Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

What healthcare?
Obamcare is not healthcare.
It is mandated insurance. BIG difference.
Even at that, it isn't really insurance either. Basically, and primarily it is government mandated payments for nothing in return.
Congratulations on that.

Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

Before ACA who in the USA was denied healthcare? Answer: NO ONE.

Many, many people could not afford to go to a doctor. Should I see a doctor about this cough or pay the electric bill?
I guess, I can go a little longer <cough> <cough>

people who could not pay were treated for free at the ER or a free clinic. Yes, it was a little inconvenient, but thats the price for getting it free.

the rest of us paid for those who could not pay. obozocare works exactly the same way except that now we payers also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

If you call that progress, then you are no smarter than a garden slug.
The insurance premiums we pay for the poor are 1,000 times cheaper than the ER care.

They still go to the ER, you fricken moron. We are now paying for both.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

these left wing idiots want a dictatorial monarchy, what they don't seem to understand is that the next dictator will be a conservative Christian.
Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening.

On Obamacare John Roberts helps overthrow the Constitution - The Washington Post

"The Roberts Doctrine facilitates what has been for a century progressivism’s central objective, the overthrow of the Constitution’s architecture. The separation of powers impedes progressivism by preventing government from wielding uninhibited power. Such power would result if its branches behaved as partners in harness rather than as wary, balancing rivals maintaining constitutional equipoise.
Roberts says “we must respect the role of the Legislature” but “[A] fair reading of legislation demands a fair understanding of the legislative plan.” However, he goes beyond “understanding” the plan; he adopts a legislator’s role in order to rescue the legislature’s plan from the consequences of the legislature’s dubious decisions. By blurring, to the point of erasure, constitutional boundaries, he damages all institutions, not least his court."
From your link to Will's op ed

"Thursday’s decision demonstrates how easily, indeed inevitably, judicial deference becomes judicial dereliction, with anticonstitutional consequences. We are, says William R. Maurer of the Institute for Justice, becoming “a country in which all the branches of government work in tandem to achieve policy outcomes, instead of checking one another to protect individual rights. Besides violating the separation of powers, this approach raises serious issues about whether litigants before the courts are receiving the process that is due to them under the Constitution.”"

And, there it is in a nutshell. The rub is the Court ALREADY determined the policy outcome was constitutional: Congress may tax and regulate the HC insurance market to make it "better." The plaintiffs' case was not really about statutory construction, because that issue is actually pretty simple. Rather, the goal was to have another shot at the policy, or liberty interest in the individual mandate, and that had already been decided.
I just really cant see how.
can you expand on that and explain it to me? Like I said earlier, I dont actually support it, but the reality is that it does not affect me, its not going to keep me from Heaven when I die, its not going to cost me. And to be honest, the gays I do know are pretty much decent people and I dont have a problem with them either. Why, I have even let them in my house, and gone out to dinner with them. Im still straight and undamaged

Nations that have become liberalized where sexual immorality and Godlessness are the "rule" fail. It's backed up by history. More importantly, God as said it is so.....

My eternal destination is secure, but we have the duty and responsibility to stand up for God and to be a light to the unsaved and the backslidden.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


Can we finally quit calling this court a conservative court since they based their ruling on "feelings" rather than law?

Some conservatives actually have a conscience

All conservatives have a conscience, that's why they believe in the rule of law and word those laws carefully. The liberals are lucky the court threw out the rule book and forgave their sloppy law writing because it made them "feel" good.

Do you have any evidence that "all conservatives have a conscience" I doubt very much that callous conservatives do, or those who say, "let 'em die".

Sure, they don't believe in murdering unborn babies out of convenience. Do you have any evidence that liberals have a conscience?
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

Be careful what you wish for.....
these left wing idiots want a dictatorial monarchy, what they don't seem to understand is that the next dictator will be a conservative Christian.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


Can we finally quit calling this court a conservative court since they based their ruling on "feelings" rather than law?

Some conservatives actually have a conscience

All conservatives have a conscience, that's why they believe in the rule of law and word those laws carefully. The liberals are lucky the court threw out the rule book and forgave their sloppy law writing because it made them "feel" good.

Do you have any evidence that "all conservatives have a conscience" I doubt very much that callous conservatives do, or those who say, "let 'em die".

Sure, they don't believe in murdering unborn babies out of convenience. Do you have any evidence that liberals have a conscience?

I posted information about a HUMAN BEING at 5 weeks on the Stephen King Message Board and it created a veritable "sh*t storm" - like how dare I bring that up, and hateful/hurtful etc. I'm sorry, it's the truth. Deal with it. It's MURDER plain and simple. Hell.. it might even be a future LIBERAL or HOMOSEXUAL!!!
They are not the same.
obamacare is going to financially ruin millions of people while leaving them without healthcare.
same sex marriage does not affect anyone in any way other than some misguided emotional feeling.
can you name one program that the government has not run into the ground? anything?
what makes you think this wealth redistribution plan is going to work any better.
More denial that the country is moving away from the religious right and their intolerance

I think the court is reflecting that as are the voters

Tough times for the religious right

if two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or three women, or two men and six women. What possible argument can the court make to deny multiple marriage now that it has condoned same sex marriage?

If you want to fight for the right of three men and three women to marry you are free to do it

Gay marriage took about twenty better get started

Its not my fight, idiot. and it won't take 20 years or even 20 months. The ACLU is preparing the case as we speak.

So tell me, what argument can the court use to deny marriage to three men who love each other and want to legally commit to each other?

This country is going down the tubes and liberalism is the cause, and you silly assholes are celebrating the death of your country. pathetic.

Gay marriage took about 20 years to fight
They have been fighting for Polygamy for 160 years

Doesn't look like the slippery slope is working
Ahahaha you fools still don't get it, the passing of Obamacare was a major victory for conservatives. Its the gift that just keeps on giving spewing liberal failure like a fire hydrant. I love that. Look what it did to the Democratic party, it demolished it. What's not to love. Obamacare will eventually fail, in the mean time the more Democrats it destroys the better! :eusa_dance:
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Actually it is an issue because the far right wants to run its fascist rule on morality in America.

Let them be quiet, and it becomes a non issue.

Do not victimize the victim, marylandpatriot.
The position the right holds on gay marriage is quite counter intuitive to the Libertarian movement within the GOP.

I'm disappointed in how they want to apply Christian values to social issues, but the social platform the GOP churns out is anything but hands off...whether it's abortion, or gay marriage

Not just Christian values. The basic definition and understanding of marriage has been consistent between virtually all religions and cultures since before recorded history. Of course, today's culture is all about coopting and changing terms like "marriage" or "state" to mean something totally different from the historical meaning in an effort to legitimize an agenda.
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?

We bitch slapped the fools the last 3 elections in a row.
Butthurt much?

Not being able to afford healthcare is still healthcare
While I would love single is the best we can get....For now

Before ACA who in the USA was denied healthcare? Answer: NO ONE.

Many, many people could not afford to go to a doctor. Should I see a doctor about this cough or pay the electric bill?
I guess, I can go a little longer <cough> <cough>

people who could not pay were treated for free at the ER or a free clinic. Yes, it was a little inconvenient, but thats the price for getting it free.

the rest of us paid for those who could not pay. obozocare works exactly the same way except that now we payers also have to pay for a huge inefficient govt beaurocracy.

If you call that progress, then you are no smarter than a garden slug.
The insurance premiums we pay for the poor are 1,000 times cheaper than the ER care.

They still go to the ER, you fricken moron. We are now paying for both.
1%ers like you sure whine a lot about kicking in a few bucks for the poor. Like you're just not going to be able to get by on the millions you have left. But I don't hear you crying about the trillion$ tax payers have to come up with for the industrial military contractors....I guess that's silly, I'm sure you have millions in those stocks. And I probably pay more in taxes than you. But still you don't mind giving billions to Iraqis and Afghans, and still manage to begrudge your own fellow Americans. What a patriot you are. Pft!
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?

We bitch slapped the fools the last 3 elections in a row.
If that were true were is President Romney? Why did Repub's not get control of the Senate until the last election?
Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?

We bitch slapped the fools the last 3 elections in a row.
If that were true were is President Romney? Why did Repub's not get control of the Senate until the last election?

It seems like I have to explain this to you idiots weekly. 2010 was an epic beating. Then in 2012 with a black president on the ballot lying his freaking ass off and the MSM in full on biased support Dem's only scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2010, that's a sad showing. Then in 2014 after the people figured out Obama had lied to them they bitch slapped the Democrats bad in another historic ass kicking and they lost the Senate. The Democratic party is in shambles and its only going to get worse as we continue to milk the gift that keeps on giving Obamacare. That Dems own 100% of that turd and continue to flee from it in terror is hilarious.

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