the list of "valid appeal reasons" doesn't include most scenarios that actually happen. That list consists of a small number of situations common during the web site problems from last year!

I've seen people get screwed big time by the exchange customer service, even when they practiced all due diligence to pay their bills, and try to be covered.

More to follow as the battle progresses
Riiiight because Obamatardcare has been such a winner for Dem's at the polls lmao, you libs are hilarious. Own this turd libs own it, I'm perfectly fine using Obamatardcare to continue destroying the Democratic party for as long as this party lasts. :eusa_dance:

Naive. You should know by now that this isn't how liberals are capable of thinking - libs own the ideas, but ignore the failures that follow.

True, only one problem this time they couldn't garner a single GOP vote on this turd they own it 100%. Dem's in the last election were getting beat to hell by their constituents on Obamacare so they bitched to their leadership and Obama and forced Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for it, hilarious. It didn't save them they got the shit kicked out of them at the polls anyway.

I just realized that my earlier response was not correct, and I acknowledge it and would like to apologize. What I should have said was 'libs own the ideas, but then blame the failures that follow on republicans/Bush.'

Well we saw that all through their dear leader Obama's six years. nothing was his fault. HE Inherited all his failures because of Bush. Even though the puke applied and campaigned for the job. Nothing was still ever his fault. but he did get Bin Laden and they spiked that mans head a million times trying to make him not a
it was comical .

they still won't accept. the majority of the people DISAPPROVES of him AND so much so, they kicked his party out of Control of Congress and gave it the Republicans after only SIX years of his reign of terror over us. AND OSCAMCARE was one of those reasons
Riiiight because Obamatardcare has been such a winner for Dem's at the polls lmao, you libs are hilarious. Own this turd libs own it, I'm perfectly fine using Obamatardcare to continue destroying the Democratic party for as long as this party lasts. :eusa_dance:

Naive. You should know by now that this isn't how liberals are capable of thinking - libs own the ideas, but ignore the failures that follow.

True, only one problem this time they couldn't garner a single GOP vote on this turd they own it 100%. Dem's in the last election were getting beat to hell by their constituents on Obamacare so they bitched to their leadership and Obama and forced Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for it, hilarious. It didn't save them they got the shit kicked out of them at the polls anyway.

I just realized that my earlier response was not correct, and I acknowledge it and would like to apologize. What I should have said was 'libs own the ideas, but then blame the failures that follow on republicans/Bush.'

Well we saw that all through their dear leader Obama's six years. nothing was his fault. HE Inherited all his failures because of Bush. Even though the puke applied and campaigned for the job. Nothing was still ever his fault. but he did get Bin Laden and they spiked that mans head a million times trying to make him not a
it was comical .

they still won't accept. the majority of the people DISAPPROVES of him AND so much so, they kicked his party out of Control of Congress and gave it the Republicans after only SIX years of his reign of terror over us. AND OSCAMCARE was one of those reasons

The left, desperate and in denial have like 5 different conspiracy theories why losing control of congress didn't mean anything. You have to wonder how much more of an historical ass whooping they would have to take before it sinks in.
It's hysterical to read these threads.

1. The GOP lost this battle a long time ago. You'd think they'd learn that you can't talk out both sides of your mouth and expect to be successful long term. They are no more interested in the subject than the man on the moon.

2. The Democratic Party somehow sees this as a victory. I guess you could kid yourself into believing all these "newly insured" are going to guarantee your seat in the White House for years to come. When funding really won't own the house for a long time and guess what ?

Nobody has won anything.

It's a decision and tomorrow both sides will go about thinking about how to better screw the American People just like they've done for the last 20 years.
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge

The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.

I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)
Another thread on this ! The OP is one original dude !

The only other thread I saw had a different slant.......I'm sure you're just pissed cause you don't like to see it in print........Obamacare is here to stay....:)
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge
The scotus again rewrites the law and sucks obutholes dick. They failed their duties. Retard.

It's about time you opponents realize that you are the retards.

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