Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

It's occurred to me that it's very enjoyable watching you nutbags thrash around.


You are then in for a treat.

Wait until you are severe distress and need medical about a nut bag thrashing around. Make sure your folks upload the video to YOU tube

Quit yelling.........your comments are not that profound.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...
Another liberal not good at math... Obama care screwed over 300 million plus Americans so a little 6 million could get health care? When they already had it by going to the ER?

Another question ? Why are Americans so sick? I never understood this?

Have not been to a quak in over 20 years, what is wrong with you people?

300 million in your head? Show the proof.....a bunch of conservatives squawking because they are paying more (because what they had before was actually worthless but they were unaware of it) for a whole lot more of care doesn't mean that 300 got screwed....they just didn't know what they had.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.
After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....

Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.
This indeed a terrible week for Fox News Republicans and Tea Partiers, now the gheys will be running around free, and they can't cure them.

Sorry, that was tenuously positioned, but inevitably, off topic
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After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....

Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....

Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
More denial that the country is moving away from the religious right and their intolerance
In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...
Another liberal not good at math... Obama care screwed over 300 million plus Americans so a little 6 million could get health care? When they already had it by going to the ER?

Another question ? Why are Americans so sick? I never understood this?

Have not been to a quak in over 20 years, what is wrong with you people?

300 million in your head? Show the proof.....a bunch of conservatives squawking because they are paying more (because what they had before was actually worthless but they were unaware of it) for a whole lot more of care doesn't mean that 300 got screwed....they just didn't know what they had.
You just don't understand ( I am trying to be nice)

I have not bothered to get health care from my employers for the past 20 years, I take care of my self, don't take risk, if I get hurt at work, it's on there dime not mine.

I take care of myself, always aware of safety.

I know females have their problems and needs, I don't mind helping paying for that because that's just biology, what I have a problem with, is people just being out right reckless with their health.

That's what I have a problem with.

Why should I pay for your mistakes in life?

Why should I pay?

When if a cut for me is solved with a little $3 bucks fishing wire and some super glue?

Obama care don't even cover dental or vision.
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After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....

Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
More denial that the country is moving away from the religious right and their intolerance

I think the court is reflecting that as are the voters

Tough times for the religious right
Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening.

It is a conservative court stacked by Republicans

It was a petty lawsuit based on a convoluted interpretation of a phrase taken out of context

You guys LOST

You have lost repeatedly and have no way to win other than cooperate with the other side to get the changes that you want

no, the country lost.
After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....

Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
More denial that the country is moving away from the religious right and their intolerance

I think the court is reflecting that as are the voters

Tough times for the religious right

if two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or three women, or two men and six women. What possible argument can the court make to deny multiple marriage now that it has condoned same sex marriage?
apples and oranges. Don't obfuscate the issue with this nonsense... it makes you look silly....

Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
More denial that the country is moving away from the religious right and their intolerance

I think the court is reflecting that as are the voters

Tough times for the religious right

if two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or three women, or two men and six women. What possible argument can the court make to deny multiple marriage now that it has condoned same sex marriage?

If you want to fight for the right of three men and three women to marry you are free to do it

Gay marriage took about twenty better get started
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

Bullshit. Perhaps in the up your ass bizarro world you live in where up is down and wet is dry. As Scalia pointed out in the dissent, Roberts had to do "somersaults of statutory interpretation". You know it's true. Everyone knows it's true. Scalia also said, "It is up to our country's elected lawmakers, not to its unelected judges, to repair statutes that have unintended consequences or that do not work out in practice." That is true as well. The court's job is not to legislate from the bench by forgiving 'oopsies" passed into law. Perhaps we shouldn't have had to pass it to find out what's in it ala Pelosi. Had it seen the light of day and been debated rather than passed by a slick maneuver by Reid, it wouldn't be challenged in court.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.

It hurts or will hurt our country. Time will reveal that....
I just really cant see how.
can you expand on that and explain it to me? Like I said earlier, I dont actually support it, but the reality is that it does not affect me, its not going to keep me from Heaven when I die, its not going to cost me. And to be honest, the gays I do know are pretty much decent people and I dont have a problem with them either. Why, I have even let them in my house, and gone out to dinner with them. Im still straight and undamaged
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening.

On Obamacare John Roberts helps overthrow the Constitution - The Washington Post

"The Roberts Doctrine facilitates what has been for a century progressivism’s central objective, the overthrow of the Constitution’s architecture. The separation of powers impedes progressivism by preventing government from wielding uninhibited power. Such power would result if its branches behaved as partners in harness rather than as wary, balancing rivals maintaining constitutional equipoise.
Roberts says “we must respect the role of the Legislature” but “[A] fair reading of legislation demands a fair understanding of the legislative plan.” However, he goes beyond “understanding” the plan; he adopts a legislator’s role in order to rescue the legislature’s plan from the consequences of the legislature’s dubious decisions. By blurring, to the point of erasure, constitutional boundaries, he damages all institutions, not least his court."
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


What healthcare?
Obamcare is not healthcare.
It is mandated insurance. BIG difference.
Even at that, it isn't really insurance either. Basically, and primarily it is government mandated payments for nothing in return.
Congratulations on that.

Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

Before ACA who in the USA was denied healthcare? Answer: NO ONE.

Many, many people could not afford to go to a doctor. Should I see a doctor about this cough or pay the electric bill?
I guess, I can go a little longer <cough> <cough>

people who could not pay were treated for free at the ER or a free clinic. Yes, it was a little inconvenient, but thats the price for getting it free.

the rest of us paid for those who could not pay. obozocare works exactly the same way except that now we payers also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

If you call that progress, then you are no smarter than a garden slug.
The insurance premiums we pay for the poor are 1,000 times cheaper than the ER care.
Its the same vindictive legislation

If you like Obamacare so much.....why don't you have it?
If you like Same Sex Marriage so much....why don't you do it?
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
More denial that the country is moving away from the religious right and their intolerance

I think the court is reflecting that as are the voters

Tough times for the religious right

if two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or three women, or two men and six women. What possible argument can the court make to deny multiple marriage now that it has condoned same sex marriage?

If you want to fight for the right of three men and three women to marry you are free to do it

Gay marriage took about twenty better get started

Its not my fight, idiot. and it won't take 20 years or even 20 months. The ACLU is preparing the case as we speak.

So tell me, what argument can the court use to deny marriage to three men who love each other and want to legally commit to each other?

This country is going down the tubes and liberalism is the cause, and you silly assholes are celebrating the death of your country. pathetic.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare.

Ahahaha you fools still don't get it, the passing of Obamacare was a major victory for conservatives. Its the gift that just keeps on giving spewing liberal failure like a fire hydrant. I love that. Look what it did to the Democratic party, it demolished it. What's not to love. Obamacare will eventually fail, in the mean time the more Democrats it destroys the better! :eusa_dance:
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

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