Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
And like SS, it pays for itself.

Same is true of health care insurance and all other kinds of insurance as well.

Medicare turns down more people than private insurance. Now that insurance has become more of a government agency, I suspect more will be turned down

Unless you have some evidence, any credibility you might have had, and that is very little, is gone:

When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you:

  • Collect or qualify to collect Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits

  • You are a current US resident and either
    • A US citizen or
    • A permanent US resident having lived in the US for 5 continuous years before you apply for Medicare
How you enroll at age 65 depends on whether or not you are already receiving Social Security retirement benefits or Railroad Retirement benefits.

How much you have to pay for your Medicare coverage depends on your work history (if and how long you have paid Medicare taxes). Everyone has to pay a monthly premium for their medical insurance (Part B). Most people with Medicare get their hospital insurance (Part A) premium-free.

For questions regarding Medicare eligibility, call the Medicare Rights Center's free national helpline at 800-333-4114.

I don have one question, did you lie knowingly, or are you just a parrot who repeats the bullshit you hear form Lush Limbaugh or Shun Hannity?
There are a few other medicare qualifying events.

If you are diagnosed with end stage renal disease, or if you've been on disability for 2 years, as long as you remain on it after that.

Medicare is not for people outside of the qualifiers you, and I mentioned.

If you have those qualifications, nobody gets turned down.

There are higher premiums though, for people who are retired, but still have high non retirement income.

But in reality, most medicare folks have somewhere around $90-$110 taken out of their social security checks every month, which is a screaming deal for medical insurance
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Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Last I checked, the poor were getting health care before Obamacare.

Oh, yes, by going to the ER and then it had cost about 50 grand. Smart policy. NOT.
I used to go to my local doctor, cost me $50.

I still go to my local doctor, and it still costs me $10.00
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


Can we finally quit calling this court a conservative court since they based their ruling on "feelings" rather than law?

Some conservatives actually have a conscience

All conservatives have a conscience, that's why they believe in the rule of law and word those laws carefully. The liberals are lucky the court threw out the rule book and forgave their sloppy law writing because it made them "feel" good.

Do you have any evidence that "all conservatives have a conscience" I doubt very much that callous conservatives do, or those who say, "let 'em die".
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.

Of course the GOP is not serious about this. They know that Obamacare works and they hate Obama for having gotten this legislation shepherded through Congress. They have only been making ugly noises to satisfy the red-meat eating frothers on the fringe.

It doesn't work, you lying moron. Premiums have doubled, deductibles have doubled, coverage has been reduced, doctors are leaving medicine. But big pharma remains fat and happy. I thought you libs hated evil rich corporations.

I agree. People are paying more for their benefits and the deductables are beyond belief.

My benefits went up by 30% through my employer and it all because of that fucking ACA. We will be paying for our benefits plus every freeloader in America who can't pay for him or herself. Such a deal for we taxpayers.

One has to wonder how anyone with a working brain thinks the ACA is good unless of course the rest of us are paying for his/her hc benefits. All that free stuff after all.

Do you have any evidence to support your conclusions?
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


Can we finally quit calling this court a conservative court since they based their ruling on "feelings" rather than law?

Some conservatives actually have a conscience

All conservatives have a conscience, that's why they believe in the rule of law and word those laws carefully. The liberals are lucky the court threw out the rule book and forgave their sloppy law writing because it made them "feel" good.

Do you have any evidence that "all conservatives have a conscience" I doubt very much that callous conservatives do, or those who say, "let 'em die".
Barry Goldwater's book, "The Conscious of the Conservative" doesn't even make the claim that conservatives are the only ones who have one.

I for one, am as furious with the GOP today, as Goldwater was with the post Watergate/Family Values GOP of the 70's and very early 80's. Those Fox News Republicans and Tea Partiers have taken the party for a ride, and I don't recognize the terrain that ride took us to. They say they want traditional values, but their twist on things is actually quite new, and bears no resemblance to the party of Lincoln, TR, Eisenhower, and even Reagan in many ways
Reap what you sew.
House bill would force the Supreme Court to enroll in ObamaCare TheHill
Force these assholes to accept the same shit they are forcing the citizens to accept.

Thats sow

After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?
what does a same sex marriage do to inflict harm on anyones lifestyle? none.
I dont get it or agree with it, but as long as Im not forced to marry someone of the same sex, it has no bearing on my life. Why does the left keep bringing up gay marriage all the time. Its a non issue to most.
Reap what you sew.
House bill would force the Supreme Court to enroll in ObamaCare TheHill
Force these assholes to accept the same shit they are forcing the citizens to accept.

Thats sow

After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?
If justices perform real marriages now, then those same justices will have to perform same sex marriage. Whats the question here? why the confusion
Reap what you sew.
House bill would force the Supreme Court to enroll in ObamaCare TheHill
Force these assholes to accept the same shit they are forcing the citizens to accept.

Thats sow

After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?
what does a same sex marriage do to inflict harm on anyones lifestyle? none.
I dont get it or agree with it, but as long as Im not forced to marry someone of the same sex, it has no bearing on my life. Why does the left keep bringing up gay marriage all the time. Its a non issue to most.
It's a huge issue for gays. Who, as you pointed out, are the only one's affected by people meddling in their lives based on what happens behind the closed door of their bedrooms
Actually it is an issue because the far right wants to run its fascist rule on morality in America.

Let them be quiet, and it becomes a non issue.

Do not victimize the victim, marylandpatriot.
This is what happens when a dictator threatens the lives of the justices.


Actually it is an issue because the far right wants to run its fascist rule on morality in America.

Let them be quiet, and it becomes a non issue.

Do not victimize the victim, marylandpatriot.
The position the right holds on gay marriage is quite counter intuitive to the Libertarian movement within the GOP.

I'm disappointed in how they want to apply Christian values to social issues, but the social platform the GOP churns out is anything but hands off...whether it's abortion, or gay marriage
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...
Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.


Yeah are delusional at the very least.
After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...
Why does it need to be replaced. I had no complaints with the way it was before the socialists started messing with the coverage.
just get rid of obamacare 100% and put things back the way they were, maybe change it so you at least have to be a citizen to secure care. that would save billions right there.
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...
Another liberal not good at math... Obama care screwed over 300 million plus Americans so a little 6 million could get health care? When they already had it by going to the ER?

Another question ? Why are Americans so sick? I never understood this?

Have not been to a quak in over 20 years, what is wrong with you people?

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